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How to protect against evil eye

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How to protect against evil eye

Man is constantly under the influence of mental activity of people around him, which may have both positive and negative effects. Belief that the sight of human evil, jealous, cunning can cause illness, came to us after the tradition of the East. In Russia it is a belief that was termed the "evil eye".

What do you do after you have been to assume that you or your children "jinxed"?

First of all you need to calm down. So first, relax and try to think of something pleasant. Do a few breathing exercises with a short breath and a long exhale, slowly massage the fingers. You then need to "get rid of negative energy." As a "cleaning agent" is considered to be fire and water.
evil eye
Use these funds as follows:

Take a shower. Try to keep the water was cool as possible. If you do not have that opportunity, but at least thoroughly with soap and wash your hands.

Wet rag spend three lines in the form of semicircles in front of your front door to the apartment (and outside, and inside).

Take a candle and light it. Sitting and relaxing, concentrate your mind on the whole candle. Then only on a candle flame. Close your eyes and visualize that the flame of a candle - it is a fire. Drop him a dry twig in the (evil energy unkind person). By the time the exercise lasts for 3-7 minutes.

In addition, you can use the following methods:

Spread over an area of pain to make the manipulation of hands: after three circular motions, clockwise from the place of pain shakes hands do the motion. At the same pads of the thumbs should be held at the tips of other fingers, starting with the little finger.

Attach three copper coins on the forehead, holding their hand a few minutes (men left, women right hand).

Close your eyes and your fingers slowly clockwise to make the 21 massage and rotational movement of the mid-forehead. Finger movements should be soft, smooth, unhurried. After this three times to yourself, say the formula:

I got rid of "evil eye"

I am completely free from the "evil eye"

I am forever free from the "evil eye"

You can also knowing in advance about the upcoming meeting with unpleasant for you man, take steps to protect itself from "the evil eye."

To do this, sit down, tightly closed their feet n hands, then mentally create around themselves a protective shell is impervious to negative influences. When:> that you have to be calm and confident in their abilities.

You can also drink a glass of positively charged water. Recharge water can be carried out as follows: put a glass of water on the palm of the hand (women - the right men - left) and the other hand made 21 circular rotation in a clockwise direction at a distance 5_10 cm above the cup and then drink three sips of the water.

Sometimes it happens that the "bad people" fall into our house. To avoid trouble, after they left, do the following:

Take a candle, light it and make a cross three times by each corner of the room, where he was a bad guest, and front door of the apartment.

Make a tincture of peppermint (thyme, mountain ash, hunters), dissolve it in 7 liters of water and produce wet cleaning in the rooms where there were unwelcome guests. Particularly careful to clean the hallway.

Experienced experts argue that the best way to prevent "evil eye" - it is harmony in relationships with people and nature, positive thoughts, good mood.

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