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How to knock out the greedy money

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How to knock out the greedy money?

Many rich men care in family life is not intimate and psychological side of the relationship, exclusively financial. Yes, the wife of Russian "Pinocchio the rich" often complain ... the lack of money. They can be completely dressed, shod, but this is only the will of her husband ... He earns money - but spend it will be solely as it sees fit ... And this situation to the women, as a rule, too and not to our liking. The ladies immediately begin to think: " How to knock out the greedy money? " And really - how? And if this is possible at all? Often Rich spouse becomes the sole home finance minister and strongly emphasizes that he was there the head, and his wife - his kept woman. And so it will give her a ruble a day out of pocket expenses, and if it something else must be, let him ask of him. But he still thinks - to buy it or not, and indeed only he will decide whether a particular purchase to his wife - it does not matter whether it's mink coat, or, sorry about the panties ... This is the portrait of The Miserly Knight draws virtually all the ladies who complain about the stinginess of their husbands.

Choosing the tactics of "obtaining money," the groom or spouse, you must know what he represents, what his personal characteristics - then we get the answer to the question why he did not wish to share with you the money. Say, one man can simply follow the existing "rule" - the owner of the house must be a man. And none of the arguments (in fact, quite reasonable) that the spouse may choose how it needs regular tights, it will not operate. Another husband is sure that all the world should revolve solely in accordance with his wishes and views, a husband often hides money from his wife, only to get her to "obey."

For the third male money - this is a working tool. You never know what tomorrow banging his head, which amazingly profitable business idea, and ensure that it will be nothing! And he even finds time to think that buying a pair of pantyhose wife does not severely harm his ability to pay: no, sorry, my working instrument should always be with me. In principle, if we summarize the features of it and your identity, we can deduce the reasons for which he was in no hurry to bestow and sponsor.

1. He's really too prudent and even stingy.
2. You yourself unnecessarily overstates their financial appetites.

3. He sees in you just the thing, and he was just sorry to put you in the money.

4. You're both strangers to one another psychologically, and he has no reason to share his money with a stranger.

Why is it greedy?

The first reason. Unfortunately, a lot here due to the prehistory of your marriage. Maybe he did no such incentive - all to show what his rich wife. Especially if he is deprived of a demonstrative radical. Such people are usually quite prudent (and this is due to this purchase its capital). Unnecessary spending for them are uncommon. Likewise, they can not grasp what benefit they will be from the fact that they all demonstrate the new possibilities of his wife. Generally speaking, often snag is that wives often do not need the money itself, but an opportunity, inter alia, to show how it disposes of them! He needs it? Especially if it will see its business partners?

Reason Two. Do not forget that the defiant women often make purchases just from the point of view "that all have fallen." Remember, we said how such a plan lady actually risking their lives, go behind the wheel in a long mink coats? That's all other purchases a wife makes the best possible luxury. She needed not just a dress, and an expensive dress, not just a fur coat and fur POSH, not just the clothes and exclusive underwear ... A shrewd, landing a husband, this approach often literally shocking: they say, why are unnecessary spending, where was enough to more modest sums. Sometimes he can understand the acquisition of elegant cocktail dresses to his wife seemed half decent, if it would help him in business. But that's about the same underwear - to whom his wife was going to show? There may be some emotions ...

In this case, a spouse, of course, be slightly pomanipulirovat if lead him logical reasons why you want to make a purchase rather than another (if you are able to rationalize), and most importantly why it would be beneficial. Say, to abandon cheap bread and potatoes in favor of expensive salads and fruit can be, saying his wife that the carbohydrate foods trigger your fullness, and he will have spent not only on the pills, but also on the dresses of the stores to complete ... But note that the reaction of a spouse can not quite what you expected. He can not just start buying fresh fruit, but also personally monitor your calories (and all nuts and other pleasures have to forget) ...

Reason Three. If your spouse generally refers to the type of person directly, it is still difficult. At the time, he'll "buy", maybe once clothed, clothes, a couple of times out with you in the light - and enough is enough. You once agreed to be an expensive toy - but forget that, over time toys tend to annoy their owners and are hiding somewhere in a closet or under the bed ... This is especially true for men - more teens are often living on a "what to think - should shake" (which is why during the "prihvatizatsii" these people were with us the rich). And on the new acquisition, they react as children - that I see, I want to. And then it's annoying, and a desire to acquire a new hobby and have already spent on it.

Besides, these men are notorious for excitement, or, as already mentioned, the "instinct of the hunter." It is at such husbands wives complain that when courting, money was not sorry - fabulous restaurants, enormous bouquets, and other crazy spending ... And she is truly demonstrative person, regarded as the outward manifestations of the true power of the senses, and had good at it. Well, there only remains to recall that a hunter or fisherman, too, during a fishing lure does not regret, and when small animals or fish caught (and securely tied to the same stamp of the registrar) - it is that it will be a luxury to indulge?

Reason Four. But maybe your betrothed not such a monster and you're not a shameless motovka. Just you really a determining criterion in choosing a husband had his wealth - in other words, you were married to a purse. And even the most modest of their spending will still belong to her husband as to the purse. It's very hard to hide: one way or another, such an attitude still bowels out.

Do you think it does not hurt if you care about his problems, his thoughts than he lived, what they think? And if it is considered just the thing - he will answer the same. Thus, instead of mutually beneficial cooperation starts asking kto_ in this house whose thing ... It is likely that he wanted to take a life partner faithful assistant, which is also able to share the burdens of his business (or at least provide him with the rear of home, and then insure the workers affairs) and you (in his opinion) only think about how how much and when can he snatch. Do not say that these men do not happen and they do not trust the wives of his business. Certainly not! Plenty of cases where the husband invites his wife to be in its structure rather important person. And she replied that "I have enough worries, and so - of their own. By the way, how long have you not given me any money ..."

How to knock out the greedy money? " The basic rule was formulated in the famous film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears": "If you want to be the wife of a general, should marry a lieutenant and shook him by the garrisons." That is, you want to be right on the money her husband - attach your work (whether home or any other) in his business. Yes, it happens that the wife helps her husband to climb the highest social rung, he gets rich ... and change it to young. To avoid this from happening, we must not become a slave to her husband, not to sacrifice their entire lives for the sake of his business and be a pretty significant figure in his case. However, for this will have to work again, and perhaps especially his head. If you are without him it would be difficult to make - be sure to splurge on you he will.
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