How to seduce a virgin?
My friends used to be a virgin - a girl who is inexperienced in sex and has a large number of problems and "cockroaches" that sex with a virgin is only possible in case of long-term relationship with her a virgin in love, and then hung on the neck, if the It is not time to leave. And all this - a big lie. It's just a prejudice, not more. How to seduce a virgin? " I found the approach with which you can sleep with a virgin 2 hours after the acquaintance. With this approach, knowledge and ability to use sex with a virgin will seem much easier than sex with an ordinary woman. Why? I'll tell you a little secret that will open your eyes. Virginity is not in vogue.
Does not deal in sex - it's the same thing does not have secondary education. Girls dream of losing virginity and want to meet a guy who will turn all the fears about this and well deprive her virginity, it will develop a taste for sex. They crave it. The formula for a virgin: Confidence + Fear + Perseverance + love! That's it! That's enough to fuck any virgins! To begin, I'll tell you how to compute a virgin. The fact that many guys do not know that the behavior of an ordinary girl and a virgin should be different. And so often barred from devstvenits due to improperly chosen strategy. It is important to understand that a virgin - others. This is not a woman who understands and feels the man.
What are the differences from normal virgin girls?
Since Virgin has not yet had sex, she has completely different ideas about relationships with men. Therefore, they are communicating more. It often happens that a virgin can touch a lot more than any other girl. In addition, a virgin is much easier to dissolve in the petting, because usually they do not know what it ends. The behavior of virgin accommodates the fact to attract a man who must take it. Healthy normal virgin has enticing energy, which causes most men desire to seduce. This energy is much more powerful than other women.
Why? It is by its nature must be losing virginity for procreation. Therefore, it is stronger than other women to want sex. Nature has endowed virgins such energy specifically to ensure that they attract men. A woman who has ever had sex, it is not. Knowing how women feel good, I have achieved this result, I feel virgins when touching them. To do this, just need to have a great experience. When I touch a virgin, I just cringe from how her energy excites the animal instincts in me. When you've got to be a great experience, you too can do it.
"Cockroaches" virgin
1.Tak chilling suspense!
What is sex to a virgin? It is a dark scary forest, which is dangerous to enter. It is unknown what fears about him narasskazyvali her friends and parents. One virgin nowadays thinks that sex - is something too vulgar, the other - that sex she does not need the third somebody else. All just from not knowing what it is - sex.
What are they afraid? Fear that sex will not know that. They are building awful "locks", imagining what it is. They do not understand how to relate to sex, what to do with it. It is important to make a pass in the future. To make it even imagine what will happen in this terrible door, what will happen to her. For example:
"Sex with a girl - is not just physical pleasure. It is also a strong convergence of people. You kissed a guy? Yes, but it is not intimacy. When a man likes a woman, a woman like a man - they want to get close and feel each other. Possess each other. It is very important for the relationship with a guy. "
2.Strah that will hurt
Naturally, she does not want pain. And she's afraid of the process. Assure her that it hurt not to be - useless, because it is not true. When you first try to insert into it she will say that you had deceived her, and abandon the idea. So I recite this:
"I have experience of deprivation of virginity. And I know how it should be, and I know how and what will be. You razdvinesh legs wide, and you will be less painful. You're going to obey me and do what I say, trusting in my experience. And all will be successful. Will be painful, but not for long. "
3.Strah breach of confidentiality
It is feared that all you have permission or excuse, shame its the fact that:
a) she is a virgin;
b) you're deprived of her virginity;
c) when deprived, she made faces and tormented.
To this fear immediately dissipate, just tell her: "Our personal relationship - this is our business. I hope you're a wise girl, I've never told anyone about personal matters and I expect the same from you! "
4.Strah that you'll dump her after having sex
Usually this fear is a confirmation that the trustee contact is not yet installed enough for her degree. This is natural, when sex occurs 2 hours after the acquaintance. Surely it would have a fear that you kinesh her after sex. My option to dispel her doubts this: "You whom I took? I guess I'll spend the whole night to post this to you more never to meet? Well, you give! "
5.Ctrah that you are inexperienced and do not know anything and do anything wrong
Say: "I have great experience in this. And I know what to do. Importantly, listen to me, and everything will be okay! "
6.Strah catch, fly into, ruin health
Cock inside her - it is unnatural for her. And all that is unnatural, it seems dangerous. That just do not think a virgin: that flies that become infected, you tear it so that there will be inflammation of the uterus, or that her vagina is not the same as in all. Be sure to say: "You - a normal girl, I see that you have everything in order and I'll prove it! Therefore, you can rely on me. Have never I did not have lethal or unfavorable outcome for the organism. It is only in favor. I also always use a condom and meramistinom and watching the health! "
Persistence and determination
She herself can hardly dare to deprive of virginity, it's hard for her. Therefore, the responsibility must be taken entirely on himself. It will of course be doubted, so it is important to encourage her to do so. I have a great way, which is a good motivator metaphorical virgin. By analogy, you can make up their own versions of metaphors.
The basis of the call of trust is honesty. Speak openly with her, tell as much about yourself. Show yourself with a good hand. Tell her frankly about their feelings, if you felt for her strong sympathy. Tell her this, when you are lying there with her naked. If you say to a woman with sincerity and open it, then it starts to open up and trust you. Trust her, and she will trust you.
If you started - you need to finish. You've got to fuck her, otherwise it risks remaining with wild fear!
The technical side of the issue
This is similar to pulling teeth. I always like and say: "Get ready, it would be painful, but fast as in the ejection of the tooth. An experienced doctor do it quickly and painfully. A novice will try to do it does not hurt, and thus bring great pain and suffering to the client. I am an experienced, trust me! I can and will do it right. I have a great experience! "Most importantly, before you break it, you must be a strongly excited. Good luck to you with your girlfriend, take care of her, because she's your first virgin. After sex, tell her that she really liked you in sex and you want her to do it again and again. Now you have it - the first guy that she really will remember for a lifetime, so behave yourself, I hope you understood everything correctly.