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How to remove the evil eye milk

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How to remove the evil eye milk

• Whey is a powerful medicine for the expulsion of the patient's frogs, snakes, and snakes. For this morning on an empty stomach to drink a glass of hot whey. To enhance the therapeutic effect in serum need to add a few drops of water svyachenoy.

• To cleanse the human body after winter flowers thorns pour hot whey, argue and drink in the morning on an empty stomach.

• Serum, cooked with garlic, treats chronic cough, protects against the plague and poisons.

• Infusion of green pine cones on the serum well helps with chronic venereal and arthritic pains.

• dandruff on your head should be 2 3 times a week to wash the hair with warm serum.

• If constipation in the morning on an empty stomach you need to take a warm whey.

• With frequent vomiting in the morning on an empty stomach to drink milk.

• Feather pinnate to steam the milk and as a poultice applied to the craw, and dairy napar take inside.

• Green peel walnuts, boiled with goat's milk is used by intoxication.

• from the tumor and sprains using cream or milk soap.

• When scarlet fever should drink warm mare's milk.
• When you cough helps the hot milk with a bitter peppers.

• When erysipelas is applied to the sore spot sour milk.

• warm boiled milk is used as compresses for colds, especially in children.

• bites and cuts with warm boiled milk with vodka in a 1:1 washed the sore spots.

• If a person came red patches, use the fresh milk with alcohol in a ratio of 3:1.

• During inflammation of the eye should be washed their 2-3 times a day with sour milk. Human milk instilled eyes in children.

• If you have been bitten by poisonous snakes, then to the place of bite you have to put a compress of sour milk.

• When the body temperature to drink sour milk.

• During the bumps and bruises are well attached to the patient place a cabbage leaf, soaked in sour milk.

• The best time to treat milk - it is spring and early summer.

• Sour milk and cream well help with frostbite.

• lumbago meadow grass for three days kept in sour cream and then smear the sore spots with scabies.

• Butter and cream are used for weeping rashes.

• Wet zoster treated with the ointment of the frayed walnuts and sour cream.

• butter smeared children gums to teeth erupted without pain.

• With chronic infection and purulent wounds apply fresh curd.

• Which of people have accumulated mercury in the joints, well to goat's milk. Milk binds heavy metal and removes it from the body.

• hot milk to rinse your mouth with sore throat, swelling tongue and tonsils.

• If you must drink jaundice cottage cheese whey.

• From fresh milk enema makes ulcers in the uterus, and goat's milk is useful for ulcers in the bladder.

• Milk is applied ulcers pubic women - it soothes the pain and burning.

• To quench the burning in women's nipples fennel cooked in milk and apply to the sore spot.

• pounded into powder watermelon seeds in milk used for uterine bleeding.

• Fresh fruit of cherries and milk used for arthritis.

• Yoghurt terminate the patient debilitating fever.

• Milk is an antidote to the person opoili bleached. It restores his mind.

• Yoghurt is useful to patients with dysentery, as well as inflammation of the liver and stomach.

• The ulcers in the mouth of children should be lubricated with a mixture of the sore spots of sour milk with honey.

• Yoghurt helps with all the food poisoning.

• Yoghurt with chopped boiled root of sorrel as a paste is used for scabies.

• Sour milk and cream well help with frostbite.

• If vaginal zudah associated with diabetes in 0,5 L of boiling milk to throw the crushed clove of garlic, drain. Before irrigation rinse sore spot soda solution, and then douche with milk.

• If a woman's milk to drip into the eyes, soothe the pain and eliminate the thickening of the eyelids. And if you drip into your ear, it will soothe the pain and swelling will resolve hot.

• Milk and honey helps with ulcers in the intestine.

• If the milk to extinguish hot iron and drink to those who have ulcers in the intestine, it helps scarring ulcers.

• When eczema and shingles must take 3chasti sour milk and 1 part chopped brimstone. Mix all the ingredients. 2-3 times a day to lubricate sore spots.

• Milk quality can be checked as follows: Boil some milk and drop on the nail. Good milk nail to drain.

• When sciatica is necessary to drink goat's milk, and milk to make a compress and put on the sore spot.

• Yoghurt good thirst quencher.

• If a burning sensation in the bladder to drink goat's milk.

• Women's milk mixed with egg white, heals dry eyes.

• When inflammation of the eyelids on the affected area is necessary to put a compress of sour milk and wormwood.

• Fresh cream is used in septic rashes on the body, scrofula, various abscesses. Particularly well in these cases helps the so-called 'warm mushroom "(in warm serum to pour fresh milk, which sours and turns into a viscous adhesive mass).

• Sour cream, pounded with horseradish, is used externally for acne and skin eruptions.

• Milk, fresh pork fat good treats chronic bronchitis.

• Cracks in the hands and feet are treated with fresh cream.

• If septic wounds and boils tablespoon fresh herbs Boudreau ordinary carefully grind with 3stolovymi spoonfuls of fresh butter and a thin layer applied on the sore spot.

• For painless cutting teeth in infants, their gums washed with fresh goat's milk, or smeared with butter.

• For the fastest cutting teeth in infants taken in equal parts of milk and your new birch sap used for washing the gum.

• Milk from tar give children from smallpox. How old is your child, the same number of drops dripping tar.

• In the fresh goat milk is boiled young leaves and flowers cherry. Taking this medicine inside a well helps with pulmonary tuberculosis.

• In many places, with different skin diseases, septic wounds and abscesses are using the ointment, prepared from 3chastey fresh butter and 1 part of crushed juniper berries.

• If constipation milk Beat until the foam, and then diluted with water in a ratio of 2:1.

• fresh milk treat shortness of breath.

• When should dystrophy pereteret green onions with sour cream and feed patients. Portion shall be not less than the bowl.
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