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How to increase the lower the stress level in a team

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How to increase the lower the stress level in a team?

Most often struggle with stress harms passivity. People with the lowest adaptive capacity, it occurs most often. The body can not cope with the workload, so stress is born. Appears state of helplessness, hopelessness, depression. But this stress response may be temporary. A man can compensate for the stress of alcohol, women - crying. To adapt to the prevailing extreme conditions, it is necessary to actively fight and, above all, right to use the experience already stressful experiences. Need to remember and to analyze the situation: the causes and circumstances of their origin, to evaluate the behavior and actions and his associates.

After analyzing the situation need to develop an action plan. Man is able to operate successfully if it does not have a specific purpose and a plan to achieve it. At first you might think that you know nothing and can not do anything. But if you divide the task into its components, it turns out that much you will be able to fix it. For this we need to ask yourself a clear installation as possible to act in stressful situations. The ideal would be a situation where performance is at the highest possible level, and anxiety - at the lowest possible. To accomplish this, executives, managers and other employees of the organization must learn to overcome anxiety in themselves. How to lower stress levels in a team?

Professional ways to deal with stress
1.Umeyte prioritize workflow. Something priority must be placed at the forefront and make it as soon as possible, that can wait to make later on, as well as the business plan for the future.

2.Nauchites say "no" when you are physically or psychologically, you will not be able to take on more work. Explain to her boss that you understand the need for the task. Then describe the specific priorities of work, over which the current work. If the leadership of puzzles you performing the new office job, you should ask what kind of work may suffer, so that the new task was completed on time.

3.Naladte productive and trusted relationship with your boss. Understand their problems and help him realize yours. Teach your boss to respect your priorities, your professional workload and give you a reasonable job.

4.Do not agree with your boss or anyone who begins to exhibit the contradictory demands. Explain why these requirements are like a "double-edged sword." Ask for an opinion of interested people to somehow justify the situation. But in any case not show anger, do not choose an aggressive stance, even if these requirements lead to huge problems for you.

6.Obsudite with your boss why you have no desire to work. Remember, do not occupy the position of complaining. Explain that you are - a supporter of productive work that requires time commitment and enthusiasm, because what would like to have the opportunity to participate in other activities.

7.Ezhednevno find time to relax. Close to five minutes the door, pick up and lean on something to his feet, totally relax and forget about professional matters. Think of a pleasant, interesting images call to refresh the brain. Get out from time to time from the office to change the situation or thinking. Do not dine there, and do not linger long after the end of the day.

8.Soblyudayte daily routine, try to stick to a healthy diet. Get up at least half an hour earlier and do exercises.

An exit strategy from the stressful situation

Care of the stressful circumstances - the quickest and easiest option. If you notice increased anxiety while drinking lots of coffee and smoke a lot (caffeine and nicotine increases anxiety) - the most logical would be to reduce the consumption of coffee and possibly give up smoking. An exit strategy from the problem also has the advantage that there is no need for psychological help. It all depends on your own decision. Do not always have such an opportunity. There are problems which can not or do not want to leave. There are problems which can not leave (such as those associated with character, with attitudes and attitude to anything, etc.). In such cases, the most correct strategy will change the problem or change of attitude towards the problem. Of course, it is better first to try to change the problem.

Strategy of changing attitudes to the problem

And if you have seen different reactions to different situations? Many people react calmly to the strong wind, go to sleep without fear of noise. And at another time awake by a knock on the door and start to act up. All depends on the possibility of human influence on this situation. Is the power of man to order the winds die down? Therefore, nothing can be done, will have to put ... But to influence the opening and closing doors, or at least throw out their emotions to the incoming person - it is in human power. When choosing the second or third strategy is very effective it may be a psychologist or therapist. There are dozens of different methods of psychotherapy, which allow you to quickly and successfully cope with anxiety.

Gathering information to solve the problem

Determine what the problem is, then make a step towards its solution. Define two kinds of problems:

1) is the situation, but the intended targets are not achieved;

2) potential. In this case you notice a problem when you realize - that something can be done to capitalize on the opportunity.

Give a complete definition of the problem sometimes is not easy, since all parts of the organization are interrelated. Activities for sales managers, for example, affect the performance of vendors, consultants and others, R & D department and any other person in the company. In a large organization can a large number of such interdependencies. In connection with this problem is to correctly identify means to resolve it in half, but in the organizational structures it is difficult to apply.

Identification of the problem in a general form

The first phase in determining the complex issue - the recognition and the establishment of signs of difficulty or potential. Some common signs of failure in the functioning of the organization - low income, sales, productivity and quality, excessive costs, the numerous conflicts in the organization and a large staff turnover. Usually several of these symptoms are accompanied by each other. Excessive costs and low profits, for example, are often inseparable. Identifying destructive features helps define the problem in general form. This greatly reduces the factors that are worth paying attention to the management system. Low profitability also has the support of many factors. Therefore, it is generally advisable to avoid immediate action to correct this trait, which tend to some leaders.

Identifying the causes of the problem

To identify the causes of the problem you need to collect and analyze the required internal and external information. Such information can be collected based on formal methods using, for example, outside the organization analysis of the market, but inside it - a computer analysis of financial statements, interviews, an invitation to management consultants, or employee surveys. Studying the communication process, psychological factors are usually somewhat distorted information. The existence of problems can cause stress and anxiety, enhances distortion. If employees believe that management of the company prone to seek the cause of trouble in them, they consciously or unconsciously present information more favorably describing their positions. If the manager does not encourage honesty, employees can simply tell what he wants to hear their boss. It also stresses the importance of maintaining good mental mikroklimatav organization.
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