How to persuade a man to go to visit your mom?
To persuade the man to see your mother - real or potential mother in law - not an easy task. It so happened historically that the relationship between the parent and the applicant for his daughter's hand and heart, as a rule, have a slightly strained nature. There are, of course, happy exceptions when a mother-in-law in-law live in perfect harmony. If the people close to you can never make contact, then this chapter is for you.
Visits to your lover to your mother is so rare that he still can not remember her name? Your suggestion to visit your mother calls him the willies? He is always looking for an excuse to abandon the next meeting? How to persuade a man to go to visit your mom? Use manipulation to convince your man to cause the next visit your mom. Here are a few ways that you can use.
Method 1 st: "slipped out of my head." The essence of this method are as follows: you are telling a meeting with your parent suddenly, referring to his own forgetfulness: "Honey, I'm sorry I forgot to tell you that today my mother is waiting for us to visit." If your beloved try to abandon the meeting, saying that this is impossible, because your mom has already prepared its corporate pie and always waiting for you. If this does not work, then think of some imaginary reason for the visit - for example, a visit in honor of birthdays or promotions.
Method 2: nd: "Phenomenal forgetfulness." Start preparing for the visit without explanation. When your beloved ask where are you going, reproach him in oblivion: "I told you last week to say that we are going to visit my parents, and you, as usual, I forgot. You know how important it is for me. "
Way to the third: "Call sympathy for your mom." In order to make meeting your loved ones more desirable, try to call their sympathy for each other. How to do it? You should not literally retell your telephone conversations with his mother, to transfer all its criticisms and discontent. Take your lover on behalf of compliments: "My mom is so admired you, she thinks I made the right choice," Mom says you're very talented and intelligent, "" My mother is confident that you will make a good career. "

Try to persuade your mother to be more welcoming and friendly towards your chosen one. Even if he somehow does not suit her, explain to her that it's your choice and you are not going to change anything. Persuade her to please your companion: let it praise him, cook for dinner his favorite dish, be attentive to it. Then your man will realize that your mom is not such a tyrant and a despot, as it seemed at first, it - quite a nice person and treats him with respect. Originated sympathy will make their meetings more pleasant.