How to make love love spell
Love love spell - it's the same damage. You're being loved and longed, has decided to permanently get into their property and undivided surrender and put a spell, love spell. Luckily she will not bring you or the one who brought it, because love can not be forced. Sign of this damage will be painful condition: like without this person is bad, but with him not sweet. I had such a case. Came the girl, to which the young man put a spell, love spell. Oh, how she is poor agony, crying. Wisely understood that it is not the man she saw all his faults, but could not quit. It seems to depart from his house - it easier, does not see him a day or two - starts to breathe a full breath, released from darkness, but it's worth it to call, as all the arguments of reason and ran back out to him without looking back, and leave no urine. Such was the sad story. Well, that damage I took and will teach you.
You need black and white thread (15-20cm in length), as well as chicken bone (rib, in the form of a slingshot).
Start acting on any day of the waning moon. Light a candle (any color, the best white, brought from the church). Saturate both strands of grass hypericum extract, purchased at any pharmacy. Wrap the white thread of one of the arcs of a slingshot, and black - the other. Take the bone for both ends - the right hand for the portion around which is wound a white thread, and keep left at the end of the bone with black thread. Hold so that its middle is a candle flame and candle soot deposited on the bone. Pronounce the conspiracy:
P ogatina, fork, you do not zarogatila. That is not the Garnier bitterly on you sit down, then I have all adobe prinosnoe on you goes. Damage to the left, to right the evil eye.
Bone fractures in two. Say:
H is broken - not prikleetsya that died - not srastetsya and servant of God (name) with the servant of God (name) ever failed to give. Amen.
Notice how it happened. If the upper part of the bone went arc with black thread, then you really have to be produced magical effects, from which you just escaped. If a piece of bone with white thread was more than the other, it means that magical effect on you did not have the proper effect, or it does not, and your depressed mood was caused by something else.
But in both cases you have to bury the bone fragments in different places as far away from each other. In this case, go to:
By ak those bones apart, and we're apart. As these bones do not come together, and we with you on one track does not meet.
This will be enough to get rid of feelings of uncertainty and mental stress.