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How to pass for a fine psychologist

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How to pass for a fine psychologist

Learn how to lead people into error concerning their knowledge of psychology is quite simple. However, this hardly makes you a psychologist. Therefore, we leave the details for later. In practice psychology - it does not drip from the fountain understanding of the knowledge, and plugging holes in a leaking dam to hold back the avalanche of ignorance. We must learn to give the latter the first. So, being branded as a shrewd psychologist ..

Create an atmosphere

First of all, manners. Psychologists are able to create an atmosphere of indifference, enervate, sacrifice and scattering it all together puzzles interlocutor. Attitude in general is characterized by the phrase: "I forgot your birthday, because I was totally immersed in thoughts about the progress of science and / or assistance to people." Prospective psychologist requires visibility of social skills, which will be sent only to ensure that the subject back into the limited space of their own competence. When a victim comes in sight, he pulls out secret weapons - rambling explanation. For example: "Your cat impression is very clever. Tell us how it reacts to the movement of objects in the peripheral field of vision? Oh, you know? Then, let, let me explain a simple example ... "

Get a spectacular visual material

The second condition is to create an image of a psychologist - props. In many offices, psychologists can detect "head Phrenology" - ivory head model sexless humanoid with traits, referred to in various parts of the skull, like a map. It is likely, his head was bought as a gift on the occasion of graduation, overly impressionable mama novice psychologist. Naturally, any self-respecting psychologist understands that the dummy does not carry any valuable information, ie absolutely useless. But the awe of the discoveries of the Victorian period, gives it a certain charm rarities. Psychologists are often serious in another way, hanging on a wall poster with the atlas of the brain. It also makes an impression on visitors, but for the psychologist and it's useless.
Finishing touch - a quality film, gently making fun of psychology. It helps to understand what psychologists do not take their job seriously (no, of course, perceive). In the "real world" outside the lab or office, psychologists do not resort to an impressive props other professions, such as a white gown or a wig. Therefore, the best defense would be to grow a beard and speaking with an Austrian accent that still looks unusual and will have the same effect as wearing bright golden bedzhika with the inscription "I am - a psychologist."

Parries tricky questions

The third problem is dealing with nepsihologami, or "normal" people, as psychologists like to call them. In informal activities are usually psychologist meets with a lot of doubt reasonable people who, when confronted with it, lose the ability to think logically, so you have to give them what is called the emergency powers. "You can say what I think?" - The most common response. In fact, you can answer "yes" or "no." "No" - that is true, not only because mind reading is impossible, but because many psychologists are directly interpret social cues. Why do they need to learn the theory of human behavior when others are given by nature? "Yes" - a lie of clean water, but it leads to a much more interesting conversation.

During a conversation with "normal" to know that in psychology - the lie is often as important as to know what is established fact. One of the common myths that novice psychologist should be out of my head without any hesitation, it's a myth that people use only 10% of the brain. This myth (originated in the Americas 1930 to the development of commercial courses to improve mental health) is false, although perhaps this is true for some psychologists. Sometimes people who are not by psychologists expect the psychologist, who were among them, knows something interesting about the features of the human mind, and therefore trying to find out. Questions may be very different - those that are difficult to answer that do not have the answer and simply idiotic. For example, "As we learn to talk?", "What is happiness?" And "Why is a sandwich always falls butter side down?" Here are some helpful answers, developed by psychologists, along with their real value.

Possible answer:

There are many explanations, but none meets all the criteria.

Real meaning:

Familiar to me only a psychological explanation is too reminiscent of common sense.

Possible answer:

These empirical question.

Present value:

No one bothered to check it out.

Possible answer:

This is a semantic nuance.

Present value:

I can not imagine what you mean.

A possible answer:

I wonder how would you explain this?

Present value:

My mind is clouded for a moment.

Possible answer:

This is not my purview.

Present value:

As 99% of psychology.

And only one common question is guaranteed to stump any psychologist: What motivated you to become a psychologist? Before you crafty person trying to hit a psychologist with his own weapon. But you sly sneak, pre-prepared evasive answer (eg, "At that moment I thought it was much more important occupation than working bookkeeper"). This reduces the risk of being involved in the painful process of self-exposure. At heart, most psychologists believe that the motive for studying psychology became a fascination and impact this field of science, but to everyone's disappointment, driven by their inordinate ambition and an acute need for power and success. In public, they lament the halcyon days when for the study of psychology required only pen and paper, overhead mustache and a handful of gullible students, while today the science advance money, computer technology and scanners brain the size of a small shed. But there is a real world, and a grant of $ 10,000 dollars to study "The Role of the frontal lobes in the ability to surf the Web."
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