How to lose weight will tell astrology
Everyone chooses for themselves the appropriate option to combat excess weight. Someone visits the gym, someone is on a diet, someone drinks diet pills. When the result is achieved, we return to familiar life without a gym, diet and tablets, and a new problem - how not to get anew that took off?
Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to constantly visit a gym, many do not have enough time for it, and the gym once a week does not give specific results here need a system. Permanently on a diet - not a solution either, in the end, the day comes when a person simply breaks down and begins to eat into incredible amounts of cakes, pastries and other high-calorie foods, which he deprived himself for a long time.

In fact, keep yourself in shape is possible without the grueling workouts and all sorts of diets. In the East, to look good and do not get better stick to a few simple rules - together consume only those foods that go together to know the time when I may use one or another product, keep track of the cooking and the temperature of food. This approach to nutrition probably are not even diet. You can eat everything, just do not mix products that combine badly with each other, and follow some simple rules about cooking and eating. This diet is very easy to get used to, because it you are in no way limits, it just changes the approach to nutrition in general. On this diet for a month you can lose weight by 5 kilograms.
To make it easier to accustom themselves to the new system of eating, we will try to distribute the rules for the use of food for each day of conventionally "tying" them to the 12 zodiac signs. To master this system will not be difficult, in this case you can help people living with you under one roof - a husband, children, relatives, parents. On the first day of the Eastern diet, you will strictly adhere to advice given to your zodiac sign, the second to follow the recommendations of the eleventh day of data for the zodiac sign of your husband and children.
Being with these people in one apartment or house their energy is close to yours, so the advice given to these signs of the zodiac and will suit you. After twelve days of this diet, you can safely switch to the other recommendations relating to healthy eating. For example, on a horoscope you fish, your husband is a virgin, and a daughter - Libra.
On the first day you should observe the rules relating only to Pisces. During the meal you will not use the water, but if you want to eat dessert, you eat it only after it will be half an hour after dinner. From the second to the eleventh day to the basic rule for the fish you are adding rules that relate to the Virgin and Libra. Will take into account the mix of products, as well as the combination of temperature applied to the table of dishes. When you get used to these basic rules, which relate primarily to your sign as well as signs of your family members to supplement their system other rules you will be quite difficult.
OBEH and TAURUS - eat only when hungry
The basic rule of the day - eat, not because someone decided to have a meal, and we decided to eat for the company, but because our body really needs food. Swimming reduces appetite, so if you have any problems with being overweight, it makes sense to begin to attend pool. Try not to overeat at dinner. If you have a bad mood better than the food does not cook, because the products that fall into your hands and absorb the negative energy emanating from you. To provide maximum benefit meal, try cooking in a good mood.
Gemini and Cancer - monitor the temperature of food
On this day, try no warm up, it's better to cook the dish just before eating, it's no secret that the re-heated meals devoid of nutrients. Sit down at the table until the food is not cooled, the dishes from which you will eat, choose so that it is pleasing to the eye. People are much more receptive food when she did not only like the taste, but also causes positive emotions visually. Portions should be small, but to avoid giving the impression that the food on your plate is too small - decorate a dish different vegetables and herbs.
Leo and Virgo - watching the mix of products
Not all products can be used simultaneously for dinner or lunch. Therefore, in this day pay attention to the compatibility of products consumed by you. Proteins and carbohydrates should not be used together. For example, a side dish for fish or meat should be no potatoes or porridge, and not starchy vegetables such as beans, squash, eggplant, cabbage. Pay attention to the process of cooking foods in this diet is very important the process of cooking. The smaller the product is subjected to heat treatment and mechanical stress - is cut, the third and flipped on a griddle, the more vitamins it stores. The most useful will be food, steamed, stewed and baked. If you find it difficult to give up fry - fry in melted butter.
Libra and Scorpio - relax after a meal
On this day, try to avoid eating during the abrupt change in temperature of products that do not wash down hot dishes cold juice or vice versa after the aspic or cold okroshka not drink hot coffee. Also damaging is too cold or too hot food. Be sure to rest after eating, but that does not mean that you eat it right away to go to bed. You can sit for half an hour before going to bed and read a book or watch television. Extra activity is also nothing to after eating the produce is well learned, and worked fine for metabolic processes, the body needs rest.
Sagittarius and Capricorn - the main menu consists of vegetables
Try to start each meal with fresh vegetables. It can be salads or just sliced vegetables, the most important thing - raw. Even if the day you accidentally cook incompatible products, they are still okay to digest and will not bring the body perceptible harm, since they are preceded by fresh greens and vegetables that are beneficial to the digestive tract.
Aquarius and Pisces - careful with drinks
Pay attention to the fluids that you consume. How would not want to drink during a meal, try to abstain. You can drink water or juice, or half an hour before a meal or just an hour after eating. The same relates to all kinds of desserts. You can drink coffee with chocolate, but only after an hour.