How to properly sprinkle holy water
If you're going to sprinkle the housing, before it needed to clean up the house, wash all the floors, wipe the dust, remove all unnecessary items. The rooms should not be a mess. Do not draw the window curtains - the more light will be at home, the better. Sprinkle housing preferably on Sunday. Only clean on Sunday should not do. Well to this day to go to church and take the blessing from the priest. Sprinkle is possible without the blessing, just a blessing and prayer will cleanse your soul, and everything goes as it should.
Wash your hands, pour some holy water in a clean bowl. In no case do not take a bowl to which touch the animals! A better buy a new bowl, and use it only for holy water. Before sprinkling the house to read a prayer for the blessing of the case.
Prayer for the blessing of the case
Heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of Truth, Who art everywhere sy and fulfilling all, the Treasure of good and Giver of Life, come and abide in us and cleanse us from every impurity, and save Blessed is our souls. God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen. Creativity and the Creator of all things, God, the case of our hands, to your glory begins Thy blessing quickly fix it, and us from all evil deliver, Thou the only all-powerful and loves mankind. Forthcoming Power leveling and strong to help them, will stand by the grace of Thy power now, and blessed it firm, and the intent to commit blagago cases thy servants the product: all the more elika hoscheshi, Thou Strong God tvoriti can. Amen.

Starting with a sprinkling of red to the corner. Red corner - this corner in the central room, which is located diagonally across from the entrance. There must be an iconostasis, or at least one icon. Stand in front of this corner, scoop his right hand a little bit of holy water and spray angle of a cross with the words: "In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Go around the room clockwise and in the same way to sprinkle all the corners, walls, floor and ceiling. Try not to step on a drop of water that fell on the floor: shrine should not be trodden down. The right thing will happen if you remove shoes and stay barefoot. After sprinkling the room read the prayer Cross.
Prayer Precious Cross
Let God arise, and scattered him all at once, and yes bezhat on his face all hate him. Jako smoke disappears, so will disappear; Thou melts the wax from the face of fire, taco perish Besi on behalf of those who love God, and signs of the cross, and with gladness, saying: Hail, most honorable of the Holy Cross of the Lord, progonyayay Besi power to you propyatogo our Lord Jesus Christ , in hell came down and trampled by the devil, and gave us his cross, you honestly at driving out every foe. On the most honorable of the Holy Cross of the Lord! Help the Mi holy lady with Virgin Mother of God and with all the saints forever. Amen.
Likewise, sprinkle the rest room, kitchen and hallway. In the bathroom, just spray the corners. Toilet sprinkle holy water can not. After sprinkle the entire apartment, read a prayer PriestMartyr Blasius, Bishop Sebastian.
Prayer PriestMartyr Blasius, Bishop Sebastian
Holy anointing oil and anguish blood adorned with art Thou, O glorious Vlasov, siyaeshi everywhere, rejoicing in the highest and we Nazira, in your church who came and in it you constantly calling: all of us met. Preblazhenne and ever-memorable svyaschennomucheniche Vlasov, Brave stradalche predstatelyu and our warm, at your departure to eternal life that call upon thy holy name posobstvovati and in any petitions heard byti obeschavy! Behold, now to you saint of God, Thou to the true mediator of salvation, the flow and humbly pray: stand before us to help them, the bonds of sin-related, podvignisya vsemoschnyya for your prayers to God and pray for us sinners: cha bo unworthy prizyvati on Power leveling dare, and we wish all our sins you svobozhdenie poluchiti. About svyatche God Vlas! In contrition and humility of our hearts before thee and pray pripadaet: shed upon us, marred by slander of the enemy than light of grace, but it hodyasche not pretknem our feet on the stone. Thee, Thou vessel in honor of the elected and filled with the grace of God, we pray: vouchsafe us sinners, to perform your desired acceptance, and heal our dushevnyya and telesnyya ulcers, sin, forgiveness, and also our spiritual and physical health to our salvation from the Lord asked for a useful, but always glorify the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and your milostivnoe predstatelstvo of our souls and teleseh, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.