How to remove the evil eye with water
• Water svyachenaya in the church, helps with all kinds of corruption and evil eye. Water is considered to be particularly strong Jordan (18yanvarya), Epiphany (19yanvarya) Sretenskaya (15fevralya) Spasovski (19avgusta).
• When the evil eye to human svyachenoy sprinkle water and allow the same water to drink. If bewitched child, it is necessary to wash svyachenoy water and allowed to drink a few sips of water.
• For all diseases, especially skin, on Maundy Thursday before sunrise to take a shower.
• For all types of spoilage well help bath. Type in a warm water bath 36-38 ° C, a cross svyachenuyu pour water, ie top to bottom, left to right. Get in the bath so that the water was just above the waist.
When taking a bath, read the prayer from witchcraft. If during the water treatment of you will go wrong voice, or after a bath on the body rashes or bruises - nothing terrible, it began the process of getting rid of witchcraft. Very good in a bath add a tablespoon of salt.
• Saints and drink water to cleanse your soul from sin. Svyachenoy water sprinkled in the house.
• Svyachenuyu water is used for all physical and particularly mental illness.
• Water is drawn from the three Krynica before sunrise, good help for all types of spoilage.
• The best and healthy water from a spring or spring.
• Good health water, which flows from east to west, ie in the course of the sun.
• Water with a clay riverbed preferable than water with a stony riverbed, because clay purifies water.
• The water that comes down from high places, if you have other advantages better.
• Water, which flows from a spring and opened the wind and sun, protect from witchcraft.
• For all types of damage are well helps untouched water that is taken from springs, wells or columns. Nepochatoy water called because no water in front of you is not gaining.
Once you score untouched water, do not look back, whoever you did not call.
The strongest untouched water is one that is taken in the night from Wednesday to Thursday.
If you live in apartment buildings, it is necessary to recruit untouched water immediately after midnight to the first drop of water got into the tank.
• When paralysis, headaches, hemorrhoids, gout, trembling limbs in the morning on an empty stomach one should drink the water untouched.
• Fresh well water will be better absorbed by your body, if the day before drinking it is separated in a clay jar with wide mouth.
• If you are belching after dinner, you should drink a glass of cold water.
• When you have insomnia, make a compress of cold water on his forehead.
• Bleeding from the nose can be stopped by applying soaked in cold water, a towel to his forehead and neck.
• Warm foot baths are useful in headache, dizziness, ringing in the ears.
• Hiccups attacked - Drink small sips of cold water.
• Do not let anyone drink the water over the threshold.
• Do not let the alien people to drink from your family circles. You can start the family troubles and scandals.
• In the evening, do not pour water from a bucket on the ground where you walk, so as you can get sick.
• Kupala water taken on Midsummer, drop down the bed to avoid bed bugs were carried out.
• To ensure normal functioning of the stomach and intestines should drink cold water for half an hour before meals.
• Drinking water should go to bed and getting up from bed.
• At night, before drinking the water, you need to rename it, and cross your mouth.
• A large number of water drunk at night provokes disturbing dream.
• Do not overdo it with mineral water.
• Honey water stops monthly bleeding in women, as well as vomiting and bleeding hemorrhoids.
Preparation of honey water: the enameled pan pour 2chasti fresh water and 1 part honey. A pot to put on a slow fire and boil until until three parts will remain two parts. Take honey in 50ml water should be 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals. Before the revolution in the villages of women defined their pregnancies with honey water. Morning before breakfast drink 100ml of honey water. If the abdominal navel area began rumbling, it speaks about the pregnancy.
• Constant change drinks have harmful effects on the stomach. To avoid this, well diluted with water, wine in a proportion of 3:1.
• Salt water is a human eczema and itching.
• Bathing in the sea water helps with nervous disorders, tremors of hands and feet, paralysis, numbness members, good heals skin cracks, which appear on the body due to cold.
• Steam from the sea water is useful in cold headache.
• From sea water makes the kind of rubber enema in the intestine.
• The bite of poisonous snakes and spiders, well help lotions from sea water, put on the bite.
• hydrogen sulfide baths are useful for swelling of the joints, and hardening the body and hanging warts, pain, and tumors of the spleen and uterus, as well as for the liver.
• Ice water is harmful and reduces sexual potency in men.
• Hot water is harmful for those suffering with dropsy, and tuberculosis.
• Cold water is useful to someone who wets the bed or suffering from indigestion, good help at strong nosebleeds.
• Do not drink much cold water on an empty stomach, it is advisable to use it after meals.
• Do not drink cold water to those who have a tumor in the spleen, jaundice, dropsy, or hemorrhoids.
• Cold water suppresses sexual potency in men.
• Do not wash your hands in water, which boiled eggs.
• Women during menstruation can not swim in ponds.
• Until the spring of Nicholas (22maya) is not desirable to bathe in the ponds. The exception to this rule is allowed in if you hear a cuckoo cuckoo to Nicholas, then you can open the swimming season.
• The water can not spit, except on the face will jump up acne and will be a headache.
• Avoid swimming in waters after sunset.
• Before you enter into the water, read the "Our Father" and say the following: "Christ was swimming - the water was not afraid, and I'll swim, water would not be afraid."
• The most dangerous time for swimming in bodies of water - at noon or midnight.
• When in a pond while bathing your cramped leg cramps, do not panic, read the "Our Father" and to baptize the place cramped.
• Do not swim in ponds on the night of Ivan Kupala, not to jeopardize their lives.
• Swim in the pond need to cross on his chest.
• People suffering from constipation should drink water in which the long cooked oats or plum.
• maternity give to drink a few sips of water svyachenoy to make it easier to bear.
• Patients with epilepsy is useful to drink Candlemas, Jordan, or Epiphany water.
• On Maundy Thursday before sunrise with epilepsy should bathe in the water.
• After removal of the corpse in the house svyachenoy sprinkled with water.
• If a person buys a cow or horse, the animal must be sprinkled with water svyachenoy and give him a drink from the bowl.
• When the pain in the heart of drinking water, which was washed interior of the bell in the belfry.