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How to make the man did not look around

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How to make the man did not look around?

In short, if very briefly - to do so, that he "had no time." The man - essence is simple. He needs to do something: to cut, write, taxi, drink, Rybalov, expect to get, read books, crossword puzzles, to hunt, argue, and all-everything else, but his interest. If he was not interested, then we must make sure that it is "nothing interesting" too, not ended. Or let your man thinks, thinks. To think even harder than to dig a garden. Just food for thought, but an incentive for action - this is lovely, your concern. How to make the man did not look around? " That's what a woman needs a man to not be bored. Both in the same lake - on a pike and need to perch awake.

There must be some common cause. But no business! Business - exception. Even - a ban if review the rules of building a business. A man must be a hobby. A practical woman's mind should find useful because of the hobby. And apply these actions to the family. With the benefit. Or suggest to him, the man, the idea: his hobby - the most useful in the world (even if he thinks). Or, the most useful in the apartment. Or in the yard.

And actually, if you do not own techniques of flirting, then such a life would be like a state "and whether, as we will." But when her husband's occupation ends when a man "raised" head - Wow! there yet and the girls running around. Flirting on the side - he is so strongly attracts the eye. The thing is that over the eyes, sometimes, can follow the thought. And there are such men that if they do something in my head ... vtemyashitsya - albeit with a hammer on the forehead, nothing and nothing vobesh vybesh. In this case, one flirting on your part will be small. Will need some Latin American dance. For example, the Paso Doble, if you like it. But it will be a cure. A flirt is a warning. As in medicine: to prevent illness is easier than cure. Passadoblyu same or tango a shape, waist, flexibility and health. But you can flirt without footnotes on the physical data. Yes, and it is effective, flirt.
What do you do if you no longer pay attention to usual, and the list of priorities you have moved to the second, third, tenth place? Expert advice - to resort to tactics shocked, that is to do something totally unexpected. For example, if during a romantic dinner favorite distracted by a phone call costs, for example, the restaurant shouting "Fire!". Nevertheless, the analyst says avoid too sharp attacks against its partner. "If you are at this moment ready to just get up and leave, then try to do anything creative before the break."

The Council will agree, somewhat strange, but the council is coming from a woman - a writer and analyst Natalia Heavy said in a television interview Forgive her. Men need "grimaces and jumps, not calls. And do not forget about the silly sayings, and when ... "Jack will not lift." Forgive her this stupid woman because. And the conclusion follows. Be careful of the advice emanating from the women. Because if a woman shall be allowed to bite a man or a woman, she must bite the woman.

Nurture a man!

Science. Contraption is nothing. Man, unlike women, are much easier to "manageable". At his best acting conventional educational methods. We must take the usual method of development of human and family relationships, and enjoy. Fortunately, now there is no shortage of bookstores. Conventional methods of teaching science. It is possible and easier. Do not forget that in every man lives his Napoleon. Or Caesar salad. In fact, each living his ego, personal and individual. But many of it as something similar to the well-known historical figures.

So let it be. You find your own way. Show your addiction, ask, praise - if you feel it "rod". Or help - if your man - "big kid". Exact - to create visibility participation, and then your "big kid" "sit down around your neck." But if your man is her husband (a husband, as you remember, what remains of the men after marriage), then there is nothing to worry about. It remains to foster care and diligence. Educate, understand?!

Incidentally, her husband "left" is not looking. "Left" looking man. The husband has no organs, watching "the left". True, there is a problem: her husband and macho - concepts are incompatible. Or do your best to choose or know how to maneuver between the ... Girls, women, and you can clearly discern the line between man and macho? Do you understand the difference between a husband of macho? Right - hint: the husband - the word of three letters, and macho - a word out of four. Women who read these lines, you once it became clear what the three letters correspond to the one who's husband, and which four one who macho?

Follow the power of his beloved

Do not wait until your man exhausted himself. This can happen very quickly. Nerves, stress, bad water, bad food, car, bad dream - how much! Do not wait until reduced libido, not to return everything will be possible. Know the anecdote that neighbor gets, and the wife does not work? Do not be like the characters of the jokes. How many of you following the diet? Male, or you? But in any case - you "card in his hand." Because he has "the mind is not enough." Read intelligent books. Make sure that the diet has always lacked the necessary vitamins and minerals needed.

And in sufficient quantity. If you do not have enough family income to permanent mensal rationalism, then Save the protein meal on the evening in which you are willing to surrender to the mercy of their conqueror, when you consciously prepare his men to victory ... And we need to know the reaction of her husband at one time or another gourmet product. Someone good and even uncontrollable erection of beer, and for someone beer depressing. Someone starts a "bad" to think and make a point "after a piece of meat, some after fish, and someone after a few raw eggs.

In the movie "Casanova" by F. Fellini Casanova character in one sitting drank thirteen raw eggs. And win in competitions. But this does not mean that the raw eggs, especially in such a quantity are all men equally. Maybe someone will need a pound of sour cream. And as you saying: Eat, boys, fat, that everything that can stand? If you are not familiar with a similar response of the physiology of his men, if the period of his inadequate behavior you do not take appropriate action (flirting, bath, boudoir), you will unconsciously provoke their Believing in the "left" outcome. You need this? Know it gourmet. Have your family recipe. And let your man will win!
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