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How to persuade a man to marry

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How to persuade a man to marry?

You feel that your relationship with your beloved man stuck in one place? You are still just his girlfriend, but he's just your boyfriend. You have long convinced of the strength of their feelings, but for some reason he does not hurry to make you an offer. You would think that it is time to take the bull by the horns. Fear of man before the wedding quite understandable: almost every man is afraid of losing their independence, to part with so-called men's freedom. In the same way as any woman is afraid to remain unmarried, or simply an old maid. How to convince your man to marry? It is very simple: you need to convince him that marriage - it's not as scary as it sounds. You should save your favorite from widespread male prejudice, that the end of his bachelor life - this is the beginning of a new, dull and gloomy, life, married man.

Almost every man scares insistent female desire to become his wife. So try to hide from your elect their overwhelming desire to get a stamp in the passport. There are many women's tricks resorted to in order to compel a man to marry. Someone giving birth of children per nobility of their father: do not throw, he their offspring. Someone is trying to lure a man his culinary talents: I am a good housewife, it's better you just can not find. It is also a kind of manipulation, but each of these methods have their error: they can act, but can not act.
How to persuade a man to marry? We offer a win-win. You should fully support a man in his belief that good business will not be called marriage. Stand on the side of the inveterate bachelor, who did not hear about the wedding ceremonies, costumes, festivals with a bunch of distant relatives. Be persistent in his rejection of the institution of marriage as such. Try to convince your man that you want to always be free like the wind. Initially, such a policy can not please your man. He will admire you, so unlike other women, and to enjoy one's own happiness.

But after a while he will come to mind the treacherous thought: if you so cherish their freedom, whether you are ready to part with it for his sake, can you prove your love. Your man can not seriously afraid that you're so bright and eccentric, at one point, just get away from it. Be assured that sooner or later, a proposal to get married on his part will come at first timidly, then more and more insistent. Your task - to play a show to end, not to accept the first proposal of marriage. He must seek your consent as long and hard as you tried to get reciprocity. Men have always cherished by what they had to get the blood and sweat. If your hand and my heart got him hard, then rest assured that he will cherish them for life.
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