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How to return the love without magic

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How to return the love without magic
When we love we give part of their energy loved one, if love is mutual, then we have to answer some of the energy from the beloved, thus replenishing their own. Energy transfer stops when one ceases to love another, he goes away, taking part of our energy. What to do in this situation? Many decided to apply to the wizards to make a love spell. Try to resist this temptation, because, first, a love spell - first of all violence against the will of another person's invasion of its energy, and for such actions sooner or later have to pay, and the price will be high. Secondly, your relationship with someone you're forced to hold about yourself, will never be like before and you never know what you will hurt patients - separation or "love under duress."

It also happens that the magicians offer to refund you only the portion of energy which took away your beloved, sorcerers also called it "part of the soul." The rite will be sent out to you free from addiction and could once again live a normal life, but without a loved one. In this case, the person ceases to abandoned energetic, confident and ready to open our hearts to new feelings, but one who left him, on the contrary began to feel the void, because he took the part of the usual energy that was with him for a long time. Sometimes, to again feel the joy of life the person needs to go back to the source of his inspiration, that is, to the man, whom he threw. It turns out that not using a love spell, thanks to this magical rites can be returned to her beloved.

It is no secret that many of us to realize how precious people - you need to part with him. That's why psychologists advise in such cases "to let" situation, to give the partner time so he could feel his loss. In some cases this is a very effective method for restoring relations. Of course, this method would be effective is not for everyone, because the causes of separations are different, as the nature of the relationship.

If we consider the love from the perspective of exchange of energy, the perfect love involves an energy exchange in which both partners feel optimism, elation, joy and comfort. Of course, the important role energy plays in addition to interoperability, which is the basis of union. Find your destiny is not so easy, and usually we take the random impulses of true feelings, when in fact we have not yet found a true love. On leaving, do not despair, who knows, you might even luck and do not need to return. Of course, it is very easy to talk and write about it, but incredibly difficult to perform because the heart is not stone, so let's all go to the same practical advice - how to get lost?

To start analyze what type women interested in your half. You will not emulate it, of course, but tune in to what you have to really change. Review your wardrobe, get rid of the faded and boring stuff, buy a bright, fashionable, creative! Pay attention to the figure, no need to reassure yourself that you are no longer a girl and two children - that's no reason swim fat! So sit down quickly on a diet, go to the pool or gym. No one is forcing you to drive yourself to the parameters of 90-60-90, but getting rid of a pair of three extra pounds, you will look and fresher and younger. Most importantly do not make the victim, if you continue to communicate with the former - let him see you prettier, and fun, and that he thought that apart from him you are not wanted? You must call the interest of a partner.

By the way, is not always crazy love casts our favorite in the arms of another woman, often to blame for the energy changes that occur to us throughout our lives. From 4 to 14 years we have is an active energy exchange because we are like sponges absorb information around the world looking for himself, trying to take its place under the sun. This explains the aggressiveness of adolescence, we are trying to take their place in this world - this period of Mercury controls. Approaching the age of 22, we were a bit "cool" and start more easily interact with others, this period ruled by Venus, and therefore not surprising that this period is the time the acquisition of sexual experience.

We tried to find a man who shares our moral life, which has a similar perception of the world, who will understand us without words. In fact, we are looking at us like a partner, and subsequently go on revolt, because eventually you want to see with a number of quite the opposite partner. If people are very similar, the feeling quickly exhaust themselves, since energy exchange is incomplete. This is what happens when both partners, for example, energy vampires, donors, or vice versa, or both have the same Zodiac sign.

There are contraindications. Consult with your doctor.
At the age of 33-46 years, we have a lot of change and solve in life, energy balance requires us to double, and during this period, we acutely feel the need for a new love. And it is not necessary that the new partner will be better than before, it simply will be different. Not uncommon for such love saying that waited her whole life.

Therefore, is it any wonder that people in advanced age decide to radically change your life? At this time, our destiny ruled by Jupiter, so we want to lead, manage, teach, patronize. And in the life of a young man appears and interesting, which is ready to look into his mouth. ... Can I avoid this? That the man was not looking for adventure on the side to the period of Jupiter to create an environment for him in the family, that he unequivocally felt its importance. He must feel the chief, he must feel that he was in the family the last word. If you can help him assert himself in a professional field or feel even more confident in this period, you have every chance to be his "last love".

And another tip to generate interest in the partner behave the way you are not peculiar. Try to change those traits for which you are loved. Such changes will not go unnoticed and be sure to cause a repeat of interest. Of course, the build of a contrast is incredibly difficult, but it brightens up the relationship and will breathe new life into them, I think, when the family fortune at stake - worth a try!

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