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How to please and to meet

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How to please and to meet?

Have you ever wondered about how often you get to know young people? Several times a month? Once a year? Never? Why do girls always one to suit Interested men, while for others, no less likable, never? And if it's not in visual appeal, then what? " How to please and to meet? Something I want to clarify immediately. Men acquainted with me quite often. I'm not too worried because I have long been meeting with the man of her dreams, and sometimes even wear a ring on the ring finger to repel too insistent admirers. Usually with married or head over heels in love with girls meet infrequently. They have written on my forehead: I was busy and happy.

However, if you really remember, I was not so often approached the guys, even when I was a free woman. What's the matter? Maybe I'm not attractive enough? The answer to this disturbing question I've got one fine summer evening, when I had to hold gala concert. The day was crazy: I studied the script, picked up the hire evening dress, called up by the organizers. As a result, external tuning time is almost gone. Quickly winding coils of hair in curlers, I ran out of the house, thinking that dyed on site.

Whenever I go out, as passers-by, all eyes stared at me. It was hard to blame them: after all, not every day you meet a crazy girl in curlers, calmly walking across Moscow. In the minibus, all the passengers stared at me without ceasing. The men were smiling. At first I was embarrassed, but then began to notice that their smile is not sarcastic and insulting, but rather concerned. I began to smile in response. After a few stops to see me sat a cute young man:
-A girl can meet you?

By surprise, I was confused and mumbled that married.

-What a pity - he sighed.

When I arrived at the scene, unhealthy man's attention to my person only intensified. Young people are literally going crazy and relentlessly showered me with compliments. I wanted to shout: "People, are you?" It was difficult to understand how men can combat hair wound on curlers, and lack of makeup. The answer I received only a few years later by one of his friend.

-Meet with a beautiful woman is very scary - he admitted .- What girl luxurious and impenetrable, the more likely that she will send you away in the most inhumane expressions. When an attractive girl stands before you vulnerable and slightly imperfect, it's like green light. It is no wonder that we, the peasants, understand - this is our chance and then keep trying to fight.

Girls, if you are beautiful, but lonely - thinking. Beauty arrogant. Maybe aloofness and icy glance scare your happiness? This is not a reason to smile more often?

Who much?

When a man approaches you and says, sacramental phrase: "Girl, we can meet you?" Or something more original, for the hundredth of a second you should evaluate the potential beau and sound verdict: pass or free. How to make the right decision in such a short period of time? The first phrase is very important! In general, a man's behavior can tell us about it much, much more than it looks! After all, appearances are deceiving. Gorgeous costumes and cars may well be borrowed for rent, and modestly jacket may be a temporary villa gear.

Remember how in the movie "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" heroine Alentova hero Batalova met in the train. He had unpresentable dirty boots, but then he softened the first negative impression of ironic acuity. In the same way you do. Be sure to check out something with a phrase the young man walked up to you to get acquainted. There are various options:

"Girl, we can meet you?" Is not original, but it is quite neutral. If a young person seems to you nice, but the tone of his voice in a position to communicate, it is possible to forgive the banality of the approach and know him better. "Your beauty shocked me," or even some splendid compliment. Flattering. But still worth checking out sincere young man. If he says it too seriously, it is quite possible that he was a toady. If the states as a fact, and thus keeps overlooking zapravskogo seducer, then, most likely, a womanizer, rehearsed this technique one hundred and twenty one girl. If, however, his tone playful notes there is likely a good guy with good sense of humor.

Another proven and popular way to get acquainted with someone - is to offer assistance. Men often do that. For example, once when I was dragging heavy bags, I was approached by a guy and said: "I hope you do not take me for a robber. I just want to help you carry a heavy bag. " Proposals may be different. If a young person suggests something adequate, for example to treat a cocktail, it is possible to agree. This does not mean that you automatically agree to meet with him, sleep, etc. If the offer seems too good to be true, for example, he offers to make you a star, a ride on the "Bentley" or the right to marry and move into his house on the ruble, is suspicious. Or, just send it away. Posturing - not a good trait for a strong sex.
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