How to remove damage egg
As I said, using the eggs can not only check whether there is damage, but take it off. Egg is very convenient to remove damage, the evil eye and fears in children. This method is very gentle, as almost does not take strength from the person who shoots. Children, such a procedure, even useful, but adults are especially good wine and dine her.
Eggs can roll out damage, and more often slander egg. I give both ways.
Rolling out an egg
This method of treating damage differs from others that you touch eggs to the body of the patient and thus collect the egg all evil. But now hath need of an assistant.
Put round the icon St. Nicholas, Holy Virgin and St. Sorrowful. Panteleimon the Healer. Washes, read a prayer to Jesus Christ and prayer Holy Cross.
Prayer to Jesus Christ for deliverance from the damage
T ospodi Jesus Christ! Son of God! Protect us with Thy holy angels and prayers Vseprechistyya nashiya Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary by the power of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross, St. Archangel Michael and other heavenly bodiless powers, the Holy Prophet and Forerunner John the Baptist Theologian, the martyr and the martyr Cyprian
Justina, the archbishop of St. Nicholas the Miracle Worker of Myra, St. Nikita of Novgorod, St. Sergius and Nikon, the abbots of Radonezh, St. Seraphim of Sarov, miracle worker, the holy martyrs Faith, Hope and Charity and their mother Sophia, holy and righteous Bogootets Joachim and Anna, and all thy saints , help us unworthy servant of God (name).
Deliver him from all the slander the enemy, from every evil, witchcraft, sorcery and evil people, but they will not be able to cause him any harm.
O Lord, Thy light shines, save it in the morning for a day or night, at bedtime and by the power of Thy grace, turn away and remove any malicious mischief, deystvuemyya at the instigation of the devil. Who thought and did, bring their evil back to hell, For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Amen.
Prayer Precious Precious Cross
No limits on the cross and say a prayer Precious Precious Cross:
D and God arise, and scattered all at once on him, and yes bezhat from His hate him. Jako smoke disappears, so will disappear; Thou melts the wax from the face of fire, the one-to perish Besi on behalf of those who love God, and signs of the cross, and with gladness, saying: Hail, most honorable of the Holy Cross of the Lord, progonyayay demons by the power on you propyatago our Lord Jesus Christ, in hell came down and trampled by the devil, and you darovavshago us his cross Honest to driving out vsyakago adversary. Oh, most honorable of the Holy Cross of the Lord! Help the Mi Lady of the Holy Virgin Mother of God and with all the saints forever. Amen.
After praying, the one to whom damage is induced, sits on a chair facing the icons and the other gets behind him and drives a raw egg in a clockwise direction around the head several times. Perhaps, the head must be processed longer than other body parts.
Then on the spiral down along the spine - the damage is very fond of wrapping itself round the spine.
After that run in your arms, legs.
Important! The egg never away from your body does not tear, even if the return from the bottom of the spine to the hands.
Well all the time to read the plots from damage, which I will give below. Themselves pick which one is best suited to the situation or just to their liking.
After the break-take a glass filled halfway with water, and looking into the water, say: "Lord, make so that was not in my possession anything but truth and uprightness of thy strength, O Lord! Amen "- simultaneously break into a glass egg. Beat so as not to damage the yolk.
Crushed shells in hand in one fell swoop and throw in the oven or on paper. If you throw the shells on paper, then after the ceremony the paper should be burned. Make this should be on the ground and bury the ashes. In this case, read the Lord's Prayer "and the Precious Precious Cross (see above). After necessarily wash their hands to the elbows in cold water.
Lord's Prayer "
No limits on the cross and say a prayer:
About tche ours, Who art in heaven! Hallowed be thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done
Yours, as in heaven and on earth. Our daily bread, Give us this day; iostavi us our trespasses, for they as we forgive our debtors yin lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
The first part of the ritual is complete. Now turn the second.
Take a glass and view the contents. For beginners it is very difficult sometimes to recognize the intricacies of threads, the position of the protein and the yolk. Let me just say that happens every after rolling out:
• yolk covered pimples;
• there are "worms";
• filament protein look like a grave with a cross or a church, the coffin;
• a complete change of the yolk.
Making the roll out 3-6 times, as you learn to see the changes and understand their meaning.
As visitors, poured the contents of cup into drains or under the fence with the words:
From kory at intercession and strong to help, prestani grace of Thy power now, and bless, strengthen and intent to commit blagago cases thy servants product! All the more, elika hoscheshi, Thou strong God tvoriti we can. Amen.
Then wash the glass with the words:
T grumbling and Creator of all things, God, the case of our hands, to the glory of your start, your blessing, and we rushed to the right of all evil deliver, Thou the only all-powerful and chelovekalyubets. Amen.
Then again wash their hands in cold water on the elbow.
During the week, repeat this ritual three times. If there is an improvement, then the next week to make only one roll out, and a week later - the big roll out to make sure everything is in order.
Usually, rolling out three to nine times. But even then you can remove the most powerful damage.
Conspiracy to damage to the egg
With the egg can remove damage and so. Veiled table with a clean cloth in the middle of an ordinary lay an egg next to the key of the new lock. Slander three times:
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. God Bless, the true Christ. I get up, the servant of God (name), to bless, I will go and crossed, the sunrise of the sun, the sunset bright month, the quiet dawn of morning and evening. And portevschiku and koldovschiku would krasnago sun into the hands of zabiryvat, svetlago months from the sky did not push down, net of stars from the sky did not sbiryvat, but I am the servant of God (name), do not ever vechnyya isporchivat and spoilage is not spuskivat any riotous head, nor in the clear eyes, no white person nor a zealous heart, no lungs, no liver, no waist, no porch or in the hands of any member of a secret, nor podkolennyya veins, nor in all my blood. I lock myself as the servant of God (name), an iron key, a strong lock, pull out the same I am a servant of God (name), the key from the lock, put to the warm sunshine, to a light month, to the stars; ipodayu I, the servant of God (name), the key is the real Christ in his hands: the carrier is one key to the true Christ, and to keep from portevschika from koldovschika from portevschitsy and from koldovschitsy. Coley portevschik or koldovschik or portevschitsa or koldovschitsa red sun in the hands take away light from the sky spehnet month, chastyya small stars all gather, and even then no damage at me the servant of God (name), do not sdelyvat forever. Amen.
After which the egg to divide and to pour out, the shells burn and dispel the wind, to bury the lock so that no one was found, but the key is stored as an amulet.