How to remove the evil eye from a child
Children most often suffer from the evil eye. I've already talked about what they are most vulnerable. That's why newborn babies try not to show anyone, even the closest people.
How to protect a newborn from the evil eye
Here are a few simple rules to protect the newborn:
• Qom, that is, godmother of the child, take a piece of coal (it can be burned in a saucer normal match) and at the crossroads to throw over my left shoulder. So it will protect his godson.
• Baby do not show the native during the month. Much as they stand, of course, but strictly keep in mind that not strangers to look at the sleeping baby and do not let too long to consider it.
• Do not crack up and do not let others praise rebyatenka.
• Do not skip the baby for the first time when he is asleep.
• the mother is also unbecoming a long look at the child, to admire him when he sleeps.
Removing the evil eye children

These methods can treat the evil eye only for children who have not yet seven years old.
1. pronounce, he washed the child and pouring water on the floor or ground:
With the domes of water, with a baby mourning. Whence, there merged. Who's child maliciousness, to return to the writhings. Amen.
2. Saying, rolling the body of toddler raw egg:
In carrying chicken egg, not a simple charm. I then egg kata on domes, on the head, according to the shoulders, on the back, the knobs on the breast, the belly, the rump, the legs, the soles, the whole body white. Egg kata, all spells on him dangle. Egg toss into the fire, returning evil with evil.
Then the egg is thrown into a fire and burn or fry in a pan to blackness. And you can break it down into a glass with water, squeeze the shell in her hand in one fell swoop and say:
I'm not trying to pressure eggshell, I crush your ailment. Pressure, crumbling ailments with God's slave (name). Amen.
Egg poured into sewers or bury. Shells are burned or buried.
3. Bending over the sleeping baby, to slander:
In the camp, bowed, Saint Nicholas pray. Nicholas the Miracle-Worker, Bishop of Myra Worlds, world saint prohoditel seas, lands patron know Nicola angels of God, put a candle Nicolet hot, put Nicolet eves gingerbread, and I pray I'm Nicola. Fought off a servant of God (name) from all classes of general relativity. About the servant of God (name) you pray, save it and have mercy, and everywhere with him dwell, unto the Lord and pray for him driving away all the fear in the night, all day Down and Out. Amen. Amen. Amen.
How to get rid of polunochnitsu
Sometimes, the child is awake all night and sleeps during the day. The old women have said that this kid didst send polunochnitsu. This high, dry woman who wears a dark dress, and always bareheaded. It concerns a hand sleeping, and he is deprived of sleep. If you got into the habit polunochnitsa keep walking, it would soon fall ill, can even die.
Walks polunochnitsa often during the full moon day and Andreev (on the eve of the memory of St. Andrew, on the night of December 13), but maybe if the child is her love, at any time to come. Visits polunochnitsa and adults, then they begin to suffer from insomnia.
1.Zagovor from polunochnitsy such. At night, lay under his pillow, metal or sharp objects: knives, lock, key, ax, needle, needle, scissors, etc., and put under the bed, a bowl of water. At the same time say:
P olunochnitsa, here's a lake to drown, slay, turn away from me! Amen.
2.Pered sleep off at the doorstep and say:
T ospodi, send me peaceful sleep, driving insomnia. Amen.
3.How will chicken (any animal, for example, a cat or dog) to feed, say:
By Ury, I'll feed him, I call to my dream. Chickens roost, and I rest. Amen.
4.Berete cup of water in your right hand so that the thumb was on top of the mug. Calmly inhaled and exhaled, and the balance of the air quickly to pronounce:
By ak Matica with potolochinami asleep and silent, never cries, not roars, and my baby would sleep in silence, never cried, not roaring. Amen.
Try to keep the word "amen" you breathed out the last air from the lungs. Slander should be 3 times. Drink water for 3 sip before bedtime. The remaining water to drain on your hands, wash the baby face, hair, neck and chest.
Conspiracies, the child grew quiet and slept normally
Among the causes of child crying in the first place is the evil eye. If someone (not necessarily a stranger, and may overlook a relative, even a father and mother) looks at the child with surprise, admiration, or will express in his words, the child immediately begins to cry and lose sleep. Therefore, babies sleep better under a linen canopy, surrounded by a variety of subjects that gave the evil eye and giving the dream. This is a pair of scissors, small stones with a hole in the middle, salt, etc. If all the same misfortune happened, the evil eye should be removed. To this end, the child must be washed, pre-rinsed it and had some items to which touched many people: the door handle, a spoon, a table. Since the disease will go back to where it came from, that is in people, because it is not known exactly who the evil eye.
Another cause of child insomnia - funk, ispoloh, stir. In this case, refers to any fear of some phenomenon of the child's reality, and the impact of evil forces, polunochnitsy. It is transparent to the adult comes to dityati and bothers him, taking a dream.
Polunochnitsu can not just talk, as I offer you, but to distract. For this we need to make chips out of the similarity of different economic instruments: spinning wheels, axes, etc. - and put in a cradle that she did these toys and not hurt the baby.