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How to overcome your own laziness

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How to overcome your own laziness

We all know the word - laziness. We all periodically its attack. Not all, but most die in this battle. The consequences of all completely different. But I think anyone unpleasant to pass for a lazy person. Laziness is well disguised as all sorts of phenomena in our body. And despite the fact that she was being psychologically, she simply can not connect and physical inconvenience for us. Sometimes it can pretend to be a very simple fatigue. Although, for fatigue can be no place. Sometimes it can pretend to be depressed or severe emotional stress. Though it is also just a hoax.

For ease of understanding, I suggest that our laziness to award the physical body. Well, at least for the fact that to know the enemy's face. So, Laziness - a handsome man with black hair, brown eyes, charming smile. The figure of Apollo, his hands are strong and reliable, seductive voice, and of course - it is insanely sexy. Although you can certainly create for themselves their way. It is important that you could not resist him. And so, this handsome, lives in an apartment which we pay. We are giving him money to live on in the day and at night. We sponsor its annual holiday in the Maldives, its gorgeous costumes of Lacroix, and recently bought him a brand new BMW. In return, we get only his presence near. He only occasionally brings us pleasure, and, as a rule, his every appearance, it becomes for us something disastrous. What we allow ourselves not to go to work. Then we pull a report to the last. And sometimes, we do not hurry to throw in washing their clothes.

Oh, this adversary. He kept trying to hold us down beside her. And if we surrender to him, he will wrap us is, in a few years, become a potbellied, always drunk and a bald man, which from the old macho, will only brown eyes. It turns out that to enjoy it, we can not, but let him also not obtained. Let's face it. This hunk will bring us nothing but short-term pleasure. You in real life, surely there are such people. One night of pleasure, and then a year suffering from unrequited love, at best. Cricket will always remain a struggle. It must ever begin. Although, if you like feed-haired gigolo, do not even think about the war with him.
How to start a fight? First you need to determine how much it stuck in your head. You can spend the most common test. It helps you understand how laziness works, what tricks she has, and how she recovered you up to this point. This test is very simple, and I often describe it. Stand up straight, pull your hands forward, squeeze them together into a fist, and set the thumbs up. You need to stand as 10 minutes. Try it, and then read on. Well, how? What I tell you too lazy? Approximately one minute was too lazy to quietly whisper to you: "Put your hands. Why do you need?". If you have not given up, and stood still for three minutes, laziness spoke loudly: "Bringing down the same hand! Nobody sees!". And then try again. And then have just come out. If it is not knocked you off track, laziness started screaming loudly and confidently: "I promise you that if you put your hands, it will not mean anything, you are all exactly the strongest, and no lazy you do not will fight!". After that, you could have something itched. Or urgently needed to look out the window, or you remember that you have on the stove burnt roast potatoes. In general, it has plenty of tricks and she knows how and where to put them into action.

How do we fight it? It is not easy, but possible. To do this, start a blog and a calendar. In them you will celebrate your successes. But without a defeat. Need to get rid of laziness on purpose. Every day shazhochku. When it's really the right moment of laziness you have not left a trace. Everyone and every somewhere accumulated a lot of things that we do not "have time" to do. So a lot of work, at work very tired, then friends arrived, the beloved TV series began. In fact, you should already know all this tricks laziness. So. Get rid of it you can only practice.

I can write five recommendations to eliminate it from all sides, but if you do not begin to do all this, there is nothing in your life will not change .. Every day, arrange for a class "against laziness." Think about your large list of unfinished business, and start them on one day bring to an end. One completed work - one step closer to victory. You will not notice how after a very short time, laziness will recede. First, she certainly razbushuetsya. And you will work harder. There will only willpower. Connect it. Reward yourself with something for the victory. Every day award. You'll be pleasantly surprised when you will need to sit late late at work to impress the boss in the morning his diligence, and your too lazy to even respond pretenses. And you could make all the necessary work, and get a reward for doing so from the chief. Always manite a "saccharine" thoughts on how well you will be great when the sloth moves away from you. You will be able to make unbelievable things. After all, in your great potential. But due to the fact that before there lived lazy, you could not prove it. And now you have a lot of free time, effort, and success is sure!

Laziness has never leads to success. Laziness has always sought to slow motion. But I think you are well aware that: a movement - that's life. And should you go in the wake of laziness, it will take you to complete atrophy of all - the thought processes, physical activity, mental development. You risk becoming a beautiful flower. But his life is so short-lived .... Now, most likely, you're at an intermediate stage. You are not a plant, but laziness is a part of you. Do not wait until someone takes you by the hand, and begin to struggle with laziness. That will not happen. Nobody except you do not need it. The choice is always doing but you. What are the boundaries of laziness, you already know. You just have to think hard and make your choice. I wish you, that he brought his score!

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