How to keep your child a positive self-esteem?
A child with a strong sense of self-esteem refers favorably to others, we suffer as our own and other people's weaknesses. Arrogance or selfishness are often the result of insufficient self-esteem - feeling no confidence in himself, the child may behave aggressively and arrogantly, defending himself against what he perceives as aggression or the superiority of others.
How to keep your child a positive self-esteem? The most effective way - to help your child discover their strengths. Sometimes the obvious makings of such a child may have a wonderful voice and a good sense of rhythm. Often less visible capacity, but they just are. For example, some children are remarkably sensitive to the difficulties of others. Others have a good imagination to help them find new solutions to problems. In the third baby, good-natured character.
• Develop the strengths instead of correcting weaknesses - another positive strategy.
• Help your child see how strong (primarily) and the weaknesses of others. Do not hide your weaknesses. Often treated with humor toward their weaknesses.
Importantly - an initiative
Children will not be able to discover and use their internal resources and experience the power of its potential, unless there are appropriate conditions. Responsibility can not be taught. Liability only learn from your experiences. When we make decisions for the child, we are depriving him samorealizovyvatsya opportunities to show initiative and creativity, acquire autonomy. Thousands of children every day in a variety of situations provoke us to make decisions for them: "What I play?", "What is the shirt I wear?", "What color to paint the sky?", Etc.
Use the responses returned to the child responsibility, thus helping him to find the inner motivation and feel like the master of the situation. For example, the child reaches the educator cube and asks: "What is it?" Incredible pleasure to hear children's issues. That's really where the scope for teaching self-actualization - to understand the issue, make an instant withdrawal of curiosity and the child's mind, the scope of his interests and turned itself inside out and show your awareness and you never know what else. Happen - the question is short and specific. Response to a lengthy and meaningful.
The meaning of this question is not knowledge.
To name a toy - it means to suppress the creativity of the child, to structure its activities or to hold the initiative in their own hands. Responsibility can be returned, saying: "It can be anything you want." Depending on the response to the question may sound different: "Decide yourself," This you can do / choose / invent itself. " If a child needs help to cope with the work that he can not finish itself, without help, we can say: "Show me what I should do," "Tell me what to do to help you." When responsibility is returned to the child, he begins to think and come up with such options, which would not have come to mind for adults.