How to relieve premenstrual syndrome
From time to time, virtually every woman experiences unpleasant and painful sensations associated with menstruation. This may be swelling, chest pain, irritability, headaches, rashes on her face. Sometimes, premenstrual syndrome is so pronounced that a woman at this time refuses to communicate with others, she had such severe pain, or rash, it can not appear at work. With such a complex flow of PMS, women often give up their loved ones and to lose their jobs. Fortunately, such severe symptoms occur in only 8% of women, in other cases the ICP had been sporadic, and its manifestations are not so strongly affect the well-being and behavior of women.
A woman can work quietly to communicate with family and loved ones during this period. Although predmentrualny syndrome phenomenon often far from it affects millions of women throughout the world, not to say that this illness thoroughly studied, actually known about him is not so much. His diagnose and study, but doctors still have not come to a consensus about the nature of its occurrence. From the observations of doctors became aware of an interesting detail: Basically PMS affects women or complete, or those women who are constantly harassed themselves diets.
PMS - hormonal disorders, or psychosocial?
To understand how to deal with PMS, it was necessary to examine the nature of its occurrence. Nowadays there are enough strong evidence that PMS is related to hormonal balance. Since the week before menstruation in women will actually change the content of progesterone and estrogen, and in women experiencing menopause there is nothing similar to PMS. It would seem that the nature of this disease is proved, but it is not. The thing is that many women who have suffered a pronounced PMS, changing estrogen and progesterone, there were no deviations from the norm, while others were.
Then the researchers conducted an interesting experiment regardless of the content of a hormone, a women suffering from PMS were given progesterone and other estrogen and vice versa as a result they both assured me that helped them and they began to feel better. The researchers concluded that the hormone has played the role of placebo. In England, tried to go another way, patients who suffer from PMS, were given a drug that prevented any hormonal changes, and despite the patients are not getting any better. Then the researchers thought about what might syndrome occurs due to hormonal changes in a different phase of the cycle? And maybe because it is connected with the psychological state of a woman? Considered the same opinion that the ICP can be caused by thyroid dysfunction, circadian rhythm disorders, seasonal depression, etc. Whatever it was so far one thing is clear - hormonal disorder is only one of the causes PMS, but it is not the only one.
If you come with your problem to the gynecologist 99, 9% that he will appoint a hormonal treatments for PMS. Citing the fact that you have a hormonal disorders, after all, in the opinion of many doctors is the only cause of PMS. In a woman's body should ideally be a balance of male hormones, "estrogen" and female "progesterone." During the cycle of their relationship changed and how it should be, estrogen levels increase during the second half of the cycle, and progesterone decreases. But the thing is the increased number of hormones.
If estrogen is too much, we are irritable, mood me ten times a day, we were overwhelmed by dark thoughts and anxiety. The fact that similar symptoms occur in many women, was seen even 80 years ago. Theory lined up one after another, that change the balance of hormones not only influence our emotions, but also on the physical condition. The trouble is that one theory contradicts another, and to a consensus, scientists did not come. So do not rush to take hormone drugs, which will advise you gynecologist, because the theory and remains a theory, and hence not necessarily that hormone therapy can help you.
Natural regulators of hormone
To cope with premenstrual syndrome should not immediately begin with the chemistry. Let's try to regulate the hormonal balance with substances that contain phytoestrogens. It is these substances help to restore the level of estrogen in the body. Natural hormone regulators, in contrast to synthetic, if not help, then do no harm. But with hormonal pills should be handled carefully. Incorrectly chosen hormonal drugs can cause bleeding, significant weight gain, decreased libido, etc.
For products containing phytoestrogens include sprouted wheat, wheat bran, corn, sea buckthorn, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower and brussels sprouts. Also stimulate the production of estrogen may be cold-pressed flax seed oil, calendula and chamomile. If in the morning and evening brew chamomile tea, then soon you will forget about PIP. The only drawback to this method of treatment - will need to be patient before the changes come. Phytoestrogens accumulate in the body after a while.
Treat PMS vitamins
Another common opinion concerning the causes of PMS - a lack of calcium in the body. Therefore, milk, cottage cheese, yogurt - should be firmly entrenched in your diet. If a dairy product you are indifferent or do they not tolerate calcium can be obtained from soy, leafy greens, sesame and beans. In parallel with these products should eat foods rich in vitamin D, because calcium is absorbed much better. Foods containing vitamin D is cod liver, herring, Atlantic, spinach and eggs. Also do not forget about the B vitamins, especially beneficial in the treatment of PMS is vitamin B6. It is these vitamins are involved in regulating estrogen levels. To get this vitamin from foods should be consumed liver, bananas, yeast, potatoes.
Very useful also is a trace element, like a magnet. The fact that many women experience before menstruation fairly strong abdominal pain, and magnesium together with calcium will prevent severe muscle contractions. Magnesium deficiency leads to spasm, so a woman tormented by pain. Taking regular magnesium, the muscles are relaxed before menstruation, and the woman would not be torturing pain. In order to provide the body with enough of this trace element, type in your diet the following products: squash, plums, walnuts, whole grains, wheat, oats, buckwheat, tomatoes, almonds, chicory, olives. But the sweet is desirable to give at least 10 days before menstruation. Usually just the same before the month we have a longing for sweets and fat because of this we Rides sugar, but it is also, according to scientists, one of the causes of PMS. If you really want sweet it could be a small piece of chocolate, is rich in magnesium, almonds, dried fruits.