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How to respond to comments

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How to respond to comments?

How do you feel about comments? Do they hinder you in reaching an agreement in conversation or hinder? Probably not interfere, because the person without comment - a person without their own opinions. Remarks interlocutor mean that he actively listens to you, monitors your performance, carefully examine your arguments and considering all. Therefore, comments and arguments of his interlocutor should not be perceived as obstacles in the course of the conversation, on the contrary, they facilitate the conversation, as indicated:

-Started a general topic of your conversation partner interest;

, In which the provisions have yet to convince the interlocutor;

-He thinks the source of the essence of the case.

There are the following types of comments.

Rules of "good taste".
The interviewee is not always right, but often you better recognize him right, especially in the details.

Comments and objections - these phenomena are common in any conversation, so do not feel accused, who must be protected.

One should always try to look at the comments buddy from his point of view, that subjectively. Objective cause comments can often be some trifle.

At the time of the comment interlocutor rarely stays calm. Waiting for your reaction, it becomes very sensitive to any sign of your confidence or inattention. In such situations, you must completely control their behavior so as not to "pour oil on fire."

Cause of the "inferiority complex" of your interlocutor can be comments. They require more attention and caution as in case of abuse it as an individual case could end up before the scandal.

No need to draw conclusions about the insincerity of your interlocutor as long as does not really prove that he is telling the truth.

Any disagreement with the observations needed to exhaustively explain the companion as a valid refutation of the remarks may increase your chances of success.

At an emotional reaction companion should be aware that with an excited and agitated man can hardly talk turkey.

The interviewee should always feel that you treat his comments seriously and consider it carefully before you give a definitive answer.

It should help the other person's comments and objections, to try to ascertain the reasons for its unspoken displeasure or excitement.
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