How to navigate in a team
Any social group is ready to accept you and reject the same time. You are at the moment of his acquaintance with the team simply call such a strong curiosity for a short education as a collective. Any team from a labor to mensal company has its own traditions, a certain cultural framework, common interests, defined membership on various grounds, it is necessary to initially consider. So the issue of joining the team, especially if you aim at achieving leadership position, it is not easy! Each working group (social group) can and should be judged on multiple criteria. Labor collective has a special quality condition of the small group. Public relations are always given as the relationship between social group and of individuals, therefore a very important and fundamental question is on what criteria should be assessed a social group as a labor collective. For example, a group of tourists who went to multi-day hike, too small social group. But it was formed at a certain time, its share common interests, the association itself is conditional, and there is no clear principles for the structuring, etc.
Labour is the collective enterprise has all the hallmarks of a social group, namely:
1) specific activities performed;
2) social affiliation;
3) structure, the hierarchical composition;
4) the level of development, etc.
Given the different characteristics, social groups can be divided into small and large number of members, actual and contingent on unifying goals, developed and underdeveloped by structural patterns, permanent and temporary, given at any time combine its members. Managers and supervisors in their work have to deal with different kinds of groups. Labor collective was often consists of a number of smaller groups, united by a variety of grounds, and each has a leader, and perhaps not one. How to navigate in the team? " Everyone in the group is always well-defined social position for the specific role that will allow group to expect from him a certain behavior. In accordance with these conventional rules can be distinguished members of the group holding certain role positions, such as a leader - a "specialist", "factory", "clown", "cog", "ideas generator", "soul", "hands" and so on.
Some of the roles may be combined in one person, such as a generator of ideas "and" plant ", perhaps the most bizarre combinations. Such combinations, respectively, increases the strength of the effects of such a leader. Manager, supervisor, or leader - equally - must understand and be able to influence the leaders, both at the special, the most effective "levers" of influence on the management and staff. So "clown" can raise the general mood of the team, "soul" will be able to show compassion and release tension in the collective, "generator of ideas" can inspire colleagues to new challenges, etc. Conditionally possible to allocate five ways (directions) effects:
1.Voznagrazhdeniya and encouraging - they allow you to mention all the expected behavior, the manifestation, the initiative was helpful in terms of personnel and production. This may be a prize and valuable gifts, and praise and promotion.
2.Prinuzhdeniya - are not effective, but as a way to influence applicable. This threat of dismissal and reprimand, and deprivation of premiums, etc.
3.Ekspertnye evaluation and impact - they are based on confident, advanced knowledge in any field or on an exclusive possession of corporate information necessary for the successful conduct of a particular business that could significantly improve it.
The credibility of the holder of such knowledge or information lets hope for a new round of intensification of the effectiveness of the team after "stuffing" of such knowledge or information to a specific team.
4.Vliyanie authority is clear and lies in the objective possibility of an authoritative source (data storage) as quickly as possible to innovate, to change the structure of the team.
The leader of the "intellectual" is able to inspire colleagues with new solutions to maximize efficiency.
5.Vliyaniya law, statute or other normative documents in the hands of every manager, but virtually no applicability lay leaders. These "instruments" are generally forced, administrative in nature and therefore can cause latent or even explicit "protest" reaction in the team. You can apply some general rules and steps, through which passes introduction, structuring and management team.
It is worth adding that the leader should have a great life experience and knowledge in practical psychology. Managers need to feel exactly the situation seen in man his best quality and be able to activate it. All kinds of controls must be applied with adjustments and taking into account the particular team and address specific business conditions. It is important to listen to different points of view and criticism, including as calmly as that coincides with your view. All team members provide the right to freely communicate any information, to express any views or concerns regarding the issues discussed. Hear the first ideas of subordinates lower rank, then rank higher and then present their own. This will allow you to notice and to promote decent increase workers. Separate process for generating ideas from their simultaneous assessment, first gather all ideas and suggestions, and then move on to discuss the pros and cons.
Anyone, even a small group refers to the separation of functions. Such functions can be both formal and non formal. It is important to realize that literally all functions required by a particular team, is determined by its objectives. For example, if we consider the team a big shop, we find the following objective challenges ahead before such a group:
1.Kollektiv as a whole and each employee is subject to common production problems and their official duties.
2.Takoy team, as social education, and more subject to social and psychological patterns, communication rules and traditions.
Both groups of tasks dictate certain behaviors that are amenable to adjustments. It is the leaders are the most effective links of influence. Therefore, the collective can be understood through a person, as this person is primarily the "material" to form a team. Nevertheless, a mistake to consider it possible to predict performance of the team, relying solely on individual characteristics of participants in joint activities. The team consists not only of individuals but also determined by the sum of those interactions and relationships in which these individuals are to each other. Only sufficient to study the labor community as a small social group, you will recognize it and take its place of influence in a team. Only sincerity goals may allow you to calculate the leading positions in a particular team.