How to start a conversation with a girl?
Do you think many people can just come and meet on the street with a perfect stranger, who goes off somewhere on business and was up to you not care? Survey of all their friends and acquaintances: they are capable of this? Yes? Let prove to you. Need this. 5% of the population is capable of such acts, and then drunk, and then at the resorts, and then in the company of friends. Who met one? How often do you get acquainted with a beautiful girl when you go to work / from work, exercise or walking to the shops, one on one?
And now imagine that you could do it without alcohol, in the normal state for you. And you will be easy to talk to anyone (on the street, etc.), if all efforts and perform the recommended exercises. Probably, people will tell you: why do I need it, we do this all right. "In order" will mean that their communication skills do not develop well in any way. "In order" - which means that they have anything in this field study. When a man's affairs in such a "procedure" - which means that the evening had nothing to do, and the woman who awaits him, well, you do realize that it is not the best, that in fact he does not want children by her, it is from it ... just squander it on time. That's what "okay."
And the marriage of such people is because it's necessary, but not for love, because people are attached to each other and become deeply familiar characters. And then the marriage is slowly falling apart for years. And it means "right"? Or falling apart because one spouse grew up and realized that a child nedogulyal and lost a lot of time. This is the "right"? If I'm not convinced, then you can not take your ass on the couch and go on to burn his years, then you're ready to reading the other chapters of life in 10 years. Then you can evaluate what I'm here talking about.

But if you now start to learn, I promise you'll be much better than just "okay." You will be free from attachments to women. People call you a guru, and will envy you. Simply, many people can not afford to admit that they would like too, so cool to be able to meet, socialize and hang out with the funky and the girls know it's art, they can not decide on this. Imagine how cool communicator you will be when you will easily find the approach to any stranger! When you will have so much practice, as few people dreamed of. When you can establish contact with any stranger in any place, anywhere in the world!
Unlike a bad start from a good
How to start a conversation with a girl? " Usually men initiate contact with a girl like this: "What you're beautiful. What's your name? "The guy breaks down in the compliments, asked her to meet him, and says a bunch of flattering words:" You are so ocharovashka, I'd give to meet and talk with you! "This is just what I call" stupid phrases to start. " Why such a way to start - a bad option? I want you to understand. This is the beginning of open communication. This is the beginning will cause a smile on his face. But it began to show her what a regular guy seduced by her beauty and said that she hears in the 1000th time that day.
Do you think that a beautiful woman knows that she is seductive? Maybe you think that she does not know and no one she did not mention it even once? Do not be naive ... Since its communication with the compliments, you're getting for it banal and uninteresting. Do you remember what the goal - she wants an interesting and unusual male, right? That's why the usual male she gently otoshet, he would smile and say: "Excuse me, but I'm busy today, my husband and 10 children. To reassure her, to show that you have an unusual, powerful male!
The oddest thing that impudent lies women men slip constantly. And one can understand them. Once the training I decided to do a poll. Guys are constantly approached and complained to me: "All the girls say that they have the guys, what do we do?" I gave them a job to do an imitation of poll. The first 4 questions were simple, a blind women to believe that is what we are really questioning. A fifth question was: "Do you have a boyfriend, husband or lover at the moment?"
The most interesting - of the 120 surveyed women aged 18 to 27-y 96-girls was not a boyfriend or husband or lover. It's funny, right? Why did they lie that "busy" when they were fit with the compliments and the desire to learn? Because the stick all the same! One of my friends a girl wearing a wedding ring, so as not molested because pestering her constantly. And interestingly, a very handsome stick, stick to the usual "reasonable." All men know that it is very beautiful - steep for males, and think: "it's not for me." Therefore, a very beautiful stick rare. Often harass those girls who look like is available. Remember this always comes up to the very beautiful.
The interest that you demonstriruesh at the beginning of contact (or pre-exposure), and alertness, which is inherent to women - these are consequences of the basic instinct of survival. Like all living beings, we are working on a response to interest. This is because we can recognize thousands of nuances in behavior that signal to us that the person feels an interest in who we are and what we do. When someone is sexually interested in us, there are 1000 signals that we recognize that broadcast from outside our interest.
Beautiful girl picks up these signals 1000 times per day. If you exalt her on a pedestal, you find yourself involuntarily to her the same as 1000 and others, signaled to her: "Hello. What you're beautiful. " She looks at you haughtily. She's - cool, and got the thousandth confirm this fact. And you need to get back to you she looked at herself with delight that she wanted to please you! It is therefore important to act, and hide the interest as a trump in the game. It should show the metered so that it does not deceive ourselves.
The most effective way - to show interest, then a lack of interest, and again interest, etc. Waves. In order to bring it to fight for your sympathy for herself. And the amplitude should grow. Interest should be shown only when it does something useful, beneficial to you! Otherwise, should be punished its partial or complete indifference, or a stern look, as if she - offending slave girl, who said some sort of garbage. Pretend that you unpleasantly communicate with her.
That's why I use the phrase "ATTRACTING women" rather than "caring for women." Our task - to attract, surprise, because the nature of women requires an unusual male. Now about the name, which is often asked when we first met. Remember: you can not ask for the name! Thus, you are showing signs of strong interest. She must, on the contrary, to show that you do not care what her name is. Remember the rule: it should ask for your name first.
Once you show that more interested in her than she is in you, the woman does not miss a chance to use the strategy of "holding". In this situation, she already understands that you're ready for her to great lengths to be with her. She looks at what you're male, who is willing to be with her and is willing to care for her. And then the game starts in a completely conventional model of seduction, which is called "retention through a long courtship." When it is necessary to show an interest? When communication tied and you are sure that she is also interested in you, then you can show an interest.