How to raise a confident child?
Often parents try to anticipate all the possible trouble, and trying to shield them from the kid, trying to warn his every step. Such care is holding the baby in suspense, without letting him learn to make decisions and take independent action. If the mother is constantly concerned about the likely dangers of her child on every street corner, nervousness can be passed on to the kid, causing him to suffer for no reason. This nervousness can make your child's mistrustful, suspicious, threatening the desire to avoid child communication.
For example, you suffer a fear that a child is lost, it is stolen, obscured - all children have a sense of inner mood of parents, and your child can begin to be afraid of strangers, without exception. Naturally, the internal stress when dealing with people, which violates the general process of adaptation of the child in society. In this case, parents must take himself in hand, to try to calm down and take actions that do not allow to be reincarnated as her fears into reality - do not leave child unattended, put him in his pocket a note with the address and phone number, to explain to the child that can not talk to strangers and certainly especially agree with them somewhere to go. Measures taken will be sufficient that any mother felt calmer, and it will give a sense of security and confidence of the baby. So, how to raise a confident child :

Give your child some freedom and opportunity to grow your own - to resolve the difficulties to make decisions and learn to build relationships with other people. No need to sit in the sandbox out of fear that it might hurt or hit a shovel. You have served your son or daughter, if you allow your child to learn independently to establish contacts, and will not rush to help as soon as danger. Of course, this applies to children aged 2-3 years. Younger children are not yet ready for independent communication and can cause each other harm.
Roditeli, who constantly come in children's conflicts, can form in your child a sense of inner lack of confidence in their abilities, the kid gets the impression that he is unable to cope with anything without the help of parents, it can provoke or strengthen shyness. You should not go to the other extreme - an indifferent attitude in the hope that the difficulties will act favorably on the formation of character. If your young son or daughter is hurt snooty older child, not to alienate their child, have pity and offer to continue the game. Explain that some people have bad mood and they can set an aggressive way of life. It is worth paying attention to the child that such behavior is frowned upon by people and by you to your baby is not formed an opinion that the bad mood justified bad behavior. Do not think that a complete non-interference in the relationship your child tempering it. Similar experiments were coping alone can break his character at the beginning of the formation, to make the child docile and malleable. Do not drive by the handle, but be prepared to come to his aid.
Nurture a child's self-esteem. Emphasize his strengths and not blame the weakness. Let your child feel your positive attitude. Avoid the phrases: "You're still small," "You do not know how," "You do not get." If a child hears these words, in the subconscious of its deferred conviction that he was defenseless, and anything not capable of a little child who can not compete with life's difficulties, which may lead to the closure of himself. Often tell him: "You all will," "You're right", "You are very good at it." Give your child feel confident in his abilities. It is very important to develop adequate self-esteem at an early age.
Teach your child to openly express their feelings and desires. Often children are afraid or do not know how to express their feelings and thoughts that can become a source of serious emotions, evoke a sense is invaluable and being misunderstood. Shy children often come in the wake of others' opinions and desires just because they did not know how to explain what they want. If you want your child growing up uncomplexed, able to assert their rights and ideas, become an example for him - be honest and open.
Do not create an excessive reliance on the views of the child from the people around him. Of course, every parent wants to raise a person, pleasant to talk to, but do not make it an end in itself at the expense of freedom of the child. Unfortunately, there are malevolent people who criticize others because of jealousy or simply because they have a bad mood. The child must understand that it is impossible to please everyone - that is an advantage in the eyes of one man, one can assume a great disadvantage.
Many parents see their children embodiment of unfulfilled hopes and dreams, they want to see your baby the most intelligent, most attractive, most ladylike, and in general most-most. Misses the child, committed in public, forcing these parents to think that others find them bad parents who failed to educate their children adequately. People, especially the shy, typical mistake to think that everything is constantly monitoring their behavior and are ready to immediately condemned for the slightest mistakes. Therefore, take a look for ourselves, dear parents, is not whether your behavior is the reason for your child's shyness?
Therefore, shyness so typical of adolescence, when the child turns while growing inward, introspect and search for yourself in the world. Teenagers, pay much attention to his personality, convinced that as closely being watched and everyone. People who have not managed to get out of adolescence without loss, before the end of life are teens in the shower with a characteristic that age emotions and complexes, including shyness.
Give your child the joy of communicating with other people. Invites people nice to you, children, friends of your child, yourself and go for a visit. More often with a child in public places, visit theaters, museums. In the process of communicating with people under your leadership, the child acquires a positive communication skills: a benevolent attitude to people, the ability to peacefully resolve conflicts and defend their opinions, suppress negative emotions and many others. If possible, avoid unpleasant for you and your child to communicate.
Do not strive to make your child as dependent on you. Of course, obedient and unquestioning child is very convenient - it is quite predictable, acting as you ought, for it does not have to blush. However, this obedience to kill a person in it. Remember: a child who can say a firm "no" oatmeal porridge just can firmly say "no" in a few years of their peers, offering the smoke the first cigarette. Many children reach adolescence, commit some acts that do not want to do, just for the reason that can not refuse.