How to make the right choice
You are at a loss - you will be a hard choice. In your life, there are two more worthy than men, and you can not decide which of your admirers prefer. They each have their advantages, they are your own roads, but deceiving them, you have no more strength. How to determine which of them you are stronger than love? how to make the right choice? Of course, if you do decide to opt for one of your admirers, it says that you are already thinking about a more serious relationship, which can be beginning of the birth of a new family. Then, armed with feminine flair and intuition - and forward.
If you are confused and bewildered, who have to give your heart, then use the old-fashioned way, count their pluses and minuses. For example: Valerie smart, kind, but lazy. Nikita: beautiful but short-sighted and without specific training. Such an analysis of advantages and disadvantages are very conditional, so check back to some characteristics of your relationship. The important role played by the duration of your relationship. Think carefully before you break the relationship with a loving and caring, trusted partner for years and to link their fate with a little known guy, which you almost do not know that even in love you do not have time to confess.

In choosing their own destiny, of course, it is best to rely on the voice of the heart, which always tells you who will be your happiness. If you hesitate, you think you can not part with any of your admirers, each of them to you in your road, you may feel that together they would constitute the perfect man, and individually to each of them something missing, then most likely you feel either one of them can not be called true love. You have not yet found their true partner in life.
Make such a choice is actually very simple, you need only listen to the voice of your heart. You can easily determine which of the two in fact belongs to your heart when you feel that you can no longer break on two fronts, your heart will tell you what you want to be just so in love with someone in reality. This is not a lottery, not a game whose winner-take-all and the loser is unhappy for life. You just need to learn to listen to yourself and your heart, then you can easily recognize true love.