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How to solve lifes problems

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How to solve life's problems

I think that any, not only wise, a woman concerned about the issue - how to solve life's problems , if not impossible to shift them to other people's shoulders, nor opened his heart with a cry? It is not everything and can not always afford it. So what do you do? For a start has learned a few tricks approaches to issues because that approach depends on the mood in which we "rinemsya into battle." By the way, sometimes there is no need to act by itself, and it turns out that we simply inflated out of molehills! Like in the movies - but was really a boy? "

I'll tell you a funny incident that happened with my girlfriend. It is eerily afraid of large dogs and a neighbor to testify was a huge mastiff, who liked to scare the poor thing. This monster terrorized the poor woman, as if mocking her. Once again, arriving at the dacha, a friend took ... binoculars. Tenfold decrease in dog seemed to her just a funny puppy with thin legs. Scream, and only!

This method is the way I liked, I tried it immediately: bruiser-husband lying on the couch, was a helpless baby, a mountain of dirty dishes - tiny pile. I got double the pleasure, turning the binoculars: it turns out, if you want a husband can grow in my eyes to the size of a warrior, a pathetic remnant of the salary - a fortune! Of course, for things such as lies, betrayal and loneliness in the binoculars do not look, but you can imagine, and then ...

The second method is to learn as easily. If something happened that we can not fix, we become philosophers - "Why spoil your nerves?" If we can fix something and solve the problem, becomes a business woman and act. For example, you lost your job, your husband has changed, your infant daughter became pregnant. And all the events occurred simultaneously. There is something of a nervous breakdown!
Philosophical approach: that we can really change? NO-GO EURO!

Before you begin to act, decide for yourself:

1) How much work do we need?

2) divorced or forgive?

3) Abortion - NOT! But where to put the crib?

As it turned out later, the two turned into trouble for you to unexpected success, but one problem resolved itself. Intrigued? Make no mistake ... The new work is a new opportunity, wages, and dating. Kid - a nice new troubles, the title "Grandma" and ... the problem with my husband. Under the circumstances, he feels doubly guilty, and thought about the future of your grandson will soften the pain of betrayal. Not whether you are a wise woman, three trouble would be transformed into a ball of endless problems. Try it, scroll down in my head all the options the script, and you will understand what escaped, thanks to his wisdom. "Vivat!" You for it and ten points in a piggy bank.

It is terrible to even imagine what would have happened if this had to unravel the knot of men, for example, your husband. Intuition tells me that ... And that tells you your? Not me you say that male and female approach to the tasks of life different as night and day. Male, and I must say, quite original approach to the problems expressed in succinct phrases like: "Do not look for adventures on his well ..." "And I do unto one place," "Solve the problem as two fingers ...."

No wonder that with such a philosophy they used to shift the constraints on our shoulders and blame their own failures of us. Here are some typical (to pain) situations. Going to the car, the husband behind the wheel. I - "slow down, sign here. Beware, pit ... "Male, of course, makes his own way, and as a result of car stalls. "It's your fault! You climb with his advice! "Of course, he - a clever, and I - a silly goose. Male hanging a new mirror (persuaded - yet!). I - "This string is too thin." He - with the air of a connoisseur: "teach your grandmother to suck eggs!" The result - the mirror remained "the horns and legs, and I was black, which" nakarkala.

So let's discuss how, without harm to the health and without risk to become a "scapegoat" to solve life's problems with our wisdom. This suggests the only correct answer: Give the man an opportunity to act independently, and then "commit follies, he'll come running to you for your wise counsel. Incidentally, this applies not only to men ...

Work, home, family, hobbies - if you learn how to intelligently combine these concepts, we will avoid many problems. By the way, other people (husband, children and other relatives and friends) have the legal rights to these components of happiness, and you decide - good luck of their choice or not. But what if your idea of happiness is not the same? A few standard situations to test "in wisdom."

1.Muzh loves his job, but few receive. But all weekends and evenings he spends with you. What you're not happy? His salary, of course!

2.Horosho, he found another job, gets a lot, but rarely at home. What you are again not satisfied? Oh, he's not paying attention to you ...

3.Muzh works from home, gets a lot, a whole day with you. What more do you need from him? Yes, that "dumped" away and not corn your eyes!

As a wise woman find a compromise and get 10 points in the piggy bank.

Now about you:

1.Rabota like a salary - no. Humiliating dependence on the husband and the feeling of inferiority. Problem? You bet!

2.Rabota convict, decent money, but House scandals. You can not, as Le Figaro - and here and there. A husband is to you - an ultimatum, and you tell him - accusations. Horror?

3.Raboty no, sit at home all have time, my husband happy, but my heart is empty.

Find out that "the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe" - the honor and praise to you!

Deserve their just 10 points.

Female complexes

But perhaps the most intense suffering we cause no real problem (with them, we somehow cope), and those that cause us to our own imagination. Among them I would have classified our relatives, women's centers. On the women's complexes can write a thesis, but will be a little confusing, because the problems are in fact eggs are not worth a damn, women are raised on a pedestal of self-abasement. It's stupid, I swear! Anticipating your sad sighs, just want to comfort you, ladies: women by nature are very sensitive and easily suggestible. So that the tendency to exaggerate his shortcomings (both real and imaginary) in our blood.

Should I be depressed if nature has not endowed you with angelic beauty? A friend of mine likes to joke: "Nature laughed, creating me, and I laugh at her, and made his shortcomings merit!" Imagine a woman as tall as a teenager and with a figure of Hippo, add to it with eyes kosinkoy burr and easy - this is a portrait my girlfriend. Even as a child the whole set of drawbacks severely ridiculed peers, poor thing spared and other unenviable fate of the spinster. And that has made a girlfriend?

There is a saying: the enemy to distract from the main goal and send it on the wrong track. That is disorienting. Do not be scared of this "terrible" word, it is actually very simple: you find the features that will be your charm, and hide flaws by applying some tricks (cosmetics, diet, sports, clothing - the choice is unlimited). None of these flaws, which can not cope. If, however, tried everything, but it did not help - you need to learn to live with it, and do not fool yourself down. How to live with the hated neighbors, unable to change a flat.

And remember that the word "beautiful", "confident" and "happy" - synonymous. Learn how to be happy! Everyone knows that people have a rather strange: it is easier to convince ourselves some dirty tricks on themselves the same tune than on luck. "I'm so ugly" "I was not lucky in life - we have hundreds of times we repeat these words in every possible way. And then wonder why the tide has turned against us? It is difficult to knock at the closed door, good fortune to lure and it's not that hard, trust me.

I know one married couple that everyone gives one piece of advice: think about life simpler! A friend of the girl-student invented a good defense out of trouble: I am from a high tower do not care! And it works, helping these phrases are better than any belief. So, try to start to solve at least one of your problems. Clearly imagine it and give yourself a proper installation. Each morning and before bed repeat bodrenkim voice phrase and chase away the negative emotions. One may recall the lines from a song that fits your new mood: this is too much help. And remember that all the troubles have one very strange feature - settled by themselves. And that life pozhuet-pozhuet, and spit out ...
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