How to remove wrinkles with magic
Work only thought-forms. See, they can work wonders! Imagine that lie in a forest glade. Summer, you warm gentle sunshine. Here on the forehead fell sunshine. He begins to move on the forehead in a spiral clockwise, caresses his forehead, warms the skin and subcutaneous tissue with its warmth. You feel a pleasant tingling on his forehead. Then a cool breeze blew and cooled her forehead. Then he ran tingling on his forehead: not a bunny, and some fell on whiskey, cheeks and crept downward spiral, in part - to the ears. The same spiral went on the nose. Are: a tingling, then - a breeze. And repeated. "Bunny" warms, gives energy to heat, which burns a negative, blemishes and wrinkles. Tingling - an energy that restores energy links between the originating new cells. "Breeze" cools and gives energy to the cold, which codifies the previous processes of skin renewal. Skin becomes clean, fresh and young.
There is another way of rejuvenation. Mentally imagine his face, the skin surface, consider her inner eye, look for wrinkles, but do not confuse them with the mimic wrinkles. Longitudinal wrinkles mentally stretched in different directions, and horizontal - up and down, stroking them. At the same time feel a slight warmth. Presents a new flexible skin surface, its smoothness and freshness. You can also work with the wrinkles on the arms, chest, neck. But in any case, mental rejuvenation of one site in the process of rejuvenation include the entire body. And another way to rejuvenate - energetic massage. A good rub palms so that they become hot. Keep right hand at 10 cm from the right eye. Clockwise to make three rotational movement in front of the domain of the right eye and centuries, not touching the skin, providing a mental set: "I smooths out fine lines, wrinkles disappear." In this case, you represent that you really smooths out the wrinkles by hand, they disappear, the skin is rejuvenated. Then clenched his fists, visualizing that was removed from the area of negative energy, squeezed it into a fist and shook off the side down on a candle flame. Negative burns in the fire. Repeat this exercise 3 times. The same thing - with the left eye, with the mouth and at the end of the session - before the whole person.
Massage does not last long - 1-2 minutes. The result you'll see soon enough. And do not rush to operate and draw their wrinkles! And this ceremony will help to return your child to a normal life, if there was trouble with it - sucked street, bad company, did not go to school. Be patient - the rite is a long time before the result, but each of it - his own. Every day, read one chapter of the Gospel, after reading a special prayer. Once read all four Gospels, begin reading again. Only patience and your belief will help your child get on a new path in life. Prayer, which is read before the Gospel: "Save me, save and have mercy, O Lord, Thy servant (name) Slovesami Divine Gospel that M of salvation, both spiritual and physical health Tvogo servant (name), and got thorns all his transgressions both voluntary and involuntary, and grant him the grace of thy Holy Spirit to cleanse, Searing and sanctifying the whole person. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.