How to poison the life of a woman sitting at home with your child
Ladies, if your men do not realize that the complex in the seat at home with the baby, why you sometimes want to climb the wall, then you never have enough, if you have, and so everything is there (not working, we can say, resting), let they read this article.
Hello, Kate.
Wrote you a regular reader of your list. Judging by how easy, smart, easy and fun you write, you probably easiest, smartest and cheerful person. I envy your husband - how he was lucky. The fact that my wife is not all right. She, unlike you, quite a difficult person. Often cranky, walks with a sour, speaking through clenched teeth, wants to constantly something ...
And what does she want? Not too bad and I like a man. Money in the house I bring, I do not drink, do not go to the left, the children love - I, like you, two of them. No, not that straight so bad ... Sometimes I hear from my wife that she is not bored with me, and only in very rare moments of location, it even says that she loves ... My wife and I swear for months, though, in the main match, the outlook We have very similar. But in the details, we, on the contrary, very different, and these details to us for life portyat.Chto I do, dear Kate? Maybe even you recommend?

We often forget that men ... are people just like us. They are exactly the same experience because of problems in the family, because of corruption scandals involving his wife and children. Maybe they are thinking about all this is not as often as women, not so emotionally share problems with friends, rarely raise his voice. But when they notice that their relationship with the woman there has a crack, ready to break the family into two halves, they are suffering just as much!
Men and women are very different, but there are things that unite them - bugs. Both sides admit them with enviable regularity. One of the major mistakes in marriage - the reluctance to look at ourselves, put ourselves in the place of her husband. "And what does she want?" - Asks Vitaly. Vitaly, I suggest you look at the situation through the eyes of women - the modern woman. Imagine that on her shoulders, home, kids, job, career, self-actualization. And the next man to whom she would like to count ... Give advice - a thankless task, but he can not resist. So, bad advice from Kathy Manukovskiy How to poison the life of a woman sitting at home with your child:
If you do not want to keep the woman next to him, be sure to:
- To reproach her for every mistake;
- Often say that children are sick of her fault;
- Do not forget to remind her that she was a bad mother and God knows what the hostess;
- Requests for assistance necessarily a refusal; works well the phrase "This is your problem, dear;
- Perekladyvayte cares about home, family, children at her, leaving nothing to themselves;
- If she stays at home with young children, do everything to make it as small as possible go out, talk to people, vacationing, that is later come back saying that you can not sit with the children, do not give money for a nanny;
- If it wants to develop professionally, in any case it does not work, let him do all by herself, learns to rely only on himself - because she would soon come in handy;
- To reproach her with money, demand accountability for every spent dollar;
- Never agree to work out with the children - in women it is a much better;
- Eliminate common recreation and dinners, breakfasts, dinners, izbaluete wife and children by his presence;
- Make her totally dependent on you: your interests, whims, needs;
- Do not let it live its own life - only life husband and children.
Think of a situation brought to incandescence. Soon she will not survive and escape. Dear woman, when once again my husband will be surprised by your "weird" whims, caprices and confusing desires, let him read this list. Maybe he will understand you better!