How to make it leave you?
Some girls badly want to break off relations, but in any case you do not want that to them felt guilty about the break. Be initiated in such an unpleasant reality is not easy. Here are the girls and trying to cheat ... But it is - an initiative to shift onto the shoulders of her boyfriend. True, it needs to awaken in him a passionate desire ... the desire to drop you as soon as possible. How to get it to stop you? " Make it easy. Many girls have a dog in this ate. In the arsenal of proven techniques many trouble-free trick, after which he probably wants to leave with you:
1. Turn of the sexy babes in sullen grymzu criticizing his every breath, preferably in the most sarcastic, and sarcastic expressions.
2. Come home when she pleased, tusuysya nights with friends in nightclubs, not explaining to her boyfriend, where did you go and with whom.
3. Often insult his friends, forbade them to meet and communicate as soon as he was going to a football match, start to whimper and whine: "But what am I? Immediately obvious, you no longer love me, just prefer to hang out with their moron friends, instead of staying home with me. "
4. Refuse to perform any duties at home. Stop cooking, washing, cleaning. Any of his requests to do something about the house indignantly orientation: "I am that you - a slave? XXI century in the yard! Sam wash their smelly socks, damn chauvinist. "
5. Wildly jealous it to each lamppost. Scandals every time on the street, he looked at the young girl, no matter whether he looked at it casually or with great interest. But how dare he, bastard, in your presence afford it? " Well, you then he will show how much a pound of Down and Out! Will he know how to strangers eyeing virgins!
6. Condemn him in bed. Criticism of his tiny manhood and the way to moan. Alternatively, you can call him a weakling, or impotent. Or even to refuse sex for a long time, without explaining the reasons.
All this is absolutely working tricks! No man can withstand such treatment. He must throw your own and you do not have to prepare a farewell speech, tormented by guilt and so on. But not too high price will give you the gap? You'll ruin his reputation, former boyfriend of just hate you and will be happy to get rid of. Common acquaintances could dramatically change their opinion about you and probably will whisper behind your back: "She seemed so sweet girl, but in fact, represent, called him a wimp in sex refused, insulted his friends."
Yes, the reputation of an abandoned hysterical yet no one was a benefit, but because it is better not to play this kind of performances. We all did not live in a theater of the absurd. Be honest and take the initiative itself, as difficult as you it is. Subsequently, you have not yet once again thank itself for what did not pretend.