How to persuade the beloved to quit smoking?
Your man is too much smoke, you've tried everything: and persuasion, and requests and threats, but it did not act. He still smokes like a chimney, regardless of your dislike of this harmful habit. Well, time for you to resort to manipulation, and help your man get rid of smoking. This is a very difficult question: whether to try to wean the man smoking. The fact that smokers experienced opponents of his bad habit - his enemies. In most cases, people smoking cigarettes depends on both physiologically and psychologically. Moreover, if a physiological dependence can be overcome through a variety of medications, then get rid of psychological dependence is not under force. In this you can help your loved one.
How to persuade the beloved to quit smoking? " You can not use in this case, the method of blackmail: if you do not quit, then I'm gone from you. Man, not likely to quit, and will continue to secretly poison your body. Perhaps your words can be the beginning of a serious confrontation or even conflict between you. You must act by a hidden control. Your task - to convince him that smoking - an addiction and it is very strongly limits its existence. Invite, for example, its a new restaurant, book a table in advance. Arriving there, you sort of accidentally discover that it is non-smoking restaurant. On the one hand you intentionally create discomfort for your men, but on the other - proved to him that the habit of his limits.
Arrange more trips to the movie theater - where you want to limit myself for a long time to meet the needs of a smoke. When meeting with your mom you can ask him not to tell her that he smokes because she can not stand cigarette smoke, and always complains. Your man is unlikely you will fail, and during his visit, he will have to hide their addiction to nicotine. Try to make him understand that he is unable to cope with nicotine dependence. Always mark his success: "Darling, you did not smoke for three hours." Be on his side, become his friend, not foe. Help, rather than reproach.

To quit smoking, your men must appear incentive, so to speak, most important task. He should answer the question: why he wants to get rid of cigarettes? For women, this incentive could be pregnancy: many of the fair sex quit smoking, knowing that they will become mothers. Your pregnancy may also be a stimulus for your vote: "The child needs fresh air, so you should quit smoking in the apartment, but best not to tie, not to make her first child a passive smoker."
Or, for instance, you can find your man to a vacant position at a prestigious firm. When he turns the desire to get this to work, you can tell him that the preference for that company is given to people with no bad habits. Then maybe he'll want to get rid of their addiction. It is possible that completely wean your beloved from addiction you do not succeed, but even if you reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day - this will be a great achievement.