How to program the water
How much?
Charged, or personal, the water stored from 3 to 7 days. A week later, she loses the right information, so prepare to personal water every 3-7 days. The amount of water in each case is taken is different. To cure the disease it is recommended to program all the water that consumes the patient. At this water to cook, make tea, it should wash. In order to achieve other objectives require less water. So, to remove the "crown of celibacy, should take no more than a liter of water. To find work enough cups, and for removing the evil eye the water poured onto the bottom of the saucer.
Who and when?
Water must be programmed only in a healthy condition. Water intended patient, must be programmed by another person. Water can be programmed at any time, but it is best to choose the so-called "transitional" hours - midnight, noon, sunrise and sunset times.
You will need a wooden spatula, two tanks - one small (cup or saucer), another big one. In a large capacity of information must include as much water as you need to solve their problems. This capacity may be metal, glass, wood or ceramic - with a fairly wide neck. Plastic dishes to take is not recommended.
Pour some water in a saucer or cup and place the container next to the rest of the water. Lift a glass to his mouth and start to say a conspiracy or a prayer. To program a single utterance of water is sufficient, but in some cases it is necessary to slander 3-7 times. Since some of the plots and prayers are long enough, copy the text you want hex on a separate sheet and set in front of you at eye level. You can attach a sheet on a wall. Glass of water, then hold your two hands. Pronounce a conspiracy or a prayer to whisper, but very clearly, in the same rhythm. Should not be confused or confusing words: otherwise irregular crystals are obtained, and the water will not produce the desired effect. It is very important at this moment not think of anything bad. When programming the water should be in a good mood.

After the nachitki "charged water pour into the bowl with the rest of the water. Take a wooden spatula and start to stir the water - at first slowly, then faster and faster. Need to interfere so that the surface of a large crater. Stir continuously for 12 minutes. This time is sufficient to all the water has become preprogrammed.