How to set the gap boyfriend culprit?
Very simple! We need to look more melodramas and wind into their heads. And then choose the most dramatic plot turn and move it into his personal life. In movies you can find a lot of tips on how to expose the culprit boyfriend break. I want to tell a story. It may seem that I have retold the story of a TV series or Hollywood melodrama. But it really happened in real life!
Once upon a time there was a girl, Marina. Pretty, sociable, cheerful, resourceful. She was one of those girls who do not get bored. Not surprisingly, she had many friends. And the fans too much. True, the last year of Marina as it settled down and met with only one guy. His name Artem. He was stunningly handsome, charming, and seven years younger than Marina. He just turned eighteen. However, what a difference! After all, he was smart beyond his years, and its muscular, broad shoulders and a stone press distinguishes it from the Marina's peers, who were fully engaged in a career and not been able to regularly attend the gym. In short, they are perfectly suited to each other and their happy, loving smiles invariably cause of envy.

However, there were those who maintained their relationship. For example, Marina's girlfriend, Nina. Nina was a real beauty and famous for its loving. For twenty-five years Nina was already fifty lovers. Marina, who prefer long-term relationships one-time affair, thought Nina, who is like a sex guru. And once Nina has got a girlfriend juicy conversation:
- Tell me, how Artem in bed? I hope the wonderful works? They say that young lovers - the most ardent.
Marina embarrassed:
- Well, actually he did ... very nice, so nice to him, but that's just ... I'm with him have never experienced an orgasm.
- What? - Nina raged. - But how is this possible?
- Just that he is still very young, he has little experience. I want to give him time to himself at all to understand and learn - is trying to justify Marina.
To this Nina broke tirade, according to which any woman should be an orgasm with a partner, and if it (orgasm) does not, then partner idiot and selfish, and a woman round fool.
- But what do I do? - Fearfully inquired Marina.
- Teach him!
- Learn? No, I do not have enough chutzpah. I'm shy. Yes, and how to teach ...
- Relax. I'll help you. Come on, I'll teach him myself. And if a guy can and will resist learning, you will meet with him calmly on, and if not, you pretend that learned of his treachery to me, and throw it, they say, he is to blame.
Ironically and sadly, Marina agreed. However, their plan got on the verge of collapse, when Nina was unable to seduce Artem. Wounded pride girl demanded revenge: she lied to Marina that slept with Artem. Marina, feeling betrayed, abandoned the young man. Nina and they, too, since not been friends ... This moral: cinematic passion usually end up happy end'om only in the movies. In his life to avoid such scenarios!
If the separation is still provoked
Interestingly, and what should be the atmospheric humidity at the time of separation provoked you? Do I need to be polite to make a wry face Nesmeyana princess and let a tear? Many of the girls, throwing their young people, always flavored his farewell speech a hearty serving of tears. For example, my friend Heartbreakers Taya throws almost cavalier in a week and each time necessarily filled with bitter tears.
- Tai, well, why are you doing? - I quizzed. - All in fact well aware that another separation for you does not mean anything, so why portray a sense of who do not have? Do not you think that this gives the base melodrama?
- In my opinion, this is unethical - answered every time deadpan Taya - that is, I want to say: if you cry, parting with her boyfriend, then you develop empathy and compassion. It's a way to show man that he do not seem quite indifferent, and all that ... Well, what sort of balm for the wounded male pride.
However, the so-called "balm for the wounded male pride" often turns into a salt to the wound or farewell headache for the young man.
- Do not stand women's tears - recognized my friend Maxim - to me they are just water. Meaningless excess fluid, the output from the body through the eyes. From women's tears, I usually feel guilty or around a monster or a fool, not knowing what to do now. Comfort? But how? Do I have a nanny or something? And if she roars, informing me that we must part, - it does look to me as a visiting tour madhouse. Goodbye? Do you want? Great! But why dismiss the nurse? You did very well agreed!
Yes, unfortunately, men treat women's tears at parting was not as polite manifestation of compassion. Their options are much more cynical interpretation:
Option number 1. "It's just a fake! Portrayed the love and passion for me, and now represents the compassion and sadness! Phew, I hate all women - pathetic hypocrite! "
Option number 2. "Oh, no, no tears! Now I feel like a tyrant and, like a fool, do not know what to do, how to behave. "
Option number 3. "She's crying? Hence, she wishes to leave with me? Maybe she really does not want me to throw? Maybe it is something something back? Can I still be able to get this back? "
Well, what? Which option do you prefer? No? Then Do not cry, throwing guy. It was your conscious choice, because woman have the courage for him to answer. And does not worsen the position of his former his bitter tears.