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How to prepare and conduct a television interview

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How to prepare and conduct a television interview

For many people, the first association in the utterance of the word "interview" before his eyes there is television footage of a man talking in it. This is normal and understandable. In our age of easily turn on the TV than to take a newspaper or a book and read it. We have less time, less opportunity to absorb the maximum amount of information which, as we know, is very different kinds: visual (what we see), auditory (what is perceived by the ear) ... looking at the screen, we perceive colors, sounds , voices, sounds and even the sea further information with which we have formed a complete picture of the world around us. In particular, a news picture when watching TV. Therefore, arguing for an interview specifically for television journalism, one must keep in mind these factors of perception. When we read, we hear inside my own voice, we imagine their own picture of what the read. In television, all this is doing for us. We are here by consumers in a much broader sense than when we buy a newspaper. TV reporters working, you need to know the specifics of the camera. This is largely more difficult than writing in a newspaper. So, you - the TV reporter. According to the plan you have scheduled an interview. We try to give the general scheme of how to prepare and conduct a television interview .

TV reporter is preparing

Preparing for an interview, it is recommended not only to formulate and record questions and think through the conversation, her eyeballs, and ending the development of the laws of drama. It is primarily concerned with live broadcasts in the studio or «life to tape» (live broadcast on a tape), because all the questions and answers audience hears. But in real life with its stresses and races are all different. Nevertheless, next to you colleagues, who may already have written material on this subject, know about the person with whom you will meet. In all editions of today have access to the Internet where you can find a lot of material on any topic. But too active preparation can do much harm. You know, like in the proverb: "Many will know - will soon get old." A very useful thing in this case, it is difficult to speak precisely. A journalist can be a prisoner of the material collected.

All are familiar with - then why ask? Someone else's perception of reality or the person in question is often transferred from one portrait to another. Inaccuracies, legends, misconceptions and facts are repeated over time, more and more aggravated in the articles and broadcasts. Journalist risks falling under the influence of bias. One of the most important rules when dealing with the interview:
√ prepare for it without any preconceptions

√ simultaneously journalist should have a clear understanding of the key information that he wishes to receive from the interlocutor.

But no matter what experience shows that the erudite, in detail familiar with the subject of study of the interviewer calls in the respondent's liking, and this is a guarantee that the interview will be productive. "

Before asking questions, imagine how it will look finished material and, therefore, what information you need. This is often the core of the journalistic presentation of his materials.

Arranging interviews

So, how do you prepare a television interview, strongly affect the success of the enterprise. When is some time since the arrival of a young journalist in the profession, all of the following algorithm is so absorbed in the blood and brain, which flows entirely to the "automatic". But first need to firmly grasp the most important task of organizing the meeting. They are as follows:

√ organize as possible an agreed (nespontannuyu) and personal meetings. If before the interview you saw with your partner at least once - all is not quite strangers. We can say friends, but it is also important.

√ make meetings easy to interlocutor (this was already mentioned above).

√ provide the other party subject (it must be clear and precise).

√ care about punctuality, his appearance and manners. Does not necessarily run to the hairdresser, shopping and internally tuned before every interview - just remember to the interlocutor. Both the appearance and behavior of a journalist should be equated to the social stratum of the population, which is communication.

What you want to know, but do not know how to ask

In the course of the interview just before the camera you should always be guided by their own curiosity - "That's what I would like to know, it might be interesting for my audience (viewers / readers). In general, curiosity - dominant journalistic quality. So I have always said and I think it's not just me. However, the snag is that not always us, the journalists personally interested in what we have to inform the masses. Personally, I think that in most cases, curiosity about the subject may be a train. This quality also comes with experience. When I first started working, experienced at first a shock, which is not tired of me podkashivat: "What I am a journalist, if I am the subject (...) is not interested? As told to her people, if you do not want to delve into it myself? "As the" rise "of communication skills, production of information and understanding of the purely human psychology, this problem disappears if you do not, then obviously losing weight. In short, we should not dwell on his "incuriously. Most often it is not. Just a man, a journalist, especially as it takes time to "enter" into a profession.

Before you turn the camera ...

As in any other field, in front of a television interview you should prepare. Total rut you already know the firm, so I will note just a few finishing touches to a portrait of preparation for such a conversation regarding the specifics of the actual television.

You ought to always remember the following:

√ agreeing on a time and place, take into account that the working time your partner will often be distracted, you may experience unexpected problems, it may be somewhere to call during the call will be constantly ringing phone, etc. etc. And it is fraught with, if we remember that the camera works. Spirit of man can change dramatically with the film (digital media) is here to stay, and your audience will not fail to notice it.

√ in the office is usually obtained more formal and reserved conversation, so it is advisable to meet on neutral territory and have to talk enough time and space.

√ officials are often asked the journalist, who offered to record the interview in advance to give them the questions, but this does not mean that we can consider the correspondence: the journalist would write the questions, the interviewee (or his press office) - the answers. You need to strive for a personal conversation, even with pre-agreed questions. The content of this conversation a lot deeper, it is unique because enriched with additional nuances, new issues and turns. In addition, the journalist must make an immediate impression of the interlocutor (this is especially important for an interview, sketch) and convincing the reader that the facts were obtained, they say, first hand, that the material is exclusive.

√ In an interview by fax, telephone or e-mail should agree only if there is no possibility to meet in person.

√ Think of where and how to talk to them. By phone or face to face? As they see fit. If face to face, where? In a bar? They are in the office? In the editorial board? In cafes, at lunchtime? Home? In other words, the atmosphere in which they feel most secure, hence, are more likely to cooperate with you.

Prior to the televised interview is better to provide a few minutes to possibly an informal talk with the interviewee, to prepare it for the record. For most people, the whole process of preparing for interviews with the installation of the light probe microphone, etc. in itself is unusual and is unusual. During the installation of light and the microphone is better to talk with the guests on the general topic, try to establish personal contact with them. However, it must be remembered that such a task your workouts is that the athlete may be hot, but not blown.
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