How to protect against damage
• To protect against damage, never did let after sunset no money, no knives, no forks, no salt, no needles, no scissors, no matter who asked. This way you protect against spoilage.
• Before going to sleep always (clockwise) Cross, from doors, windows, doors, and the last - the furnace. This is to ensure that your home has not penetrated, no evil.
• In the morning on an empty stomach Eat garlic cloves.
• Helps spoilage wearing consecrated in the Church of silver bracelets, rings and brooches. If a woman wears a headscarf, she can embroider a cross on it.
• Wear on itself (in a secret place) hop cones of the ordinary, grass root or lumbago meadow fern black.
• Suite pieces of bark alder put in clothes to keep them from spoiling.
• To protect the bride from spoiling the wedding in her bridal wreath plaited garlic cloves.
• Purchased household items, clothing, shoes or food necessarily svyachenoy spray water.
• 2stolovye tablespoons herb hyssop than usual in the evening to put in a thermos and pour boiling water 2stakanami. In the morning strain, divided into 3priema. Take over 30 minutes before meals.
• Tbsp chopped angelica root medicine to put in an enamel pot, lid, pour 2stakanami cold water and simmer for 30 minutes. Remove from heat, strain, divided into 3priema. Take over 30 minutes before meals.
• 2stolovye tablespoons herb-drug letters from the evening to put in a thermos and pour boiling water 2stakanami. In the morning strain, divided into 3priema. Take over 30 minutes before meals.
• 2stolovye tablespoons thyme herbs from the evening to put in a thermos and pour boiling water 2stakanami. In the morning strain, divided into 3priema. Take over 30 minutes before meals.
• 2stolovye tablespoons herb St. John's wort in the evening to put in a thermos and pour boiling water 2stakanami. In the morning strain, divided into 3priema. Take over 30 minutes before meals.
• 2stolovye tablespoons grass thistle in the evening to put in a thermos and pour boiling water 2stakanami. In the morning strain, divided into 3priema. Take over 30 minutes before meals.
• teaspoon rue garden in the evening to put in a thermos and pour a cup of boiling water. In the morning strain, divided into 3priema. Take over 30 minutes before meals.
• 2stolovye spoons chicory roots of the ordinary to put in an enamel pot, lid, pour 2stakanami cold water and simmer for 30 minutes. Remove from heat, strain, divided into 3priema. Take over 30 minutes before meals.
• 1-2 times a week, taking warm baths with a decoction of herbs Galium.
• 2stolovye tablespoons herb Galium the evening to put in a thermos and pour boiling water 2stakanami. In the morning strain, divided into 3priema. Take over 30 minutes before meals.
• Need to Boil carrots in water and eat it, drinking water, in which it was cooked.
• If there is a unbaptized infant, for protection from evil spirits at the window to pour a little salt svyachenoy.
• infant, which is carried into the church to baptize in the hem of her shirt tied up a little blessed salt.
• In order to protect the infant from spoiling in the hem of his shirt to tie a clove of garlic.
• A handful of the bark of apple Boil 5l of water for half an hour. Strain, pour into a warm bath, which take at least 15 minutes.