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How to plan things

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How to plan things

Many of us, my lovely readers, suffer from a complex of "I can and want to catch everything and more. But experience shows that it is not that impossible, it is not necessary. It makes sense to catch the point. That's when you get the feeling that life is effective, purposeful and pleasing his every moment. How do you determine the main thing? How to make effective use of time, which my mother with a baby is not so much? Where can I take the extra time? " How to plan things? Here are a few secrets.

"Automatic" moments and planning

Many cases do not require special attention, and some can even do on the machine, disabled head. These occupations include, for example, putting the baby or cooking soup. Chances to throw into the boiling pot of potatoes instead of potato peels are extremely small, and it is unlikely you put your baby by crib. (Only if you previously took a hefty dose of sleeping pills, alcohol or unloaded alone a couple of cars with gravel.) So, these "automatic" moment is your most important wealth. At this time, can and must think, plan next steps. In modern humans, generally do not have enough time to quietly reflect. And Mom is precious time is there in abundance.
If you were to plan your day, you'll know exactly what goes on every minute and even seconds, and can be used more efficiently. When my eldest son was a little less than a year, I began to cooperate with one news agency. I had to ring up a lot of people to gather information and then execute it in the form of notes. And everything about everything I've had two or three hours - until the child is asleep. Now I wonder, recalling his first postdekretnye achievements, and their secret is, in my opinion, is what it is. Firstly, putting baby to sleep, I just imagined that I would do next. And secondly, sitting at the computer or dialing a regular phone number, I said to myself: I have two hours, and during this time I need to do a certain amount of work. Another time I will not! I suspect that if work were a few more, I would still have time to do it. Remember how in the movie "Wizards" Wizards have been taught the main character go through walls? See the target, be confident and not notice the obstacles!

Priorities and convenient

Determine which of the cases are the most aktualnymii taken for them in the first place. Preferably, starting one thing to bring it to the end. So you avoid the "tails" that always stay on afterwards: nedomytye floors, unfinished letter, and so on. Important things require a lot of concentration, which is not always contribute to run after you around the home boy. However, there are times when a distraction can even help. When I mastered desyatipaltsevy blinding set on the computer, my boys always pulled me on every occasion. First, I snapped, saying, Give a mom, finally, to work! And then I realized that, aside from hard training, I achieved much better results in learning.

Always keep things "in reserve", which you can do if you suddenly formed a free minute. Because the computer can zaartachitsya, phone - broken and you need people - to be "temporarily unavailable". What then? Precious time seeps through your fingers while you sit and do nothing! The "reserve" can be like reading a favorite book, and doing nothing on the couch. The main thing that you did not experience feelings of guilt, even if you just relax. Trivia - at his side. Their main feature is that they were, are and will always - as a change in your purse or used tickets in pocket.

Less important things sometimes is neglected, and it is better to deal with them simultaneously with the implementation of major. Forever scattered toys can be removed with the child. You can peel potatoes, gloss on the fridge and cook for another culinary masterpiece, simultaneously telling another kid who had just invented the bike. My boys, for instance, adored when I was singing them nursery rhymes and recite poetry. We danced together: Senior circled, Jr. waving hands, and I conjure over a regular frying pan. Special incentive for early completion of cases - some kind of a cherished goal: to say, lie in a bath with your favorite book in his hands, not thinking about cooking a soup, or visit your favorite sites.

The right mood and help fellow

Another secret plan, at first glance, paradoxical.

1. No need to rush anywhere, hurry

Catch - it does not mean first come in with foam at the mouth, sore eyes and completely shattered nerves. Catch - then get made fun of, but still put herself five plus. "Move slowly, drive - then you will" - proverb says.

2. Cease to be afraid

Afraid that will not make that deal with matters not as fast as we would like, not so easy or not completely successful. When it gets scared, try the old trick of peace, saying to myself: Yes ... it went - and Makhno at all by hand. Believe me, you just calm down and begin to swarm in my head dozens of useful ideas of organization.

No (or almost no) in the world affairs that it would be impossible for a time to throw, so if do not want or do not get them to do. Maybe it's laziness elementary-mother? I think not. After several days, sometimes hours, you will see that the need for excessive vanity was not.

3. Often ask myself the question : is necessary for me or I should do it?

We all have a vision of duty. Someone cleans the apartment five times a day, someone stands at the stove for days to conquer their native culinary masterpieces. There are moms who are engaged with their child all day, confident that their delirium is essential. And we do it all because it should be. And who should? Children, husband, family, humanity ...

And here is the time to ask: Do I really need it? If you answer yes, then continues to carry forward with zeal obihazhivaya close. Probably, you get pleasure from it. And if your answer is no, then all this fuss and bustle you had already ostochertet and it's time to take a break for something to do yourself and relax. It is better to let the apartment covered with a layer of dust and dirt than one fine day you find yourself in a psychiatric hospital with a completely overwrought nerves.

4. Ask for help

Closely related are always ready to help you, let them about it and do not always realize. Do not have to shoulder all the household chores on their fragile shoulders, allocate responsibilities. Children are also happy to help when they felt that they were adult family members about their rights and responsibilities, not only the object of adoration and care.

There is a great recipe for raising their home. It is described in the book "How can you all, do not forget about yourself", written by Christine Carlson.

If you already rather tired of feeling the horse, gather your family and announce that from this day you are installing the new schedule, and violators will be deprived of their sweets. Each family member gets a list of household duties. Of course, give them time for reflection, negotiation and adaptation. But after a probationary period "rules should be inviolable. As for the order in the house, he from that time will be under the slogan "If a thing is not in place, hence its place - the bin."

Of course, to pursue their innovations, we must itself be fully prepared and not let down your inner voice confused: I myself could do it faster and even better ... So I propose to begin when the role of the horse opostyleet so that the choice before you will be gone.

5. Often allowed to do what you want

And then you begin to enjoy family life with all its troubles and bleak at first glance, life.
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