How to save the nerves in the financial crisis
Let's get to the problem of survival amid the financial crisis as an interesting an exciting creative process. To understand whether it makes sense that something in life to change, you must honestly assess its present position on the scale, the highest score in a five. If the score is not higher than three, then this indicates the need for significant change and preferably as soon as possible. Crisis provides a chance to start from scratch, and only you determine how you will take advantage of this chance.
The exact time of Mathematics
Instability makes people panic. Many manage this panic to earn good money. One of my friends decided that the crisis should be overcome by all the rules of civilized society, and to learn the rules, went to a financial adviser. Interestingly, she found that it does not own, and it is recommended, he was respected by people. His services are worth little, a lot of three hundred euros for a friend who listened to the hour and a half rate of the family budget, written somewhere in the distant Soviet times. The young man inspired an experienced woman who can easily lead a "black" and "white" accounts of his family and his own, that all expenses should be carefully recorded and checked, and the fourth portion of the proceeds used to repay debt. He was not even wondering whether there is a lady debts, and what are their sizes. Do not fall into the hands of such experts, because a simple mathematical operations of addition is available to almost all, and a calculator you can buy much cheaper than consult a luminary of Finance.
Look at the situation soberly
Before you start work, you must verify the assets and liabilities. If you are not embroiled in a credit history, the work you have left, although a few fell revenue, we can safely say that the crisis in your life there. It is quite another matter if the credit pulls the last juices, debt exceeded income, and savings, which somehow could stay afloat, no longer exist or not exist at all. That such a situation should lead to think seriously.
In order to assess the magnitude of what is happening, figure out what will happen to you in a few years if the world was not able to cope with this situation. Good job, no debt, the desire and ability to work is a good guarantee of welfare in any period of social development. If you do not know how to work in the full sense of the word, do not want to live in accordance with the funds that you have, and do not plan to change anything in my life, it is unlikely that you are waiting for the joyful perspective. Do you urgently need something in my life coming up. Do this as soon as possible so as not to be excruciatingly painful ...
Survive or to live?
All of us - the incorrigible optimist, and when the financial horizons are bright and cloudless, and many ponabirali loans to live well here and now. If in those wonderful days of the loan was burdensome for you, now it can be a nightmare, requiring brutal economy. Do you know the consequences of the need to always keep their needs and desires? First of all, it spoils the character, violating a habitual way of life, ruffled nerves, and poisons the relationship between constant reproaches. Is this all worth a car or a big house? To survive, we must slightly change the approach to life. Now it is only important to quickly generate revenue. It may be some special courses that will enable consistent with a popular position, as this may be an old car in good condition, which would allow additional hours for the release of undermining.
Now all acquisitions should be assessed on a scale - or will not generate revenue. Anything that does not meet such demands, must be left behind.
Life examples
Many will say that advice is always easier than to adhere to these tips. To encourage to action, and bring some life examples. When it will be difficult, just read them a couple more times, maybe they'll touch up on you some steps that can change and your life.
1. Julia was a good secretary, but had learned that its director is planning to combine her position with the position of the second accountant. She had not gone a fuss and beg. She quickly graduated from the accounting courses and stayed at his place, taking all the additional responsibilities and, accordingly, and pay an accountant. Economist, this company would not accept any explanations and corrections to the crisis and insisted on the indexing of its revenue, prompting the director to take a decision about her dismissal.
2. Before the crisis, a large family friend decided to borrow a huge beautiful house. The crisis has made it impossible to pay the loan. At the family council decided that the eldest daughter will learn English in England on the program au-pair, the middle son will go to America to visit relatives, but free money will be used for the youngest son of a grant for education abroad. All the family members shared the hardships of the crisis, everyone contributed to the preservation of the home. Parents planning to hand over a house for rent at the time, while children will be abroad, to pay the remainder of the loan. And for some reason there is no doubt that all of this family out.
3. Natalia, kind to the grandmother's house, which was a legacy, could not decide to sell it, while often it is not more than three times a year. The crisis forced it to take quite a difficult decision, and the house was sold for good money to help the woman pay for his studies and his son to leave the money for a rainy day. "
4. Christina, who are fluent in English, before the crisis, worked on orders that are picked up for her agency. The crisis forced it to reconsider its position, and she decided to start their own business. So there were courses in English, reasonable prices and that good quality teaching provided a large enough customer base. Once a woman is considered the main motives that compel people to attend these courses, and made the necessary adjustments in accordance with the results of the study, of courses, visitors became much more.
5. Anna, a dentist who has a dental office, offering its clients the service of dentistry in the loan. Despite the fact that it's quite risky event, only one client has not fulfilled its obligations. Incidentally, holding some sort of explanatory work with the client, she realized that the lecture on the prevention and useful to its customers and its business. For only the price people have the opportunity to learn how to properly care for their teeth and what are the modern technology to maintain health in the oral cavity, and Inessa client base, thanks to the lectures, has been actively expanding.