How to make household help around the house?
Any woman will sooner or later be confronted with a problem called "It does not help me at home." Want to scream to the world that you become a horse that carries himself on the house that you are a creative person, and "they", the husband and children, require you to grind, grunt work. How to change the situation, how to learn in a different way to look at the status of women sitting at home with the baby? How to get household help around the house? " I can say at once: make them impossible! More precisely, perhaps, but ineffective. Therefore, we will not make, and motivate.
To remove someone?
Let's find out: who we clean the house? If "for them, then your life will soon become a slave share, and you - in servitude of a man who is constantly doing something for others. I propose to do the home purely for themselves. For myself washing the floor to be clean and pleasant to the eye. For myself to wash the dishes to the kitchen all shining and I wanted to conquer the native culinary delights. To make a bucket, nail shelves, baseboards, repairing crane ... No, I do not think that I suggest you take a man's job. Just decide what you landscaped house for himself, because it is your home, your family home for which you have decided to respond.
Mark the front homework for today, tomorrow, a month ahead. With this you are ready and would like to delegate to your family?
How to delegate?
What does it mean to delegate? This means that you can trust someone some work and will not be cut for each admitted mistake. Ready? Then proceed. First, remember that men - being unusual, and think very differently. For example, if a man lives in a wild mess, it does not mean that he is pig. This means that for him at this time clean and tidy in the house is not important. For the same reason, when you tell him to wash the dishes, he can not understand why this should be done right now. Hence, it is our task - to find the right man for the motivation. For example, "Wash the dishes!" Does not work, but "Help me, please, wash dishes, and I could lie down beside you on the couch (talk, make love to hear what important happened to you today)" - already much more efficient. Of course, each man must find his approach. I am sure that you have, loving and beloved woman, it happens.
Second, often put yourself in his place. If he asked you to, or, God forbid, ordered to wash his car? Or clean his shoes? Or fetch a beer? Flee? Highly doubt it. And if you properly motivated? That's it! Third, remember that it actually you do not have to. But he might want: to help, remove, take out the trash, build a house, plant a tree ...
My husband helps around the house. Rather, helps in the kitchen: preparing myself if I did not have time or too tired. But there is one problem, it is very banal, one might even say, the classic: the trash. Can not stand. Although it should! Stop. Who is he that should? I do not like nevynesennoe bucket? So this is my problem, not his. And I began to put out the trash itself. In one hand the child to another - trash bag. Uncomfortable, but what to do? Strange, but my husband has become increasingly self to remember that we need to take out the trash.
Comes only from the fact that he would like to get at the moment.
- Does he want to beloved woman threw her arms around him when he returns home?
- Want to listen to, when he split with her own creative ideas?
- He wants to keep a good and fluffy, attentive and caring, and not turned into a shrew?
- He wants to engage with them with love to the fullest, rather than lay beside a log tired?
Then ask for it, mentioning all the charms, the benefits that it receives to help you in housekeeping. Anyone, even the most boring thing makes sense, if in the end is looming pleasure.
Fourth, children are also ready to help you, if you learn to trust them and you build your request. Do you think that the attitude towards her husband and children so very different? Not at all. With children it is important to remember one thing: a life for them - this is a game. They learn and perform his duties effortlessly. Start playing in the cleaning together. Let them get used to the fact that the cleaning - it's not scary and painful labor, but fun and easy pleasure that you get, making the house nice and clean. For example, if a mother happily running around the apartment, the tide began, then, as a rule, children are immediately attached to it. They begin to pull up my mother, and then one another brush for cleaning floors, wipe the mirror, wearing items from one room to another, to water the flowers - as a mom.
Should I become a housekeeper?
Sitting at home, you automatically turn into the eyes of her husband's housekeeper, that is, a man who "still sits at home." This means that your work is rendered worthless with each passing day. Find it for the sake of which stands out of the house, to develop, run through the city, burning those extra pounds, talk to people. And not just in principle at the beginning, brings a new hobby if your income into the family. You get more: get more fun, energetic, purposeful. Hence, your family - a husband and children - benefits from it. Agree, see the funny mom and wife is much nicer than dull or angry.
Sitting at home. Demian baby one year and eight months. Have a computer, internet, interesting hobby that brings a little revenue - beadwork. My hobby is very important to me in psychological terms: interesting, and money brings. Homework has never been a big part of my time, and I do it in cycles (the desire to see around them clean and depends on the period of the menstrual cycle). I like the situation is quite satisfied with her husband, too.
It is not necessary to bury yourself alive in one-, two-or three-room tomb with a broom and a sponge for washing dishes, such a vital position will not bring you any good nor relief. Remember that your home is shared by the entire family. It's not just your field of activity where you can show off talents cleaners and cooks. Other members of the household are also able to provide all possible assistance in the conduct of domestic affairs, we can only explain to them that for them it is just as important as it is for you. I hope that you will succeed. And you not only a team of its family, but also acquire skills so valuable today manager.