How to make an impression on someone new
Upon meeting a new person you need to find a "common language" to define the point of contact for different issues, to understand the interlocutor, are available for him to bring to its attention by all that they wanted to tell. Therefore, at the first meeting (and the second, and third as well) should not speak the lingo, to address the narrow professional topics, and just little-known or completely unknown interlocutor. Do not get smart, because your partner may get bored with you while you are asserting itself. Quite wrong with your hand, if you fly in the face of the fact that you know what you do not know your companion. It is unlikely that he will want to meet you again.
How to impress someone new? no need to continue to carry on a conversation, if you see that the source topic, the conversation does not. Do not tell the whole evening just that you care, do not forget about the interlocutor, about whom you want to learn more. After all, you have come to meet and communicate so that both were equally nice, but not to monologues for himself. The conversation involves sharing knowledge and experiences that is known to all parties to the call. Otherwise, the person formed the opinion that you have come to assert themselves against it, and is not like anyone. Imagine yourself that your partner would have a good command of knowledge of the data, but you would be familiar with them remotely or in part.

How would you feel with this situation? On their first date in every way minimize complex unpleasant topics, talk in accessible language. Ugly, even if the person talking to you about the nasty, stop it, to interrupt. Must be very transparently convert a topic or offer himself to elect a new topic for conversation, sure to explain why it is needed. At the first meeting try to find a common language, do not be selfish, do not think primarily about their reputation, how you look. If you feel an interest in the matter buddy, help him understand this, if you do not feel the interest (and it can not you report it directly), then walk away from this topic.
Is it any wonder it surprises?
There is no dispute that the jokes and surprises - it's fun and funny. But do not you think that arrange them with a stranger out of place? Even more wrong and ugly. Such situations sometimes may lead to negative consequences. Remember: Do not always and not everyone will like what you like. Perhaps because of good intentions you have feelings as something extraordinary joke unusual to imagine that the "warm up" your buddy, to diversify the usual familiarity, or simply to cheer up the satellite. But better refrain from doing so.
You have not yet learned that a man in front of you and how he might react to such displays. And it's not even in the absence of a sense of humor, and that person for such an eventuality may not be ready. The fact that the jokes and surprises can knock a person out of a rut, caught him by surprise. People may misunderstand your intentions, be offended or insulted. It may feel as though he has been duped, played with him. If you want some way to update the usual course of dating, to create a special atmosphere, better read the poems, or you can visit beautiful places. Funny and fun only when you own someone to play, but when you played at the stranger, is not very funny. Remember that laughter is good only if both are laughing: and he that laughed, and one of whom laughed.
May well be that a man after your surprise will not know what to do next. Do not panic, do not be discouraged your partner - all this at our first meeting it is advisable not. In general, if you want to surprise a stranger, be very careful, you may have different ideas about a pleasant surprise. And often, imagine yourself in the place of your companion. We first show the recipient that you treat him kindly, that you do not want to cause him any harm. I think these tips will help you better understand how to make an impression on someone new.
Listen more
When dealing with the unfamiliar person tries to listen more to what he says. Every person is pleasant, when it listens. And your man will appreciate your attention to his words. To create a good impression of themselves so that the man was pleasant to communicate with you, to think more about it and pay attention. People love when they listen to, so your tactics should be a manifestation of attention toward the interlocutor, rather than constantly talking about yourself.
When a person is interested in others, rather than seeking all the time to fill out the narration about himself, it is beneficial to the relationship as a whole, with such a man pleased to communicate, so they want to see as friends. Most valuable property rights - the ability to listen, to care more about conversing and not assert himself. In a word, selfishness, repels, and a friendly, caring attitude attracts people. Pay attention to another and to learn more about the interlocutor's character, biography and interests. During his monologue alert to all: how to say (what a syllable), gesturing at the same time there (it shows the temperament of a person), pay attention to speaking rate, volume. All this taken together indicates a person's character.
When she listens more, it serves another important function for women - she herself remains a mystery unsolved. All listened, asked many questions, of itself almost says nothing or speaks in a very abstract, almost without disclosing the specific facts about yourself. In total it turns out that there is a meeting and had already said goodbye, the young man finds that almost did not know anything about his new friend. And here and there is a burning desire to hurry to meet again with her and everything about her figure, and that you should be. Therefore tsedite information about yourself, drop by drop, stretch as long as possible to tell his story, more and more dragging behind him.
Do not overload it with information
The main disadvantage of introducing - the absence or lack of information about each other that everything is always in a hurry to fill. However, do not rush it. Do not aspire to the first evening to learn about it all at once, arranged in one day. A person can on the first evening to tell everything about myself, but you have to be more interesting to communicate with him, because you already know all about him. So do not try to buy the quantity, but rather think of as: how, in what amounts to present this or any other information about yourself. On the other, too, think: not only that someone said, but that he had in mind, but for some reason failed, failed. Do not afflict human stream, a flurry of information about anything whatsoever on the first night, he can not perceive everything. Your task - not so much to get or give information to the person, but simply to socialize, get a nice charge of positivism and experiences, to share emotions.
Define what is important to you, and that the secondary and could be postponed for later. Do not spray directly on it. We must not forget that a woman's jaw is not always pleasant and necessary. A woman should not say more, but to listen and draw conclusions, and a man - to entertain her, amuse interesting stories, improvise, make people laugh. Talking too much is as bad as silent, in both situations, the person will feel uncomfortable. Do not forget to stop, because educated people will not interrupt you. Feel the mood of the interlocutor.
Your information must be interesting, touching both of you or abstract things. Looking for speed: who is more then tell you you're not in competition. Your main task on the first date - like, as well as to captivate him, but did not provide as much information and knowledge in all areas. Do not suppress your buddy, give your relationship, dating to flow freely and develop. Enjoy communicating with each other, and this make it a pleasant and joyful.