How to resist the influence of selfish?
Selfishness - qualities of different people in different ways. Egocentric type of perception suggests that a person puts his own "I" in the first place, he is convinced that everything was created only to satisfy his needs, and people around him - is not self-valuable person, as only a means to achieve its objectives. People with type egocentric perception seek to create maximum comfort and convenience for themselves. In dealing selfish, usually leaders, they control the conversation. Dialogue with people like a dialogue of the deaf: your partner can not hear you, it is absorbed only by our own thoughts, only to himself, often fond of his own speech, turning the dialogue into a monologue.
Selfish love to talk about themselves, about their problems, affairs, successes. The danger from contact with the egocentric can come only if you think of the category of people with a weak character. In this case, you may be influenced by your buddy: He can take you into the bank, to issue their own interests for yours, may successfully manipulate your opinion. How to resist the influence of an egotist? resist the influence of egoists is very simple. Egoists are actually very vulnerable people: they are proud and narcissistic so that they can ignore or dislike izdevok others. If you want to get rid of the interlocutor's self-centered, it is best to begin to discuss its shortcomings and disadvantages. For example, your partner touts his own business acumen and says successful transaction for which he received large bonuses.

You may remember last year quite by chance a commercial campaign that your friend is miserably failed. After a not very correct mention of his failure, your partner just wants to interrupt the conversation, he can remain an unpleasant aftertaste from your conversation. If you do not want to spoil the relationship, but do not know how pokorrektnee interrupt the story - then start praising his talents and achievements. Flattery and compliments - it's the best medicine for egoists. Convince your colleague that you're a true fan of his talent, after such dithyrambs he finally relax - you can safely leave, citing the important things. Impression on your interview, you do not mess: from your colleagues, just leaving only fond memories of conversations with you, and you will find yourself in the eyes of his status is very clever and interesting interlocutor.