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How to read a wax

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How to read a wax

Figures obtained on the surface wax of We say the nature of the damage. These figures can be found at:

● objects;

● Animal;

● plants;

● food;

● people.

What do the figures are similar to items

1.Grob, cross, hill, wreath - you done damage to his death. With the help of casting it is not removed.

2.Shishechki or balls. Mean a spell on warts or Kills, who, after casting disappear.

3.Krovat or wheelchair. Blight aims to incapacitate a person (bedridden, make invalid). Very complex and heavy damage. Casting is unlikely to withdraw it. Get rid of this damage is possible by means of ritual "prayer usually twelve months (see below).

4.Podushka - prolonged, not very heavy, but a nasty disease that can not be eliminated. Casting will return this damage sorcerer.
5.Kolodets or funnel. Damaging to the death. Well - the path to the underworld (hell). Despite the fact that the damage was done to death, it is removed it is quite simple. Should be ordered in a church prayer sanctification of waters, which bring 13 bottles of water (and sanctify it). 12 bottles need to distribute the 12 faithful friends, and the thirteenth keep. Every day on an empty stomach to drink consecrated water with a prayer to the Holy Spirit. When the water is over, the corruption will go away.

6.Kolokol. Porch "hysterical." This damage causes hiccups, frequent tantrums and sudden unexpected temper tantrums. The man, who was spoiled in this way, it becomes simply unbearable to others: continuing scandals, swearing, crying at the slightest provocation. Porch "hysterical" was withdrawn triple confession and communion (for three Sundays).

7.Kolonna, one or more. This damage, induced by envy. It brought some of those with whom you communicate. You can remove it by ordering zazdravny prayer for all her friends. Write their names on the memorial scrapbook and give it to the church priest. Among these names, you must be spoiled people.

8.Koltso - damage to the chronic disease. As a result of damage to a person can fall seriously ill with a chronic illness from which he did not get rid of until death, even if it would be best treated by doctors. Such damage should be removed for a long time. Maria Semyonovna taught me how to do it. Remove damage "Ring" will help the ritual "prayer generally twelve months."

Prayer usually twelve months

It must begin with the first Sunday of the month. This ritual will last the whole year. During this time, have every day on an empty stomach drink holy water and read 12 times, "Our Father." Once a month, go to confession and communion, and every week necessarily be in the church, where it is necessary to defend the whole service. From the service bring home to 7 candles. These candles you light on different days to different icons. Sunday - before an icon of Jesus Christ with the prayer "Our Father." Monday - before the icon of the Mother of God, read "Virgin Theotokos." Tuesday - before the icon of the Archangel Michael.

Prayer to Archangel Michael

O Lord God the Great, king without beginning! His archangel Michael went to help me, Thy servant (name) is withdrawn me from my enemies of all things visible and not visible. About Prechudny Lord Archangel Michael, pour world of good for his servant (name), who prays to you and calling your name be holy. Oh, hear my prayer and accelerator to help me, O Lord prechudny shestokrylaty Archangel Michael, the first prince, governor of the heavenly powers, cherubim and seraphim, destroyer of demons, the prohibition to all my enemies who are fighting with me, he created them, for they sheep and develop their Jacobian dust before the wind. About prechudny Lord Archangel Michael, wake me a great assistant in everything: in reproaches, afflictions, sorrows, deserts, rivers and the sea tranquil haven wake me, deliver me, thy servant, from every charm of the devil. About prechud - ing Lord Archangel Michael, defeat the entire opposing force me Precious Holy Cross, prayers of the Theotokos and the Holy Apostles, the holy prophet of God Elijah, St Nicholas of Myra miracle of the creator, the holy martyrs of Nikita and EB staphylo Sergius, Seraphim, Trifon, St Stephen and Iosasafa, all the martyrs and the martyrs and saints of all the heavenly powers. About prechudny Lord Archangel Michael, deliver me from the coward, flood, fire, sword and naprasnyya death from enemy lstivago from storms alluvial and deliver me from evil forever, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.

Wednesday - before an icon of St. Seraphim of Sarov.

Prayer of St. Seraphim of Sarov

Oh great ugodniche God, holy and God-bearing Father, our Seraphim! Look down from the celestial glory on us, the humble and the weak, encumbered grehmi many, your asking for help and consolation. Prinikni us your blagoserdiem and Pomozov us the commandments of the Lord blameless sohranyati, Orthodox faith firmly contain and repentance in our greseh hard prinositi God, in virtue hristianstem preuspevati grace and worthy of your byti about us molitvennago to God predstatelstva. She, svyatche God, hear us praying to you with faith and love and do not despise us, requiring your intercession: now and in the hour of death didst cast Pomozov us atonement for us Pray from malicious slander the devil, but we did not have the force of those, but yes vouchsafed's help thy bliss nasledovati abode of Paradise. In Thee more now pin our hope, gracious Father: wake us truly to salvation putevozhd and bring us to the unfading light of life eternal Bogopriyatnym predstatelstvom yours at the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity, praise and sing with all the saints dostopoklanyaemoe name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for ever centuries. Amen.

Thursday - before the icon of Saint Nicholas.

Prayer of saint Nicholas

About vsehvalny, great chudotvorche, prelate of Christ, Father Nicholas! We beseech thee, wake the hope of all Christians, faithful zaschititel, kormitel hungry, crying joy, sick doctor, on the sea floating steward, poor and orphaned feeder and all the speedy helper and protector, but a peaceful life zde wait and let them worthy to behold the glory of God's elect in heaven and with them constantly sing to Edinago in Trinity worshiped God for ever and ever.

Friday - before the icon of St. Paraskeva.

Prayer Paraskieva

O holy martyr of Christ and preblazhennaya Paraskevi, the adornment of maidenly, martyrs praise, purity, image, mirror generous, wise surprise, the keeper of the Christian faith, an idol flatter oblichitelnitse, the divine champion of the Gospel, the Lord's commandments revnitelnitse, spodoblshayasya Priit to vechnago haven of rest and groom your Certosa Christ, God's light merry, eagerly Wentz virginity and martyrdom decorated! We beseech Thee, Holy Martyr, wake on pechalnitsa us to Christ to God, His own vision preblazhenneyshim ever veselitisya; moth Vsemilostivago, others like the word blind eyes opened, but deliver us from disease our hards, body and soul together; razzheni thy holy prayers deep gloom arrived from our sins, to implore the Father of Light light grace of soul and body of our feathered; enlighten us grehmi darkened, the light of God's grace, but for the sake of your holy prayers will be given bezochesnym sweet sight. O great ugodnitsa God! Of masculinity Devoe! About sturdy martyr St. Paraskevi! Thy holy prayers awaken us sinners assistant, petitions and molisya of cursed and zelo negligent greshnitseh, accelerator to help us, because zelo weak esmy. Beseech the Lord, pure virgin, pray Miloserdago, the holy martyr, pray to thy Bridegroom, spotless Bride of Christ, let your prayers posobstvovashi, darkness is sinful izbyvshe, in the light of faith and conduct istinnyya Divine vnidem in light of eternal day nevechernyago, in the city of gladness prisnago in nemzhe you now light blistaeshi glory and everlasting joy, and singing hymns slavoslovyaschi with all the heavenly hosts Trisvyatitelnoe one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.

On Saturday - before the icon of the Crucifixion or the Holy Cross. If you do not find these icons, light a candle before the crucifix, because it is also a symbol of the Crucifixion.
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