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How to lure girls to the party

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How to lure girls to the party?

Very fun to gather in one place a lot of women. Especially in winter. Have a party or get-together and choose the best girl there. All to a choice of several. You can do it alone or with friends! How to lure girls to the party?

Correct model of these ladies' men

In order to carry out the party with new girls, and as often as possible, it is necessary first to find these girls. And you can find them in different places. What's good, you can arrange an exodus in a crowded hot spot. And in the company's children, which you agreed to do it, or alone, "stick" of women. Two days - to prepare for the party. During these two days can be glued to 20 women each, it's real, if you set a goal. And besides, this is very fun and exciting.

Good legend - the key to success

Why does a woman comes out on a date? Because you are interested in it themselves. And if not, what to do? No matter, it is possible to interest a place where you go, a process that will be happening there. And even cooler - do it at the same time that she was interested, and you, and the event where you invite her. How to lure girls to the party? " You must select the correct legend. What's good about the legend is correct? The fact that girls want to get to the event with such a legend. What legends have been the best? We always give the task groups and to collect statistics. Now you will know that and effectiveness with which they worked.

Tusovka KVNschikov
Invited women to train club KVN. They went and took their girlfriends, because everyone loves a cheerful and resourceful children. And the legend remained in the top. Invited as follows: "Hi, Mary, we have collected tusovka KVNschikov, which will be a rehearsal. Looking for new ideas and new jokes, you have a sense of humor? "Most women are throwing everything and flew to this party. Of course, that need to be prepared so that it matches the legend. Results - of 40 women arrived in 1935. 87,5% of women love humor.

Creative Party

This party, which can only come in an unusual costume. Very good, because a woman should have thought of something to get there. And it creates a certain excitement. And it's interesting. It represents that there will not be bored, and readily agrees. "Hello, Olga, tell me you have an unusual clothes?" She finds out why, then: "I go to creative-party and want to be a charming companion to the role which you are coming!" If she says - no, replied: "But I wanted to invite you to a creative-party, where I invited a girl who organizes the event, and I thought you were you approach the role of a charming companion ... sorry, okay" - she will say that the clothes are! Of the 52 women who were "pasted", arrived in 1930. 58%.

Birthday girl's friend

This legend is also working, tested and effective. Several times without a glitch has worked to organize a house party - with new girls. Of the 44 women came to 15. 34%.

Mask show

It's a party in the unusual masks. Collected the girls from virtually course, invited to the new party, which included prizes for the best mask. Mask can get a standard at the entrance to the hall. Under this measure was rented hall for the evening, the costs - 2000 rubles per room of 10 people. Of the 63 girls who were invited came to 51, which is practically at the level of KVN. And is 81%.

Telephoto fun over boys

The idea is simple legend. Conducted training on communicating with women for insecure boys, who for fun filmed. This idea of the TV show, which starts on the screens. To do this, girls need to be making fun of them, but to pretend that they are nothing guess, and just hang out. Boys 20-25 years old, beautiful, rich and funny, will try to meet their need nicely otshivat and making fun of them. Result stunning, this legend girl drag oneself along friends. The conclusion - women love to mock and otshivat men, think about the basic strategy otfil-trovyvaniya men. Of the 15 girls who were invited, 20 came because they had come with her friends. This is a record. 133%. To implement the legends were used t-shirts with the logo of one of the channels and some fake identity of reporters.

Casting for the part in TV show

Want fast results in a single day and the best girl?

Within 2 hours by four people: Alex, Andrew, Vitaliy and Flash went down the street, at shopping complexes and boutiques pathetic. The legend was simple: the new youth TV show "Secret Desire" conducts casting girls for participation in the TV show. Suitable participants with intelligence, beauty and ingenuity, in addition, intelligent and cute. "I see that you are there, so I invite you", - told the guys to girls. And to record phone. Of the 300 approaches the girls had gained 30 phones.

Of them managed to reach only 25, the others were unavailable or did not take the tube. Of the 25 girls came 20. On the same day. Cost was no, no cards, badges, although the existing badge effectiveness of approaches to it grew. Was used room in the hotel, the owner of which we knew personally. The effectiveness of 60%, which is great for that all organized in one day. Time - 5:00 at all. As a result of the 15 women was chosen the top 5 for the continuation of further communication.

Organizational part

There is one secret of how to make sure that everyone enjoyed the party and I'll tell him. This is the secret, which gives the result when using 100-percent popadaemosti the bull's eye. Everybody is happy, and yet little has to do. Want to know what the secret? Do not tell anyone it! In order to ensure that everyone likes, everyone should participate in organizing the event. Its not may not like. It is therefore important for all women who come to take some work: washing products, to distribute masks to invent contests. The most important thing that the organization was to throw on those invited. What is the idea - true genius?

You can, inviting her to ask for something to bring or come up with. For example, bring a tape recorder, or columns, or ornaments. Ask each of those invited, to come up with a slogan for the party. Then she will think about the party. It is important that it is doing something, been busy with the process. And then you say: "Well done, girls, how well organized everything!" The main thing is to praise.
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