How to restore much needed self-esteem?
Parting rarely is beneficial to women's self-esteem. If, left alone, you no longer feel beautiful, seductive and in demand in the market potential bride, an urgent need to raise their rates. One of the essential rituals of - rebuilding the shattered self-esteem. You've already gone through all the possible executions in the beauty salon, updated dressing room and got a lot of compliments about its transformation from best friends. But you is not enough. How to restore much needed self-esteem? All the same, the surest way to feel beautiful, desirable woman - is to get verbal confirmation from the men. And it's better not verbal, and written! And even better, so as an expert made a beautiful stranger. Familiar men do not count! They can flatter. Or simply ignore your transformation by the length of your communication. Or be biased. The surest way to collect the maximum amount of enthusiastic feedback about their unearthly beauty - the Internet.
Leave your profile with a photo on a dating site. You will not rebound on the network suitors. You'll receive a half-dozen flaming letters a day, where strangers, as wonderful, and not so will all the details to describe why you give them so much. Admit it, it's great and the mood lifts, and self-esteem. You'll be surprised, but the Internet can become acquainted with many men dying breed called "real romantic."
Some messages can be so poetic and highly, that you want to save them to memory (to lift your mood or even ever show his grandchildren). Just do not take all the letters are too close to my heart. Say what you like - on the Internet is full of crooks, cads, vulgar. A passionate letter from a romantic admirer could be a simple attempt to unleash you on the sex. And vice versa - a simple letter to the unprepossessing style type ... well, as they say ... you're my type like you. You're cool and stuff "can be absolutely sincere expression of feelings.
Trying to understand the seriousness of all of the network of fans is meaningless. And then: you're not looking for a life partner. You're looking for confirmation of their feminine allure. And because the algorithm online therapy is simple: post profiles with photos, you collect a rich harvest of letters; reject all stupid, boorish, vulgar (and forget about them forever! Little did the world of idiots?) Leave all the most passionate, romantic, inspiring.
Respond to them can be. In this case, netiquette do not preclude the girl most actively fish for compliments with phrases like: "Tell me, what I liked you?" Just do not get too carried away. Remember: no matter how wild or was your virtual life, the real you, it still will not replace. Cer record number of suitors the web, and then come back to the living world of people upgraded and radiant confidence in its appeal.
Order a prince on a white horse
Let's first define who you are looking for. "How is it whom? - You ask. - I'm looking for a man! "The question is: why? For those who are in response to shrugs and mumbles something like "not to be alone," advised to return to the previous forty-four rules of separation and re-read them more closely. It is obvious that you are not yet ready for a new relationship. And the plant as a boyfriend of a domestic animal "just to be" - firstly, cruelly, and secondly, it is meaningless. Such a relationship will not last, and you'll be forced to survive this difficult procedure called "separation" again. However, for those girls who clearly knows what he needs now is a man, there's good news. Are you ready for a new relationship! It only remains to decide: what kind of relationship you are now fit and, accordingly, a boyfriend to look for?
If you are the most yearned for sex and each new day of abstinence you like torture, you need a resort-style novel. For this novel does not necessarily go to the resort (though on vacation, of course, find a partner to enjoy hanging out a lot easier). However, in your hometown for sure there is a suitable candidate. What is required of such a candidate? Yes, one small thing! He must be sexually attractive and are always ready to share it with you. Of course, you not bring such a battle boyfriend to visit his parents.
So what? You got the other goal. You should not confuse sexual attraction with the relationship. You simply satisfy their needs and have a good time. Do not make a good lover, bad boyfriend. Does not require him something he can not give you. Give up on all commitments. Nobody owed nothing to anybody. Enjoy the ease of your relationship and wondered how long they will last.
If the sex you just a little, start to look for love. Think about what qualities would you like to see in your favorite. But be realist. Do not expect to meet a man with the intellect of Einstein, Brad Pitt's good looks and a bank account Abramovich, who while happy to be weed beds in the country your parents. Make a list of essential qualities, which will be three mandatory five aspirational and somewhat forgivable. For example, a "mock" your new love might look like:
- Required: a beautiful, successful, with a sense of humor.
- Desirable: kind, understanding, passionate, affectionate, intelligent.
- Forgivable: smoker, loves watching football, a little jealous, can be diluted.
When you're mentally smodeliruesh those relationships that you need now, and the man who can give them to you, much easier. Firstly, it will accelerate the process of searching for new love. And secondly, it allows you to not think about the former. Especially in the case, if you are badly yearned for sex, but new men are able to satisfy your longing, yet on the horizon does not appear. Do not be tempted to meet with former lover "one single time for a nostalgic lovemaking. You risk to go back to their original positions.