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How to learn patience

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How to learn patience?

If a patient from childhood was embedded in your world model, this quality gives you a distinct advantage in the ability to uniformly and consistently move toward your goal. Only through patience and perseverance you can achieve sustainable results in the transformation of their identity by using the methods described in this book. But, unfortunately, for many people patience is not one of their virtues. In my model of the world is money, too, was absent.

Since childhood, I was easily enough to cope with tasks that require too lengthy amount of time. I managed to solve them with ingenuity and enthusiasm, because I knew that in the foreseeable future anyway, I will achieve this goal. But any job requiring a long, monotonous and laborious work, they provoked me, and I'm usually throwing them at the beginning. For the first time understanding the need for a patient came to me at the age of fourteen. Then I instinctively came to the understanding of the principles of permanence and "Lake of Happiness". It happened like that.

My mother, a geologist by profession, in the summer took me to a geological expedition to look for a bauxite - raw material for aluminum production - in remote places in Eastern Siberia. There I once rashly volunteered to unravel dvadtsatipyatimetrovy coil of rope, almost caught up to the state of the Gordian knot. Sitting on the banks of a broad, slowly rolling the waters of the river, I was typical for me enthusiastically grabbed the entangled skein and started tugging at relatively loose rope loop in the hope of finding the end of the cord.
A few minutes of this pointless activity, I finally became convinced that instantly unravel the rope with the help of brilliant insight I do not succeed, and I was surprised to realize how annoying I thought that I could be busy with the damn skein about an hour. But it had to do, and suddenly realize that the need to slowly and calmly untangle the rope makes me mad, it was for me a curious, albeit an unpleasant discovery. I did not like my mood. It was then that I realized how much I do not have the patience, and decided it was time to produce it.

I looked around at the grayish waters of the river, on the dark jungle of the taiga, an infinite impenetrable walls surround me on all sides, and suddenly realized that I no hurry. Forest and the river remained almost unchanged for many centuries, and they remain the same when I will not be on the ground. I have not had any affairs, Taiga was not a place that offers a lot of fun, and the unraveling of such a complex skein of rope could easily have become a distraction for me, if we approach this issue calmly and creatively.

Then I felt like I was overwhelmed by joy. Untangling the ropes seemed pleasant and enjoyable affair. It was only necessary not to hurry and act consistently and calmly. I found a loose end and began to unravel the skein with him, gently pulling him out of all the nodes. As you gain skill free end of the lengthened faster and faster. Twenty minutes the work was completed. I carefully had looped the rope with a strange feeling of love and gratitude to her as if she was a living creature, taught me an important lesson. Now I know that if you want the most boring and pointless labor can be transformed in the process enjoyable, if you have patience and not get irritated because of the situation that you can not change.

However, awareness of the importance of patience did not mean that the patient has become part of my personality. I'm training to gradually accustom themselves to the business, time-consuming. When I started learning to knit, I thought that this endless occupation will never end. But the days passed, I was knitting faster and better. Knitting has become for me a holiday in a nice way to relax, and, moreover, such as between times I have started to appear beautiful new and comfortable sweater.

Writing books, despite the fact that I always wanted to become a writer, at first struck me even more nightmarish occupation than knitting. I'd like to knock a couple of evenings on a typewriter, and the next day to get fresh smelling of printer's ink bestseller. But, alas, life is not so simple. The first book I wrote a few months and I thought it would never end. Then pulled months of waiting until it is published ...

Show Taoist psycho

With each new book to write is getting easier and easier. I stopped to wait for the end of the book. I just sat down at a typewriter and having fun, creating text. Day passed after day, somehow imperceptibly a book ends and another begins ... How can I learn patience? " When you start to do the show Taoist psycho on the first day or even a week you may find that not much is happening, and if you are against common sense will, "fulfilling a five-year plan in three days, expect that you will become a happy, harmonious and successful in life for a week or at least a month, you will not achieve significant success.

The basic meaning of these sessions was to change little by little, enjoying not only the anticipation of the result, but also the very process of a lesson, pleasant feelings, which bring you the "inner smile", the flow of orgasmic sensations or meditation "flavor of life." First, choose to implement the most easy and pleasant for yourself exercises. And when, a month, you noted with surprise that they became more cheerful, energetic, friendly and open to dialogue, you yourself want to achieve even greater success, to master the more complex and interesting methods of training.

Not worth looking forward to the result. Just enjoy the process and make sure that the result will not hesitate to please you. Follow the meditation of awareness of the principles of permanence and "Lake of Happiness", gradually introducing these principles into their model of the world. Meditate on the concept of "patience", performing meditation awareness. Create a symbolic emotional image of what it is for you patience. Try to imagine how you could draw patience on paper what his color, taste, smell, what is its shape, what it is to the touch. The only thing that is important in creating the right image - that's what it should have for you an exceptionally positive coloration. "Patience" should be enjoyable to you. It must be your friend and loyal companion.

Performing tedious and uninteresting work, evokes the symbolic image of the patient, adding to his inner smile and a pleasant flow of orgasmic sensations. Awaken in his urge to be creative, trying to get the job done as quickly as possible and better, but without the nervousness and haste. Then the work becomes boring for you in a fun and joyful process, and your life at some time will be even a little bit better.
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