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How to save the love at a distance

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How to save the love at a distance
The situation forced you to leave ... You stayed home, and husband left for work. Could be good relations at a distance? Yes, if you like! But efforts are needed on both sides. Decision on the departure of one partner to work in another city or even in another country gives heavily to all without exception. As a rule, the final solution preceded by a lot of conversations, arguments, sleepless nights and tears shed. Daring to separation, the couple believe that the only way to improve the lives of the family, though, and realize that it will be difficult.

The result: more and more couples forced to live separately. Scattered in different cities and even countries, they meet only on holidays or lucky enough, over the weekend. And all face the same challenge: how to cope with loneliness? How to make family relationships have stood the test of this difficult?

If you vidites only a few times a year

Your assessment of the situation. He is working overseas. You vidites only a few times a year. In everyday life, you are completely alone. Purchases, bills, problems with children and lots of other things ... You do not have no time for myself.

All decisions - from the most banal, such as, for example, what color curtains to choose, to very difficult, for example, to transfer a child to another school - lie on your shoulders. You always think, what will be tomorrow. Allow you know? But you can not afford to be weak, because then everything will collapse. Fallen off the shelf in the bathroom? We'll have to fix itself or cause the master. You look with envy at how a colleague's husband calls in the car. And again you get home alone with the bags. Yes, and children need to have time to feed ...

There are times when you want to drop everything and run away somewhere on the edge of the world. In this complicated situation, any would say: "Enough!" Without the support and assistance of the nearest person you can simply not cope. Advice that he gives you on the phone, it is very important, but they will not replace his presence. When you feel bad, there is no one to hug and say: "Darling, I'll do anything, do not worry." Every night you go to bed alone and know that it will be many more months. You feel lonely and rejected. It seems that all your conversations with her husband - about the same. You unknowingly attacking him, claiming he is protected and meets the same. You slowly drift apart.

His assessment of the situation. He left because the circumstances were that way. He took responsibility for family finances. He was away from home. His beloved wife, without his family. Even if he had met with some people, it will not be friends, but rather friends in misfortune. He works hard all day, and spends the evening alone in a strange city.

In moments of sadness and longing, he thinks about that now you do at home. Represents, as you dine with their children, joking and laughing. He misses you, for intimacy, for sex with you. He worries about you. When you talk, he tries not to burden you with my problems. He calls you and wants to hear how important it is to you what he's doing. And what did he hear? Claims and complaints. He begins to feel guilty.

Exit. First of all, try always to keep in touch. In modern times it is much easier than before. If you both have access to a computer, you can communicate by e-mail or buy a webcam and communicate via the Skype program on the videophone. With this you will only pay for internet traffic, with no time limit.

When you have something disturbing, frankly speak about his wife: their longing, the sense of loss about the issues. Often repeat how important it is that he does, and how important to you himself. Otherwise you will drift apart.

Ask your favorite tips in important affairs. Instead of blaming each other, listen to her husband. Sometimes there are days when you have nothing. Want to call him and scream: "Why did you leave me here alone?" Do not do it. Wait until calmed down a bit and only call.

Or maybe it's time to go home? No money in the world do not deserve to because they ruined your marriage. If you're really bored, think about the fact that this situation can not last forever. Dream about the time when you will again be together. And during his visits to be particularly tender and caring. Spend much time together. One evening a must to send their children to the grandmother. Minutes spent together, again awaken your senses.

But this does not mean that all the time you must spend in bed. Have fun in different ways, cook dinner together. Remember, what was a wonderful time before he left, look at old photos. Let his arrival home will be for you real happiness. And you will be happy to remember those days when you feel lonely again.

If you vidites only on weekends

Your assessment of the situation. When you have agreed that the husband worked in another city, you did not even know what this will go for you myself. All the duties which hitherto you were divided into two, will now have to carry alone. Every day you have to make their own decisions, because you will not be the same ring to it because every detail.

When he arrives at the weekend, it sometimes seems that he is not particularly happy to be back. Listens to your stories a bit absent-mindedly, as if thinking about something else.

You are thinking, why would you even partner if its not there. You are angry at the situation. You do not have enough of its support and warm words. When you return to work during the week, you would like to tell him what has happened in the day, but it is not. And on the phone just will not tell. You want him to hug, kiss - just that he was near.

His assessment of the situation. Perhaps her husband would like to help you, but it is far away and he, too easy. Maybe he does not even know how many cases you have to do in the week. He feels lonely and unhappy. Evenings alone in an empty room depress him. He would prefer to be with you, sit in your favorite chair and chat about the day.

He does not tell you about his problems at work, grief, because they do not want to bother once again. Sometimes it seems to him that he lives away from you. When he arrives at the weekend, discovering some new habits and practices, does not understand your behavior, jokes that appeared during this time, and feels rejected. He begins to think that now you do not need. He lacks your vicinity. He would also like to hug you and misses.

Exit. Divide the household duties. You can negotiate that when her husband arrives, then a few hours, for example, on Saturday before dinner, spends with the children. They also missed the dad and want to be with him! And you at this time, loans themselves or arrange a meeting with friends. Do you also need to rest, to gather strength for the next week. Worried that do not have time to cook dinner? Dine out at home. Let it be a small celebration for the whole family.

Decide what matters dealing exclusively with her husband - let it be, for example, bills. Husband feels it necessary, and you have diminished worries. On weekdays, more often talk on the phone, send each other sms. Tell him about what was happening at home, even on small things. Talk to him about the children, their upbringing.

If the kids about something you are asked, always emphasizes that previously have consulted with my dad. Let them know that the father takes an active part in their lives. When you have difficult moments, call each other and honestly tell me what you feel.

With the closeness of almost all the same way as with the senses. For example, when we lose our vision, we have acute hearing. When we are far from each other, more important than physical proximity becomes an emotional connection, friendship, trust, frequent and candid conversations and the feeling that despite the distance, you are very important for each other. This necessity forces us to adjust to other forms of intimacy. One way to maintain good relations are reciprocal visits, especially if your partner works in a nearby town. Periodically leave the children with my grandmother and visit her husband. Look at the place where he lives, get to know people with whom he works, and those with whom rests. It is very important. These places and people for some time to be part of your life, they will mention it during your conversations. You should know what he was talking to him for the important things were not strangers to you. If you know the realities of his everyday life can easily understand his thought - is brought together by you. But the surprises do not like her husband - has warned of his arrival. After all, he also has his plans, and he just may be busy. Let him prepare for your visit, such as thinking about the place of the joint dinner. You can make him a surprise by handing a present, when someone will go in this city. Let my husband know that you remember about him.
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