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How to organize your memories

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How to organize your memories

Memory - the foundation of our lives, and it must also be properly organized. Memory of the inner and outer

- Do you remember the definition of what is memory?

- What the Russians entered in the Guinness Book for the best memory?

- What you did yesterday at 16.30?

Very good memory is not the one who remembers everything, but one who can easily find everything you need. If you immediately formulate: "Memory - the ability to store and reproduce information. In the Guinness Book listed Samvel Garibyan, he can remember and reproduce the 2000 foreign words. Today at 16.30 I phoned home "- you have a beautiful, natural memory. Unfortunately, with the amount of information that is required today to us every day, no heads are forgetting half of them missing. Then we have the support of other, external, artificial memory - our ability to gather the necessary information and write it a habit to external media so that all that is needed, we could always easy to find. Develop your external memory: they have taught themselves all the writing.

Currently, foreign carriers more reliable than "I remember everything." No need to overload the head: they have taught themselves all that is needed to record. External memory is regularly overlooked, and when a habit all at once to record and organize a schedule, life becomes easier. Develop your external memory, and to think of it, where (in which) you conveniently capture thoughts and deeds, to accustom himself to carry a notepad, voice recorder, PDA or laptop (using what?) And all the major record immediately. Do not expect things to remember, do not strain to remember and do not scold yourself that you forgot: instead of all this, do yourself a friendly reminder. A4 sheet - reminder posters, stickers - small reminders on your computer - pop-up reminders to the required deadline. It is more convenient.
How to organize your memory? " Everything important to record at once. What is not immediately recorded, usually just disappear from your life. Write down your plans: a plan in the morning of the day, plans weekly. In the evening in writing to summarize: what is done? Teach yourself to use the diary Outlook: write back all the works, and you'll always be sure you have an excellent memory. Keep a diary in which to write their dreams, plans, decisions and conclusions. And just observations that seem important.

Memory of positive and negative

We are not vindictive, we simply have a good memory ... "said Eastern man with a gleam in his eyes. There are people who best remembered the meeting pleasant and interesting people, his positive experience, their successes and achievements. And another after the day's only remembers how he was late today, what folly breccia and how this bastard laughed at me ... It's also different types of memory: the memory of positive and negative memory. In the first place it makes sense to develop is a positive memory: namely, it will give you strength, confidence and vision.

No need to remember is that you do not need, especially if it's old and sick memories. No need to rummage in the photos, if they do not cause in you nothing but grief. Pain attracts, but your task is to be stronger than her and carried her. As unnecessary to forget? Do not have anything specifically in mind. Take a business, and always be busy, and always be in future endeavors, remember right - and all that you do not want you to go away by itself. Do I need to keep his negative memory to store negative information? The question is not simple. To someone - you need to.

How to organize your memories and to accustom myself to remember exactly what you need? Diary of merit. Start each day to write ten of its new strengths and abilities. The first days will be difficult, then even more difficult, but after a few days to happen ... perhaps this might be called "enlightenment": you will understand that you can talk about it just at a time. You are beautiful, in what direction one looks, you are skillful, and in fact, and in this ... Of course, there is no need to talk about it to those who are not interested in, but do you know about yourself should be. Why?

That at a meeting with a challenge not to sigh wistfully: "But what can I then?", And quickly recall their strengths and abilities. No problem, there is a creative problem for those who armed with an arsenal - arsenal of skills. Multiply this arsenal of life and keep it ready in his memory. Book, where they live my dreams. Typically, these notebooks make his children: paint, write and kleyut everything that seems a dream. Children are generally brave, they do what they like, and allow yourself to dream freely. Adults are so openly dream, of course, shame ... Well, do not show anyone your personal collection - a favorite, carefully stored.

A mistake: whether you need to remember your mistakes? Need to remember their mistakes, but to perceive them better in another way. Mistake - it's not bad. It is not negative. Error - this is a good solution, which later turned out to be optimal. And once we understand this, we have become smarter. That is - the next time a similar situation, we proceed precisely. Well and good. That's all. And what else? .. Errors - reviewed and put it in the future.

Memory of the past and the memory of the future

My colleagues, psychologists, researchers memory, suggest that the reserves of our memories are practically inexhaustible. Our heads enough, that we remember everything, and always: and yonder a casual conversation on the street, swaying and each branch out of any other tree. It seems that remembers everything you've ever even for a random moment touches to our attention, and kept from us - ever.

But this does not mean that each of us has an excellent memory. What we really remember, we are not always available, and often have to use special techniques to a man remembered what had happened to him, for example, many years ago. Usually, we really only remember that in our memory is available, what lies on the small shelves of memory.

What is, or what we put there. So, most people do not put in the memory: that of the past "itself be postponed" - and then remembered. And not postponed - so I do not remember. More organized people do differently: what is seen, heard or experienced, they decide they do need to remember or do not need, and, if necessary, put itself into memory. Where? Someone puts on the shelf "Past", and someone - on the shelf "The Future", and thus there are two different types of memory.

Memory of the past - a memory that significant that we have in life has already occurred, this vision of my life back. Memory of the future - is a memory that you schedule and plan, a vision of his life ahead. If you try to just remember what happened - you put what happened in the memory of the past. If you are seen trying to build at some future plan, you turn your memories of the future.

Remember everything - it's like to keep at home all that you ever bought ... After a while there is a desire to vacate the premises by not the most necessary things, because when things are too much, it is difficult to find what you need. Also, the memory: the best is not the one that remembers everything, but one which time will tell exactly what you need right now. The best memory is not one that remembers everything, but one which time will tell exactly what you need right now. Memory of the future is very convenient: all you need to head there, but that does not need - from the head is thrown and no distractions. To repeat: it is probably better just to be universal: and remember all the past, and never forget their plans constantly dostraivaya and filling their own future, but if you head all the missing, it is useful to develop self-memory of the future.

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