How to remove the evil eye with salt
Typically, the salt of saints on Easter. Salt is considered to be among the people a powerful tool against evil forces. Svyachenuyu salt brought into the present family in which the child was born. The kid who carried baptized into the church, the hem of shirts tied little svyachenoy salt. In the house, where the unbaptized child, the window always sprinkled a little salt svyachenoy for protection from evil spirits.
Bread and salt, met the young. Salt must be svyachenoy. When they planted a garden, in the first pit sprinkled a pinch of salt svyachenoy to a good harvest. Salt is added to the solution, when put oven. From this procedure furnace burns a lot better.
Great importance against the evil forces have salt, cooked on Maundy Thursday. Take salt, pour into the pan and set on fire. When the salt in the pan begins to "shoot", it must remove from heat and allow to cool. When salt is cool, crosswise, ie top to bottom and from left to right, it should be thrice sprinkled salt svyachenoy water. Little by little inside it is used in all kinds of damage.
The same power has salt, cooked on Candlemas Day of our Lord Jesus Christ, that is, 15fevralya. If you have a house was got evil power, and hand no Chetvergova nor Sretensky salt, there is nothing to worry about. Take an ordinary salt, preferably coarse, put in pan, sprinkle it on her svyachenoy water and put on fire. On fire let the salt is 30-40 minutes. You can take a pan with salt and a few times around all the rooms. Typically, after such a procedure vermin escapes from the premises.
• On the morning of Easter, sprinkle with salt svyachenoy his home for protection from snakes and frogs.
• On Maundy Thursday morning to pour a little salt svyachenoy the nearest intersection of your home for protection from witchcraft.
• Salt, together with the warm water is recommended to take inside with intestinal disorders, bleeding from the nose and throat.
• If poisoning mushrooms tablespoon of salt must be dissolved in a glass of warm boiled water and drink.
• When a toothache, sore throat, sore throat and runny nose several times a day to rinse your mouth with a strong saline solution (a tablespoon of salt per glass of warm boiled water).
• Diseases of catarrhal nature, as well as a fortifying agent is necessary for a week every other day to do the warm bath in which to add 0,5 kg of salt.
• In cold winters, people often ugorayut in their homes. The first thing they should bring in fresh air and rinse your mouth to make a strong brine.
• When a snake bites the bite should be accompanied by a handful of salt and carefully shook.
• If the place burns skin burns should be sprinkled with salt, to avoid blisters.
• During bouts of sciatica salt needed in a frying pan, pour into linen bag and attach to the sore spot.
This disease can be taken in equal parts salt and river sand, heat and attach to the sore spot.
• Small salt, mashed with fresh balm and bandages in the form of drug applied to craw, soften it.
• Salt, mixed with goat's or sheep's fat, well helps cuts and wounds.
• When cholera patient should bathe in warm broth meadow hay, adding to the bath salt.
• When the pain in his legs in a glass of olive oil to dissolve a ¤ 2 tablespoon salt. Rub the sore spots, and then carefully wrap.
• Salt and honey rubbed numb members.
• During a dull pain in the shoulders 2stolovye teaspoon of salt dissolved in a glass of warm water. Sick places to grease to make soap and warming wrap.
• In psoriasis, sore spots wash with warm water and soap. Then, in the affected area thoroughly rubbed salt.
• insect stings should moisten the salt water and rub the bite.
• If you have appeared on the body ringworm from cats and dogs, a 3-4 times a day to lubricate the affected area with warm boiled water and rub with salt.
• When scabies in an enamel pan Pour 1 ¤ 2 cup water and add 2 tablespoons salt 3stolovye. Put on low heat, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Linen cloth impregnated with saline and attach to the sore spot.
• If the adult male was upset intestines, there is a simple and effective way. A tablespoon of salt dissolved in 150ml of vodka and drink.
• If you are worried about a splinter in your finger, it is necessary in a teapot of boiling water dissolve a tablespoon of salt. Sore thumb floating in hot water. In purulent wounds in a glass of warm boiled water dissolve a spoon of salt. In saline dip a linen cloth or a piece of bandage folded into several layers, and attach to the sore spot.
• During the shooting pains in the ears of the salt is heated in a pan, pour into linen bag and attach to the hot soup.
• When polyarthritis and radiculitis well to a warm bath with a decoction of pine needles and adding 1stakana salt.
• Mix equal parts salt, olive oil, vinegar and honey and applied to the sore spot in diphtheria.
• In place of a scorpion bite we had a canvas bag of salt.
• If you are bitten by a bee, we should take equal parts of salt and honey, mix thoroughly and put on the bite.
• Good results are obtained for tumors of the testis following recipe. Take equal parts of salt, honey, raisins, comminuted, crushed mint, and fortified wine. In a drug applied to the bandage where it hurts.
• During bleeding of the gums is necessary in 100ml of vinegar to dissolve a teaspoon of salt. This solution to rinse your mouth.
• If you have nausea in the morning, eat a pinch of salt and wash down with cold water.
• When you boil on the body to take in equal parts salt, honey and chopped raisins. Mix all the ingredients. In a drug applied to the bandage where it hurts.
• Burning salt cleans the teeth of stone, this salt is put into a pan and put on fire in 30 minutes.
• If you mix salt burning half with pork fat and grease with bruises on his body, then they will go fast.
• One part of salt to two parts olive oil applied to burns with fire, prevent the formation of blisters.
• When gout in a glass of olive oil should dissolve a tablespoon of salt, a tablespoon of flour and a tablespoon of honey. Ointment to rub in sick members.
• When warts and ulcers on the body must take 3chasti chopped onion and 1 part fine salt. Mix all the ingredients, put on sore spots.
• If angina salt mixed with vinegar and keep your mouth closed, pumping tongue