How to improve the emotional competence
Dar emotionally responsive to the feelings of others is called empathy. A man capable of such compassion in the highest degree can put yourself in another person. In a business environment empathy causes constructive engagement consultant with a client. Empathy involves entry into the personal world of another and stay in it "at home". It includes the constant sensitivity to changing emotions of the communication partner. It's like a temporary "getting used" the inner world of another person, delicate stay in it without evaluation and condemnation. This means capturing the fact that another man he hardly recognizes.
However, no attempt to discover the unconscious feelings, because they can be traumatic. Must also post your impressions about the feelings of others, when you calmly observe from those elements that excite or frighten your interlocutor. Be empatichnym - means to be responsible, proactive, strong and at the same time - a delicate and sensitive. A man sensitive to the emotions of other people can hear, see and take account of other emotions, to understand the views of people who think differently. Traditionally it is believed that women are better than men can feel the emotional state of another person. Interpersonal skills involves a positive life attitude person, ability to get along with people, to smooth out conflicts, the ability to listen and understand, as well as talent to manage relationships and adapt to the team.
Change in emotional state
What thoughts, images, and actions associated you with negative emotions? Transform the cause of negativity by your imagination. Imagine what effect would this cause in other circumstances. Describe the results in the diary. What thoughts or actions you can call the cause of his depressed state? Were you able to lift your spirits? Congratulate yourself, if you did it! Otherwise, do not worry. If you repeat the exercise you will certainly be able to bring their emotional state in the right direction. Lack of modern manager emotional intelligence (or emotional intelligence) can be a huge obstacle on the path to prosperity. So how can this obstacle be overcome?
Emotional competence
Studies have confirmed that the most successful executives have a high level of self-consciousness, self-management, and other personal qualities and social skills within the concept of emotional competence. Emotional competence begins to develop early intellectual intelligence. Its components such as self-confidence, self-esteem appear in the child when he successfully cope with difficult, showing independence and achieve results. Thus, the characteristic features which distinguish outstanding managers, has been found. Psychologists have proved that Emotional Intelligence as technical skill, we can develop and improve.
Nevertheless, in contrast to technical abilities, the channel coupling in the brain responsible for social and emotional competence differ from those that govern the scientific knowledge and training. Managers can be divided into several key types. These include: "creative", "not without talent," "wavering," novice "and" tyrants. " Based on this classification, psychologists give the following recommendations of senior management:
• determine which of the above categories belong to middle manager who has not developed emotional competence;
• In accordance with these conclusions organize trainings.
'Creativity' in every possible way to give a bonus, to learn from him and invite him to share experiences and ideas in educational programs and training. "Tyrant" is necessary to contain and keep its operation under control. Teach it makes no sense. Such a manager is appropriate to use where the authoritarian style of management is justified by specific performance, and limit its clear rules under which he must act. "First grader" after the initial training and gain experience will likely prove himself and will join one of the previously mentioned categories. Talking about development is meaningful only for the categories of "budding" and "skeptic". They need to learn and acquire the necessary skills. But for those managers and should be developing special training such as team building, forming groups, etc.
How to increase emotional intelligence? to increase emotional intelligence do not need anything complex. Develop the IQ is much more difficult. In Russia at the moment there are a large number of programs and trainings that can help develop emotional competence of staff in business circles. The development of emotional competence in modern conditions may not be the best way to affect business, especially if the owner performs the functions of chief. Such a person, in the long run is more humane and softer, which has a negative impact on business. That is, a manager loses business acumen since beginning a deeper understanding of their goals and motivations, as well as to empathize with subordinates. Emotions evoke deeper ideas, it can inspire a new venture, he begins to find meaning in the new business.
Therefore, employees who are in constant business contact should be similar in terms of competence, to the emotional circle. Otherwise the head is shifted to a new search.
Emotional world of some people, like the scrappy closet, gathering dust in which memories of the past, unfulfilled hopes and dreams. Psychologists strongly recommend: do not suppress a stormy joy, cry, when you want it, at least when no one sees you! And remember that laugh - it's the best cure for any troubles. To you filled mostly constructive emotions, try regularly to do what you like. Immediately think of something from which you want to smile. The man has tremendous potential to rejoice:
• go to the Children's World ", choose the vending toy and buy it;
• have fun at a party jam (original compositions), inviting old friends and dance to your favorite recordings. And then pick up a homeless kitten and under his rumbling eat sweets;
• find a "magic wand", dressed in a magician and make a wish;
• inflating balloons and launch them to the clouds;
• periodically to skate and swing, to attend children's rides yin to think about what kind of reaction your behavior causes others;
• tell tales to children. And you and them, this pastime takes a lot of positive emotions;
Go to • circus performances;
• Share in the company's card tricks. Glory David Copperfield may have threatened, but you gain inner freedom and become more confident.