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How to protect their interests in a beauty salon

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How to protect their interests in a beauty salon?

For some people go to a stylist - is like playing Russian roulette. Can come back happy, unrecognizable person, and you can - obolvanennym fool. How to protect their interests in a beauty salon? " First we need to try to choose a salon, and his master. Always better to go on the recommendation of friends and acquaintances. Or in the lounge, which you have heard many positive reviews. Coming to an unknown master, do not be silent and do not be shy. After all, he does not know who you are by profession, what's your everyday style and what you prefer. Because enlighten him. This will facilitate his work.

Do not start dating with a new master with the words: "Make me something to your taste. It's too risky. It is better to explain in detail what haircut you want, what length of hair should be left in a tone you painted. If you can not explain in words, bring with you pictures and point the finger at the image that you like. But be careful. One thing is when you show your photos three years ago and say: "Make me the same penalty, as here, or a photo of his girlfriend, saying:" Can I have the same weave. "

Another thing, when you show photos of Hollywood stars and ask to copy her style. This is dangerous. First of all, Hollywood stars spend on their looks disproportionately. Maybe making it a complicated hairstyle, you will need to maintain and update it every month. And besides, who knows how to lie without hair styling? After all, the picture stars polish and otfotoshopeny, and therefore do not give a true picture. So before you copy the image of Sharon Stone, ask the master to the extent reasonable. Can you put yourself at home, and if not, how will look without hair styling?
Also, in your best interest to ask in advance how harmful this or that procedure for hair. How much money you will need to restore and care, for example, after chemotherapy or building artificial strands? In short, try to get the most information - it's in your best interest, in addition, it will help you establish a contact with the master, and if you understand each other, then most likely you'll become a regular client. And it is always beneficial because regular customers usually do discounts for them always find time in even the tight daily schedule.
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