How to love yourself
Positive self-esteem - a prerequisite sanity and happiness. Without this, it is impossible to succeed in life. Meanwhile, many of his low opinion. High self-esteem - it is a principled assessment, respect and love for yourself. A certain constant, independent of any of our material wealth, nor on the appearance, or age. By learning to accept yourself as you are, like yourself, you will gain not only confidence, good health, but also win the approval of others. Remember when the last time you were happy with themselves? Sure, and others then treat you better. In fact, around tend to evaluate us as we ourselves judge ourselves.
Each of us needs to feel the constant sympathy for himself, and if trouble happens, namely self-esteem will be the solid foundation on which people can rely on. Be at odds with itself - a condition familiar not for everyone. But it deserves to experience it, because this often leads to self-realization, of what we do not dare to dream.
We offer eleven rules to give themselves self-esteem. First, during the week, use two or three of them and analyze it, not whether you have noticed in their perceptions of any changes.
1. You decide that from this moment begin to feel good about yourself. Not putting any conditions, without delay, without objection.
2 Write down on a piece of all his good traits - in appearance and character.
3. Mentally refer to themselves affectionately, with love.
4. Noticing that fall into self-criticism, stop.
5. Note: the way you think about yourself will affect your feelings experienced by themselves and the results of your efforts in all areas of life.
6. Stop execution herself for past mistakes.
7. Try to get rid of hatred towards others and to yourself if you feel it.
8. Spend as much time among the people whom you consider a true friend to help you, be kind to you.
9. Make a list of what you enjoy doing (in addition to official duties) and try for a week to allow time for one of the favorite activities, such as a walk in the park, go to the movies, listen to music.
10. Trouble perceived as a temporary difficulty, and not as factors that determine your future life.
11. Before going to bed mentally refer to themselves with the words: "I love myself and accept this as is."