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How to marry a second time

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How to marry a second time
Many women after a failed marriage, which ended in divorce, are afraid to walk down the aisle again. They certainly have nothing against legalized relationships and continue to dream of a family, but fear that history will repeat, stops them from re-registration of marriage. Others, on the contrary it seems that the woman with a talent and experience of family life, much more sound approach to the issues of marriage, rather than a woman who never married.
And a divorced woman has all chances to make his second marriage a happy one. Unfortunately, this is misleading. Just did a failed first marriage mars women representation of a happy family life and does not help, but rather prevent it from creating a new family. Most divorced women do not know where to start, how to learn, learned how to behave? They are not looking for men for fun and pleasure of their target potential husband, and this time my husband almost perfect ...

How to find a husband, not lover

Start to look a candidate for a husband at work. If you have exclusively female staff should think about changing job. If you are a housewife or working at home, think about a new job in the team. And do not treat this advice skeptical. The thing is that many divorced women have one or more children, and they have absolutely no time to run the clubs and bars that with someone to meet you. But statistically, married colleague concludes every fourth divorcee. This is logical, if a woman almost never happens and life goes on under the scheme - the "home-work-home-work."

The next precondition that helps you quickly acquainted with a man - do not wear a wedding ring. It's ironic, but many women after divorce continues to wear a wedding ring. Most believe that with a wedding ring they do not look abandoned and lonely. This is another misconception. Engagement ring in the first place indicates that you are not free, and for many unmarried men, it may become a pretext for refusing to getting to know you.

Be sure to sort things out with his feelings for her ex-husband, if you suffer from the break, frequently calls up with him meet, hence a new relationship you're not ready. You need to get rid of his former and become psychologically and emotionally completely free. Only then can you build a full-fledged relations with another man.

After the divorce, many women throw up their hands and begin to convince themselves that they are ugly, not sexy, not interesting. So you do not uttered a former husband, and even if the reason for separation was the other woman - you do not have ceased to be charming and attractive. Pay as much attention to their appearance, it is no secret that men visual perception is paramount.

Look closely at your friends male. Mistake many women in persistent disregard of decent candidates from near and familiar environment. You do not expect foreign prince? Statistics just indicates that more than 12% of women go a second time to marry his longtime friend, 7% - for the familiar ex-husband and 2% are introduced accidentally or through marriage agencies.

A prerequisite for dating is communicating. Therefore, the more you go out, the faster will find your soul mate. Do not refuse an invitation to friends to go to the movies or the theater, go on nature or simply stroll in the park. One may dream of coming acquaintance, but sitting at home on the couch you will not be able to meet and attract men. Tune in to the positive and stop convincing yourself that now you are not wanted. And stop shy of his age, in these days in every 11-th pair of men younger than his wife in 6-8 years, and in each 9-th husband younger wife for 2 - 4 years. Woman's age is no obstacle to a happy marriage!

If you want to part with her husband, but you're afraid of being alone and therefore the lawful husband are looking for a replacement, you do not correct. According to psychologists do not have to go to someone, but from someone. Being a woman, you can only rely on short-term affair, as a rule, a man begins dating a woman because I am sure there are no obligations to her.

Do not repeat old mistakes

To the second marriage was not like at first, you need to analyze all of their mistakes during the marriage and learn from them. The easiest way to convince yourself that your fault rupture was not, and you just caught a husband is he had a lot of shortcomings, and why the marriage fell apart. Of course who should want to confess that the reason to change the spouse has become commonplace reluctance on your part to care for themselves and see themselves as primarily female.

Having decided on a second marriage, weigh the pros and cons, you should not run headlong down the aisle just because you're not a young girl, or because your new admirer like your child. Only a cool head and common sense can help make the right decision, so try to calm their emotions and to soberly assess the pros and cons of a new partner. Note that before you a grown man who has probably also behind a failed marriage, do not think that you can easily change it. Please note that you have also formed the personality and unlikely to be under him to adjust to, ask yourself what you do not like it, and if you can live with it?

Hesitating for a second marriage, think about why you need it? Just to have someone to nail a shelf and repair faucet? Or if you need material support, or because their husbands have all your girlfriends? Having defined priorities, it will be easier to choose a candidate for the role of husband. The next stage - allocate roles within the family. This must be done before the marriage, not after. You may not suit the role of Nurse-nurse in marriage, and your second spouse sees you it was in this role, it is better to dot the "J" before you put a print in the passport. Most importantly do not step on the same rake, unfortunately, half of divorced women a second time marry an exact copy of his first wife. Be objective, having parted with a womanizer, you should not seek acquaintance with the impulsive, charming and sexy extrovert. Psychologists believe the only way to create a successful family after a failed first marriage - to understand their own internal facilities.
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